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Mr George Buchanan was a Scotchman born, and though of mean parentage, made great progress in learning. As for his understanding and ready wit, he excelled all men then alive in that age, that ever proposed questions to him. He was a servant or teacher to King James VI. as his private counsellor, but publicly he acted as fool.

It happened one day that a young airy nobleman went into the King’s garden to pull a flower for a young lady he fancied. George followed at a distance; so when the young man found a flower to his pleasure, he would not pull it, but to find it again without further searching, he covered it with his hat and went away for his sweetheart. No sooner was he gone, but up goes George, lifts the hat, pulls the flower, then eases himself on the spot, and covers it with the hat again, and away he goes. Soon after the young gentleman returned, leading his sweetheart to pull the flower below the hat; but as soon as he lifted the hat, and saw what was below it, he looked like a fool; and the lady flying in a passion, sets off, and would never countenance him any more. The young gentleman being sadly vexed at this affront given him by George, sent him a challenge to fight him, appointing day and place where they were to meet. Being to fight on horseback, George gets an old stiff horse, and for harnessing covers him about with brown bladders, with small stones in each, without either sword or spear; away to the field