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BRIDGMAN, Mary Elliott (Mrs. George H. Bridgman), 1495 Hewitt Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Brantford, Ontario, Oct. 31, 1854; dau. John and Sarah (Presho) Elliott; ed. Woman's Coll., Hamilton, Ont. ; m. Brantwood, Ont., Can., June 26, 1873, Rev. George H. Bridgman; children: George Elliott (died), Donald, Elliott, Dorothy Dagmar. Clubs: New Century (St. Paul), Woman's (Minneapolis). Methodist.

BRIDGMAN, Statira Preble McDonald (Mrs. T. Francis Bridgman), 661 W. 180th St., N.Y. City.

Born Warren, R.I.; ed. in schools of Gloucester, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. Aug. 21, 1909, T. Francis Bridgman, M.D. Engaged as college settlement scholar and worker, 1902-04; principal of school, 1904-07; sup't of Orthopedic Hospital, White Plains, N.Y., 1907-09.

BRIGGS, Daisy-Marquis (Mrs. James M. Briggs), 107 W. Elmira St., San Antonio, Tex.

Teacher of expression, writer; b. Haverhill, Mass.; dau. Marquis and Emma (Webster) Huston; ed. Gonzales College, grad. with honors in expression; m. Flourville, Tex., 1881, James M. Briggs; children: Flora, Will Rob, Marquis. Author of one book of verse, regular contributor to Daily Express, San Antonio, Tex., and magazines. Clubs: Bohemian Scribblers, San Antonio Dramatic, Mothers' Congress. Mem. Christian Church. Favors woman suffrage.

BRIGGS, Florence Lucy Chase (Mrs. Warren S. Briggs), 676 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Born Ripley, Mich., Mar. 30, 1862; dau. Charles Foster and Rosina (Randall) Chase; ed. Potsdam State Normal School and affiliated Pianoforte School, Potsdam, N.Y., grad. '81; m. White Bear Lake, Minn., Dec. 31, 1885, Dr. Warren S. Briggs; one daughter: Florence Mayfred, b. July 3, 1887. Mem. The Schubert (musical) Club (pres. 1902-05 and again from 1908 to present), and New Century Club (literary), both of St. Paul. Unitarian.

BRIGGS, Lavina B. (Mrs. Osmand H. Briggs), 16 Kossuth St., Pawtucket, R.I.

Born Pawtucket, R.I., April 23, 1847; dau. Robert C. and Lucy (Smith) Robley; ed. schools of Pawtucket, R.I.; Dedham, Mass.; m. Dedham, Mass., Jan. 3, 1870, Osmond H. Briggs; children: Robert Gilmore, Jenny Sherman, Lucie Claflin. Pres. Foreign Mission Soc.; vice-pres. Needle Work Guild of Pawtucket, 12 years; sec. of Associated Charities; regent of Pawtucket Chapter D.A.R. Mem. Auxiliary Y.M.C.A. Ass'n, Soc. of Associated Charities of Pawtucket, Providence Soc., Consumers' League, Hospital Club (Pawtucket), Foreign and Home Missionary societies. Clubs: Pawtucket Woman's (pres.), R.I. Women's, the Ex. Club. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

BRIGGS, Lida May, 303 St. Mary's St.. San Antonio, Tex.

Journalist, lecturer; b. Tahlequah, Okla.; dau. Joseph Junius and Harriet (Bradley) Briggs; ed. in village school, Sylvia, Kan.; special course in Ohio State Univ.; grad. Columbus (Ohio) School of Oratory. Was on stage for a time; later taught elocution, acting and public speaking. Special writer on staff of Sunday dep't N.Y. Tribune, 1910. Since going to Texas, 1912, press representative Texas Welfare Commission, special writer Texas Commercial Secretaries; inaugurated publicity page features for them in the best Sunday papers of Texas. Only woman meeting with Texas Welfare Commission, composed of 15 of the most prominent men of Texas. Contributed to various papers and magazines, but principally Sunday magazine sections of papers in New York and Texas. Conducted a department of health and longevity in Health Culture under pen-name of "Lida Evandell." Founded in Columbus, Ohio, 1908, the Longevity League to discuss questions of health, philosophy and religion. Believes in New Thought, woman's progress, health culture, etc. Recreations: Outdoor sports, nature.

BRIGHT, Cora C. (Mrs. Orville T. Bright), 6515 Harvard Av., Chicago, Ill.

Born in Ill., Nov., 1860; dau. Roland and Helen (Schlasser) Christian; ed. Chicago public schools; Chicago private school; Evanston private school; m. Chicago, July, 1883, Orville T. Bright; children: Helen, Alice, Orville. Active in the Nat. and State Congress of Mothers, working for the welfare of children through the education of parents and in other ways. Mem. Chicago Peace Soc, Nat. Congress of Mothers (vice-pres.), Ill. Congress of Mothers (former pres., now chairman of Extension Com.), Englewood High School Parents' Club. Clubs: Englewood Woman's, Fortnightly of Englewood. Recreations: Lectures, out-door life, reading, studying, traveling. Universalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League.

BRIGHT, Emily Haskell (Mrs. Alfred H. Bright), 1004 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Sierra Co., Cal.; dau. George W. and Hannah (Cole) Haskell; ed. public and private schools of Cal. and Wis.; specialized in music and languages; m. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 15, 1887, Alfred H. Bright; children: Elizabeth Haskell, George Noyes, Katharine Cruttenden, Agnes Haskell. Mem. Women's Ass'n of the Church of the Redeemer; Women's Welfare League, The Hostesses (social club); Women's Homoeopathic League. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Political Equality Club; mem. State and Nat. Woman's Suffrage Associations. Universalist. Progressive Republican.

BRIGHT, Florence Zetilla, 411 W. Collin St., Corsicana, Texas.

Teacher; b. Corsicana, Texas, Jan. 31, 1868; dau. John Milford and Martha Jane (Storey) Bright, descendant on father's side from Dranes and Brights of Kentucky, and on mother's side from the Whites and Storeys, two old families of the Spartanburg District, S.C.; ed. in private schools in Corsicana and in Sam Houston Normal Inst., Huntsville, Texas (Licentiate of Instruction). Has taught in the public schools since their organization in 1882, in primary, grammar and high schools, also Dep'ts of Music, Drawing and English; has held several principalships of ward schools. Southern Presbyterian; active in Church work, teaching in Sunday-school and Mission Study classes and working in Church societies.

BRIGHT, Marion M. (Mrs. O. Percy Bright), 5113 Pulaski Av., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Mar. 21, 1873; dau. Edwin D. and Abbie Scull (Reeves) Mullen; ed. private schools of Philadelphia; m. Germantown, June 2, 1903, O. Percy Bright; children: Edwin M., Rodman Pratt. Mem. Germantown Cricket Club. Episcopalian.

BRINCKERHOFF, Henrietta Collins, Old Briar Cliff Road, R.F.D. No. 2, Ossining, N.Y.

Born Kingsbridge, N.Y., July 23, 1844; dau. Peter Reman and Abethea (McFarlan) Brinckerhoff; ed. at home with governesses and tutors and always in the near neighborhood of N.Y. City. Has been identified with numerous social, religious and philanthropic activities in the neighborhood of Blair Cliff. Protestant Episcopal. Against woman suffrage.

BRINE, Mary Dow (Mrs), Billerica, Mass.

Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Langley and Caroline A. (Dow) Northam; ed. N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, William Brine; one daughter, who died in 1901. Writer of books for children; has written for various magazines. Books: Bessie and Bee; Bessie the Cash Girl; Grandma's Attic Treasures; Grandma's Memories; Jack; Little Lad Jamie; Margaret Arnold's Christmas; Merrie Little Visit with Auntie; Mother and Baby; Mother's Song; Aunt Patience; Sunshine; Sunny Hours; What Robbin Was Good For; Daisy Dearie; Mother's Little Man; Grandmother and Christmas Eve. Fond of music and plays a number of musical instruments; composer of music and writes words for song composers.

BRINK, Louise, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.

Registered nurse; b. Katsbaan, N.Y.; grad. Vassar, A.B. '98. Missionary, Amoy, China, 1899-1902; registered nurse, 1905, and since then trained nurse at Kingston and Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y.