Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/239

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Woman Suffrage, editor Woman's Protest (anti-suffrage).

DODGE, Martha Miller, 203 W. Washington Av., Madison, Wis.

Born Monroe, Wis., Jan. 26, 1859; dau. Joseph Thompson and Melissa Jane (Marble) Dodge; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '83; spent several months in Paris, 1882, studying French (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); has adopted two infant girls: Virginia, b. Feb. 6, 3,906; Elizabeth Jane, b. Mar. 18, 1910. Active in religious and philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Formerly mem. of the Maple Bluff Golf Club.

DODGE, Regina Lunt (Mrs. Clarence Phelps Dodge), Colorado Springs, Colo.

Born Evanston, Ill., Oct. 1, 1879; dau. Horace Gray and Caroline (Isaacs) Lunt; ed. private schools in Colorado Springs; finished at Ingleside School, New Milford, Conn.; m. Jan. 1, 1900, Clarence Phelps Dodge (pres. and owner Colorado Springs Gazette and Fremont County Leader); children: Regina Phelps, b. Nov. 20, 1903; Clarence Phelps Jr., b. May 10, 1906. Mem. St. Stephen's (Episcopal) parish; director and chairman of Finance Com. of Y.W.C.A.; mem. first Governing Board of Civic League; sec. and treas. Colorado Springs Art Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Progressive in politics. Recreation: Country life on mountain ranch during summer months. Mem. Lyceum Club of Paris, France.

DODGE, Ruby Porter Bridgman (Mrs. Joseph Hampton Dodge), 33 Pinnacle Road, Rochester, N.Y.

Born Springfield, Mass., Jan. 3, 1872; dau. Joseph Clark and Anna Elizabeth (Bliss) Bridgman; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94 (mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon); m. Hyde Park, Mass., April 17, 1906, Joseph Hampton Dodge; one daughter: Patricia, b. Aug. 25, 1909. Presbyterian.

DODSON, Louise M. (Mrs. Frank W. Dodson), 1071 Twenty-second St., Des Moines, Ia.

County recorder; b. Kingston, Pa., Oct. 8, 1865; dau. T. and Elizabeth (Bettridge) McDonough; ed. Kingston High School, 1881, second class honor; attended Wyoming Sem.; Bloomsburg Normal Coll., 1884 (mem. Philologean); m. Shickshinny, Pa., Dec. 23, 1887, Frank W. Dodson; children: Lenore, b. Nov. 28, 1888; Lincoln, b. Feb. 22, 1894; Wesley, b. Jan. 23, 1900. Elected by the people to office of County Recorder of Polk Co., Iowa; made a record as a reform public officer and as a result was continued in same office 10 years, instead of usual four; chief reform was in improving and enforcing jury laws of the county. Mem. Eastern Star, Pythean Sisters, Des Moines Women's Club, Woman's Cooperative League (pres.). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League, Votes for Women League, Business Woman's Suffrage Ass'n.

DODSON, Martha Ethel, Berwick, Pa., and 99 Madison Av., N.Y. City.

Editor; b. Fairmont Springs, Pa., April 13, 1881; dau. Boyd Headley and Sarah (Hess) Dodson; ed. Bloomsburg State Normal School, B.E. '99; Cornell Univ., A.B. '07 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Had charge of U.S. Immigration Commission's investigation of Immigrant Aid Societies, 1907-09; special agent of Census Bureau, 1910; fiction editor of Housekeeper Magazine, 1911-12. Interested in all movements for the advancement of women and in welfare work. Writer of magazine articles. Mem. Woman's University Club (N.Y. City), Century Club (Berwick, Pa.). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. Mem. Woman's Political Union, College Equal Suffrage League.

DOE, Mary Lydia, 923 N. Monroe St., Bay City, Mich.

Teacher; b. Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, July 27, 1836; dau. Rev. Volney and Lovina (Singer) Thompson; ed. by tutors and in State Normal School, Edinboro, Pa. Mem. Good Templars; has been grand vice-templar of Mich. Grand Lodge two terms; ass't sec. eight years; prepared and published the minutes while holding that office. While a mem. of Methodist Episcopal Church taught classes of various ages from infant to Bible class; held office of trustee, steward and Sabbath-school sup't. Has worked for equal suffrage for nearly 30 years; elected pres. Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1884; chairman Legislative Com. for many years; chairman of Com. on Labor Organizations; in charge of Mich. Woman Suffrage headquarters at Detroit during suffrage amendment campaign of 1912. Recreations: Trips on the water and reading. Author of book on parliamentary law; has conducted departments on various papers on various subjects—temperance, labor, woman suffrage.

DOEBLER, Adeline Madeira (Mrs. John Hepburn Doebler), 255 Hoffman St., West Baltimore, Md.

Born Philadelphia, 1858; dau. Louis C. and Adeline L. (Powell) Madeira; ed. in Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, John Hepburn Doebler. Interested in the Nat. League of Women Workers. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Travelers' Aid of Philadelphia, Working Girls' Clubs, lunch rooms and vacation houses for working women. Mem. Philadelphia Cricket Club.

DOERNER, Celia, Grants Pass, Ore.

Teacher; b. Pomeroy, O.; dau. Henry and Margaret (Boehmer) Doerner; ed. Woodward High School, Cincinnati, O. (gold medal for general scholarship). While teaching, took various courses at the Univ. of Cincinnati. Taught in Cincinnati public schools and later taught Latin and German and mathematics in high schools (resigned 1904). Since then engaged in private tutoring. For past two years has been especially interested in Esperanto. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles in English and German, chiefly on educational subjects, published in educational journals, and numerous poems in English, German and lately in Esperanto, published in various magazines and newspapers; also book reviews. Unitarian. Progressive in politics. Mem. Esperanto Ass'n of North America, Universala Esperanto Associo (Universal Esperanto Ass'n). Formerly active in Cincinnati Woman's Club and the Woman's Press Club of Cincinnati (of latter still corresponding mem.). Hon. mem. Ladies' Auxiliary of Grants Pass. Her lecture, The Poetry of Mathematics, has been delivered 14 times before various audiences, and an Esperanto poem of hers received honorable mention in the world's contest held in connection with the Eighth Internat. Esperanto Congress at Cracow, August, 1912.

DOLAN, Rosalie Brown (Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan), Rosemont, Pa.

Born Paris, France, Aug. 2, 1869; dau. Neilson and Elizabeth L. (Carson) Brown; ed. Sacred Heart Acad., Torresdale, Pa.; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., and Madame Tessier's School, Paris; m. Paris, Nov. 8, 1894, Clarence W. Dolan; children: Rosalie, Alexandra, Rita. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colony Club.

DOLE, Caroline Fletcher (Mrs. Nathan Dole), Norridgewock, Me.

Born Norridgewock, Me., July 22, 1817; dau. Amos and Sally (Ware) Fletcher; ed. private schools in Skowhegan and Hallowell, Me.; m. Norridgewock, June 16, 1842, Rev. Nathan Dole (died 1855); children: Charles F., b. May 17, 1845; Sarah Ware Dole, b. Sept. 22, 1847 (died Sept. 24, 1849); Nathan Haskell Dole, b. Aug. 31, 1852. Specially interested in missionary work, home and foreign, and work for the colored people, etc. Congregationalism Was an abolitionist, later affinities with the Republican Party from the first, except in the campaign of 1912, when she preferred Wilson. Favors restricted suffrage, men and women alike. Has written numerous hymns and poems, published In various papers and magazines.

DOLE, Grace Weld Soper (Mrs. William A. Dole), 24 W. Emerson St., Melrose, Mass.

Journalist before marriage; b. Boston, 1859; dau. John E. and Otevia V. (Butman) Soper; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta): m. Waltham, Mass., 1893, William A.