Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/24

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George being now advanced to years and finding his natural strength and health daily decaying, he petitioned King James to let him return to Scotland, to visit his friends, and the land of his nativity, which he most willingly granted, not thinking his design was never to return. For George had a great to deſire resign his soul and breath in that place of the world where he received them, and that his bones might be laid among his ancestors, which was counted a great honour in former ages.-- So accordingly, George came to the Paris of Buchanan, in the West of Scotland where he visited all his friends and relations before his death. During which time the King sent several meſsages for him to return with all the haſte he could, but he absolutely refuſed, and told him he would never see him again; which grieved the King very much. After this, the King sent him a letter, and threatened, if he did not appear in London is the space of twenty days, he would send his Lion-Herald's for him--To which George sent the following reply,

My honour'd liege and sovereign King,
Of your boasting great I dread nothing;
On your fed and favour I'll fairly venture,
Or that day I'll be whee few Kings enter.
