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Ravenna (O.) public schools and Falley Sem., Fulton, N.Y.; m. Ravenna, O., Mar. 12, 1873, Frank Hamilton Britton; children: Edna Lillias (Mrs. N. A. Waldron), Robert Freeman, Roy Frank, Ada, Ida. Congregationalist. Mem. St. Louis Chapter, D.A.R.

BRITTON, Josephine, 610 Benson St., Camden, N.J.

Teacher; b. Beverly, N.J., Nov. 22, 1882; dau. Joseph H. and Anna (Hains) Britton; ed. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., A.B. '07, A.M. '08, Ph.D. '10 (mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omicron Pi), Recreations: Walking, talking. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; mean, of Political Equality League of Wis.

BROADDUS, Lucy Frances Duncan (Mrs. Andrew Broaddus), 1304 Brook St., Louisville, Ky.

Born Nelson County, Ky.; dau. Charles Young and Mary Ivea (Fox) Duncan; grad. Bloomfield (Ky.) Coll. Inst.; m. Nashville, Tenn., June 2, 1887, Andrew Broaddus. Ex-first vice-pres. of the Ky. Division United Daughters of Confederacy; ex-pres. Albert Sidney Johnston Chapter, U.D.C. (former recording sec); pres. Crescent Hill Women's Civic League; has been pres. Ladies' Ass'n of the Broadway Baptist Church. Baptist. Against woman suffrage.

BROADHEAD, Stella Florine, 130 S. Main St., Jamestown, N.Y.

Born Jamestown, N.Y., April 12, 1859; dau. William and Lucy (Cobb) Broadhead; grad. Jamestown Union School and Collegiate Inst., '77; Vassar Coll., A.B. '82. Became mem. of School Board of Jamestown in 1902, and has served continuously since; has been a mem. of Finance Com. and chairman of Teachers Com. Interested in hospital work; has been treas. Women's Christian Ass'n Hospital for 12 years, Founded Jamestown Chapter D.A.R. , 1900, and has been regent ever since; mem. Nat. Soc. U.S., Daughters of 1812. Mem. Mozart Club, Fortnightly Literary Club, New Century Art Club. Recreations: Travel here and abroad, motoring. Congregationalism Favors woman suffrage.

BROCK, Elizabeth Tyler (Mrs. Charles William Penn Brock), 206 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va.

Born Richmond, Va., June 5, 1839; dau. John Henry and E. S. (Evans) Tyler; ed. Miss Harriet Hall's School; m. Oct. 1, 1863, Dr. Charles W. P Brock; children: Mrs. Edwin L. Hewitt, Mrs. Floyd Hughes, Dr. Charles Bolton Brock, A. Tyler Brock. Interested in society and church work. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Confederate Memorial Literary Soc; mem. and formerly second vice-pres. Daughters of the Confederacy; mem. the Woman's Club. Recreations: Stay-at-Home Whist Club, bridge, driving. Episcopalian.

BROCKWAY, Alcinda Beman (Mrs. E. B. Brockway), 3217 N. Twenty-eighth St., Tacoma, Wash.

Born Iowa, 1872; dau. S. N. and Mary A. (Thompson) Beman; ed. State Univ. of Iowa; grad. in pharmacy; m. Oskaloosa, Ia., 1899, E. B. Brockway; children: Valeda, Gordon B. Became registered pharmacist in 1896 and practiced profession for three years. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progressive in politics. Mem. Illema Club (literary).

BRODEL, Ruth Huntington (Mrs. Max Brodel), 707 N. Carrollton Av., Baltimore, Md.

Born Sandusky, O., Sept. 1, 1877; dau. Henry Clay and Josephine (Warner) Huntington; grad. Sandusky High School, '95; Smith Coll., B.S. '99 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Sandusky, O., Dec. 31, 1902, Prof. Max Brodel of Johns Hopkins Univ.; children: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1903; Ruth, b. April 23, 1905 (died June 1, 1908); Carl, b. June 7, 1908; Elsa, b. Feb. 8, 1911. Fellow in zoology, Smith Coll., 1899-1900; was engaged in medical illustration at Johns Hopkins Univ., 1900-02. Illustrated the anatomical chapter of Dr. Howard A. Kelly's book on the Appendix. Congregationalist Recreation: Music. Mem. College Club, Baltimore.

BRODIE, Ethel Mary (Mrs.), 15 Charles St., W. Toronto, Can.

Born Toronto, Sept. 27, 1878; dau. John Lowe Brodie (founder of Standard Bank of Canada) and Adeline J. H. (Lowe) Brodie; ed. private school (Miss Champion's) and at Morvyn House, afterward Havargal Hall; left school in girlhood because of ill health; followed study by self; married, but has resumed name of Brodie; one daughter: Jessie Dick Staunton, b. Mar. 11, 1906. Author of two articles in Toronto Saturday Night, and one book: The Rose-Colored World (collection of short stories), 1910. Recreations: Music, reading, traveling. Favors woman suffrage.

BROMWELL , Henrietta Elizabeth, 1803 Guilford Av., Baltimore, Md.; P.O. Box 50, Denver, Colo.

Landscape painter, genealogist; b. Charleston, Ill.; dau. Hon. H. P. H. Bromwell (Congressman, jurist, legislator, etc.) and Emily (Payne) Bromwell, dau. of Hon. John W. Payne; ed. at home under private instructors; traveled a good deal in U.S., Northern Mexico and Canada. One of founders and active mem. of Artists' Club of Denver, Colo., and its first sec; has exhibited in Am. Water Color Soc of N.Y., in Philadelphia Art Club, in Transmississippi Exposition, Greater Am. Exposition and annuals of Kansas City, Omaha, Houston, Denver, etc. Favors woman suffrage; has been mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: The Bromwell Genealogy, 1910 (includes genealogies of Holmes, Payne, Rice and L-effler families). Active mem. Maryland Historical Soc. Mem. Baltimore Chapter D.A.R. Active mem. Artists' Club of Denver; mem. Territorial Daughters of Colo. Was sec. H. P. H. Bromwell Masonic Publishing Co., organized under auspices of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, for publication of posthumous works of H. P. H. Bromwell.

BRONK, Isabelle, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Pa.

Teacher; born in Duanesburg, Schenectady County, N.Y.; dau. Abram and Cynthia (Brewster) Bronk; ed. Brockport (N.Y.) State Normal School; Wellesley Coll.; Germany, France and Spain (schools and private study); Univ. of Leipzig, Sorbonne and Collège de France, 1889-91; Univ. of Chicago, summers of 1896 and 1897 and 1897-1900; Bibliothèque Nationale, summers of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1908; Univ. of Grenoble, summer of 1906; studied in Paris and Madrid, 1910-11; Ill. Wesleyan Univ., Ph.B. 1893; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. 1900; fellow in Romance languages, Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900. Mem. Labor Ass'n and particularly interested in work of Child Labor Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Swarthmore Coll., Woman's Suffrage League of Swarthmore and College Equal Suffrage League of Philadelphia. Editor The Poésies diverses of Antoine Furetière (partial reprint from edition of 1664), with introduction and notes, 1908; writer of articles in The Nation, Evening Post, Education, and elsewhere; now engaged in preparing edition of some of works of the Chevalier de Méré. Mem. Episcopal Church. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n, Collegiate Alumnae, Modern Language Ass'n of America, Nat. Geog. Soc. and Alliance Française (Philadelphia branch). Recreations: Walking, swimming, rowing, skating, reading. Taught French at Univ. of Chicago and now head of dep't of Romance Languages and Susan W. Lippincott professor of French at Swarthmore Coll. Has traveled in nearly all the countries of Europe.

BRONK, Margaret Marcellus (Mrs. Edmund F. Bronk), 27 Division St., Amsterdam, N.Y.

Born Amsterdam, N.Y.; dau. Jeremiah Vorhees and Margaret (Carmichael) Marcellus; ed. Amsterdam Acad. and Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y.; m. Amsterdam, N.Y., Mar. 9, 1887, Dr. Edmund F. Bronk; children: Marcellus, Clara Louise, James Edmund. Sec. Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the Second Presbyterian Church from organization 31 years ago to present time; associate mem. Children's Home Ass'n and Hospital Aid Soc. Presbyterian. Pres. and charter