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OF G E O R G E B U C H A N AN . 33 preſent; now, let that man who is here at the time, go and ſeek the other two, and they ſhall have their pack, for ſhe has the pack ſafe enough; but ſhe will keep by her firſt bargain. So I refer to you judges and gentlemen, if this poor woman be not in the right. This made the judges look one to another: and the whole court with one voice, declared the woman to be in the right, and ordered the purſuer to go and ſeek his two companions: No, no, ſays George, The poor woman muſt have her expences, or ſurety for it.' Then the judges cauſed the purſuer to be arreſted at the bar, until the woman got ſatisfaction for all her trouble and expences. So George returned to London unknown but for an advocate, whoſe fame was ſpread over all England; which cauſed many who had lawſuits, to ſearch through London for him, but none could ever find him who gained the widow's law plea.

 George being one day in the country, and coming thro' a village, there came a great maſtiff-dog, and gripped him

by the leg, until the blood followed his long teeth. George, with one ſtroke of his cane, came over his eyes, until he fell down and died upon the ſpot: It is well for thee, ſays George, that I kili'd thee, before thou waſt brought to juſtice, for thou hadſt certainly been hanged for what thou haſt done, and thy maſter ſeverely fined for keeping thee. The owner of the dog hearing George ſay ſo, went off without ſpeaking a word to George, for fear it had been ſo.

 A country gentleman came one time, and enquired at George, what he thought was the reaſon he loſt every lawſuit or plea he ſet his face to, tho' never ſo juſt a claim, the law went ſtill againſt him, George aſked him, Who

he employed? He told him, That he was one of the beſt and ableit attornies in England. Yes, ſays George I believe he may be ſo: But when you go to law again, if you have a mind to win it, when you give your own attorney one guinea, give your adverſary's two; for theſe attornies are much after the nature of an aſs, they will not ſpeak right, if you do not throw a multitude of angels before them; (meaning pieces of Engliſh money, called angels by neme.) The gentleman returned in a few weeks thereafter, and heartily thanked George for his good advice, for he was not afraid now, but he could gain any plea he took in hand, whether it was juſt or not.