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and alighted on an old man, who was walking on the ſtreet; the poor taylor was more afraid than hurt, but the man he fell on died directly. His ſon cauſed the taylor to be apprehended, and tried for the murder of his father; the jury could not bring it in as wilful murder, neither could they altogether free the taylor, the jury gave it over to the judges, and the judges to the king: the king aſked George's advice in this hard matter. Why, ſays George, I'll give you my opinion in a minute; you muſt cauſe the taylor to ſtand on the ſtreet, in the ſame place where the old gentleman was when he was killed by the taylor, and them let the old gentleman's ſon, the taylor's adverſary, go up to the window from whence the taylor fell, and jump down, and ſo kill the taylor, as he did his father; for I can make no more of it. You ſee it was a great mercy for the taylor he had the old gentlemen below him, elſe he had been killed on the ſpot; and that it was the old gentleman's lot or misfortune to die there. The taylor'r adverſary hearing this ſentence paſt, he would not venture to jump over the window, and ſo the taylor got clear off.


George being one night in company with ſome Engliſh noblmen in preſence of the king, they began to demonſtrate ſuch a fine place as England was, both for beautiful buildings and fruitful fields: one gentleman ſaid, he knew a place in England, though they ſhould crop the graſs even with the ground at night, and lay down a crown on it befor a hundred witneſſes, and againſt tomorrow, you would not know where to find it. That may ſeem very ſtrange to ſome, ſays George, but it is no myſtery to me, knowing, there would be enough of them who ſaw the crown-piece laid down, ready enough to come and take it up before to-morrow. But, ſays George, I know a place in the weſt of Scotland, where, if you'll tether a horſe at night, againſt the next morning you will not ſee him. What a pox will take him away? ſays the Engliſhman. Only ſuch people, ſays George, as will take away your crown-piece. O! ſays the Engliſh noblemen, you know what I mean. Then, ſays George, you talk much of towns you have in England, I know three towns in poor Scotland, for properties you have none ſuch. Pray, ſays the gentleman, what are theſe properties? Why, ſays George, I know one town where there are a hundred bone-bridges in it; another town where there