CHALMERS, Hattie Elizabeth, 32 West Main St., Marlborough, Mass.
Physician; b. Boston; dau. Edward and Mary A. (Beecher) Chalmers; ed. Arlington High School, Gleason Private School, Boston Univ. (School of Liberal Arts), New England Conservatory of Music, Boston; Tufts Coll. Med. School (Alpha Delta). Research work on the use of Scopolamine in Obstetrics (Spinal Anaesthesia), studied in Europe, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh; Royal Free Hospital, London, Vienna, Germany. Was resident physician at N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City; resident physician at Philadelphia (Pa.) Lying-in Hospital. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Boston (Mass.); Tuesday Club, Marlboro; Woman's Club, Marlboro. Club: Woman's Professional, Boston, Mass. Recreations: Violin and art. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
CHAMBERLAIN, Anna Mary Irwin (Mrs. Jacob Chester Chamberlain), 1 West Eighty-first St., N.Y. City.
Born Greenbush Heights, Albany, N.Y.; dau. William Patten and Anna M. (Teller) Irwin; ed. St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y.; m. Greenbush Heights, Albany, 1895, Jacob Chester Chamberlain (died July 28, 1905); one daughter: Anita Irwin. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church and D.A.R.
CHAMBERLAIN, Anna V. (Mrs. Charles S. Chamberlain), 4501 San Pablo Av., Oakland, Cal.
Born Virgil, Cortland Co., N.Y., 1842; dau. [Samuel and Elizabeth (Shevalier) Seager; ed. Virgil public school and Miss Rachel Ann Height's private school; m. Virgil, N.Y., 1859, Charles S. Chamberlain; children: Eva Angeline, John V., Anna Elizabeth, Harriet Vinette, Ida W. (John V. deceased). Active in philanthropy, child welfare work, hospital prison work in city, county, State institutions. Written articles for the papers. Mem. and sec. of Alameda Co. Probation Com.; director of Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Soc.; life mem. and officer of Fabiola Hospital Soc.; life mem. and past officer in the Y.W.C.A.; life mem. Eastern Star, Oakleaf No. 8; chairman for two summer vacations of the first playgrounds in Oakland; mem. Advisory Council, Juvenile Protective Ass'n of San Francisco; mem. Child's Welfare League (Oakland), and two legislative boards. Pres. Oakland Club; mem. Ebell Club, Home Book Club. Methodist. Republican. Favors woman suffrage; has belonged to the suffrage clubs for many years; twice delegate to Cal. State Suffrage Convention.
CHAMBERLAIN, Grace Wilmarth Caldwell (Mrs, George Ray Chamberlain), 11 Central Av., Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Ithaca, N.Y., 1870; dau. George Chapman and Rebecca Stanley (Wilmarth) Caldwell; grad. Cornell Univ.. A.B. '92 (Phi Beta Kappa); mem. Kappa Alpha Theta; m. Ithaca, N.Y., 1893, George Ray Chamberlain. Favors woman suffrage.
CHAMBERLAIN, Jean Bosler (Mrs. James Irvin Chamberlain), 323 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Born Carlisle, Pa.; dau. J. Herman and Mary Jane (Kirk) Bosler; grad. Metzger Coll., Carlisle, A.B. '85; Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C.; m. Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 5, 1895, James Irvin Chamberlain, of Harrisburg, Pa.; one daughter: Jean Bosler Chamberlain. Interested in civic, municipal and State Child Welfare work, conservation work. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Advisory Board of Central Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Harrisburg Hospital Aid Soc, Wednesday Musical Club. Children's Aid Soc. of Dauphin Co., Modified Milk Soc. of Harrisburg, Pa. Conservation Ass'n, Am. Civic Ass'n, Pa. Public Charities Ass'n, Associated Charities of Harrisburg, Y.W.C.A., Harrisburg Civic Club (treas. and director), Carlisle Civic Club, Country Club of Harrisburg. Vice-chairman of civics for Central Pa. in State Fed. of Pa. Women.
CHAMBERLAIN, Mary Crowinshield Endicott (Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain), Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham, England.
Born Salem, Mass., Mar. 15, 1864; dau. Hon. William Crowninshield Endicott (judge Supreme Court of Mass., 1873-82 and Sec. of War of U.S., (1885-89) and Ellen (Peabody) Endicott; ed. in Salem; m. Nov. 15, 1888, the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. for West Birmingham, England (Sec. of State for Colonies, 1895-1903). Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.
CHAMBERLAIN, Mary E. Bowman (Mrs. J. C. Chamberlain), Everett, Pa.
Born Johnstown, Pa., Mar. 16, 1864; dau. Col. John McLaughlin and Ellen (Cratty) Bowman; ed. public schools of Johnstown and Everett, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 17, 1883, John C. Chamberlain; children: Mary McDonald, B. Frank, Percy Bowman, Edward A. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Church Aid Soc., Women's Literary Club, Civic Club.
CHAMBERS, Georgie Mar, Church's Ferry, N.Dak.
Born Luana, Iowa, April 14, 1886; dau. George C. and Geneva (Burgess) Chambers; ed. State Normal, Albany, N.Y. Appointed State sec. for N.Dak. Loyal Temperance Legion, 1911. State lecturer and organizer for W.C.T.U. Methodist. Mem. Order Eastern Star of Church's Ferry, N.Dak.
CHAMBERS, Mary (Mrs. H. Kellett Chambers), 142 E. Eighteenth St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. San Francisco, June 27, 1870; dau. Robert Neil and Virginia (Gluyas) Williams; ed. Convent of Notre Dame, San Jose, Cal.; Mark Hopkins Inst. of Art, Univ. of Cal.; awarded gold medal for painting, 1891; studied at the Atelier Colarossi, Paris, and the N.Y. School of Art; m. (1st) San Francisco, 1891, Seymour Chapin Davison (died 1896); (2d) N.Y. City, 1901, H. Kellett Chambers. Painter and illustrator in California. Came to N.Y. City, 1900, and became caricaturist, dramatic critic and interviewer under the pseudonym "Kate Carew." Recently has devoted herself to portrait and landscape painting.
CHAMPNEY, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Wells Champney), The Perry, Madison St. and Borin Av., Seattle, Wash. Summer home, Williams Homestead, Deerfield, Mass.
Author; b. Springfield, O.; dau. Samuel B. (Judge) and Caroline Johnson; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '69; m. May 15, '73, J. Wells Champney; children: E. Frere Champney (architect, Seattle), Marie Champney (married John Sanford Humphrey, died New Rochelle, N.Y., 1906, leaving two children). Mem. the Messiah Home, N.Y. City; Orthopedic Hospital, Seattle, Wash.; Y.W.C.A., Am. Historical Soc, Colonial Dames. Author: Three Vassar Girls Abroad; Witch Winnie series; Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days; Renaissance and Bourbon Chateaux; Romance of French Abbeys; Romance of Italian Villas; Romance of Imperial Rome; many short magazine stories. Club: Sorosis. Recreation: travel. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
CHANCE, Julie Grinnell (Mrs. Wade Chance), 20 W. Tenth St., N.Y. City.
Author; b. Paris, France; maiden name was Storrow; parents American; ed. privately; m. (1st) Col. S. Van Rensselaer Cruger (died); (2d) Wade Chance. Author (pen-name "Julien Gordon"): A Diplomatic Diary; Poppaea; A Successful Man; A Wedding and Other Stories; Mademoiselle Réséda; A Puritan Pagan; Eat Not Thy Heart; The Wage of Character; Mrs. Clyde; World's People; Poems.
CHANDLER, Ada May, Amherst, Mass.
Librarian; b. Williamsburg, Mass., Nov. 8, 1879; dau. Edgar M. and Fannie A. (Bardwell) Chandler; grad. Northampton High School; Smith Coll., A.B. 1900. Librarian Meekins Library, Williamsburg, Mass., 1903-06; head cataloguer Forbes Library, Northampton, 1907-09; cataloguer City Library, Springfield, 1909-10; cataloguer Mass. Agricultural Coll. Library, Amherst, since 1910. Unitarian. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Amherst Woman's Club, Western Mass. Library Club.