Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/22

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beautiful building and fruitful fields!--One gentleman said, he knew a place in it where if they cropt the grass even with the ground at night and lay down a Crown piece on it, before a hundred witnesses, against to-morrow morning you would not know where to find it. That may seem very strange to some, says George, but it is no mystery to me; knowing there would be some who saw the Crown-piece laid down, ready enough to come back and take it up before to-morrow. But, says George, I know a place in the West of Scotland, where, if you'll tether a horse at night, against the next morning you will not see him. What a pox will take it him away? says the Nobleman. Only such people, says George, as will take away your Crown-piece. O, says the Nobleman; I see you know what I mean. But, says George, you talk much of towns you have in England; I know three towns in poor Scotland, for properties you have none such. Pray, says the Nobleman, what are these properties? Why, says George, I know one town where there is a hundred bone-bridges in it; another, where there is fifty draw-bridges; and another, where, tho' a man commit murder, treason, or owes never so much money, if he runs to that town, and gets in below a stair, no laws nor justice can harm him.