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all the speed he could, and gave the boy a piece of money, saying, here, my boy, this is for taking care of my horse; I have paid for all I called for in the house,—amd off he goes. About mid day he alighted again at an inn to refresh himself and his horse, and there he chanced to be in company with his other landlord, who used him so badly; Sir, says George, I believe I was in your house two nights ago. O yes, Sir, says he, I mind of you pretty well. And where was you last night? Last night, says George, I was in one of the inns, and the civilist landlord I ever had in my life; they brought all things to me that I stood in need of, without calling for them: and when I came off this morning they eharged me nothing, and I paid nothing but sixpence to the boy for dressing my horse. Blood and wounds! said the old fellow, then I'll go there this night.— Ay, do, says George, and mind this, when they ask you what will you have for yourself and your horse, answer What you will, Sir. George smiled within himself to think how he had got one extortioner to take amends of the other. So this innkeeper set off on his journey, and rode so late, that night, that he might reach the cheap inn, that most of the people were gone to bed before he arrived. As soon as he dismounted from his horse, the boy, enquired at him, what shall I have to your horse, master? What you will, boy. The boy hearing this, ran away up stairs, leaving him and his horse standing at the door, to his master's room, erying, master, master, 'What you will' is come again?—O the rogue, eries he, where is he? I'll cane him,—I'll 'What you will' him by and by!—And to him he runs with his cane, licks and kicks him until he was hardly able to mount his horse again, and would give him no entertainment there; which