Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/308

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��6AYI.OBD, Alice Brown (Mrs. John I>. Gay- lord), Pagosa Springs, Colo. Teacher; b. Valley Falls, Kaa. ; dau. Jacob K. EQd Ann M. (Henry) Brown; ed. Maryville, Mo.; m. Aztec, N.Mex., May 10, 1896, John L. Gaylord; one daughter: Dulce Anna, b. Jan. 7, 1904. Served 4 years as deputy county -clerk under her husband; has now served 2 terms as county clerk and was elected with overwhelm- ing majorities, the last time receiving over two- thirds of total vote cast; this was in Archuleta Co., Colo. Favors woman suffrage; now Demo- cratic State Central Com. woman, from Archu- leta Co., Colo. An enthusiastic flsher-woman; spends her summer vacation In the mountain retreats, sleeping In a tent, eating in the open, and living close to nature; also fond of hunt- ing and a fine rifle shot. Pres. Pagosa Woman's Improvement Club (civic and self-improvement). Club has established a public library, improved the city park, donated to the general fund of the Pagosa Band, and furnished resting benches and swings for the use of the public. GEAR, Lnella Glasser (Mrs. James Bruce Gear), 301 E. 68th St., N.Y. City.

Born Glasser, Pa., Feb. 25, 1874; dau. Clarence and Frances (Tompkins) Glasser; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, grad. Grammar School '77 (valedictorian); N.Y. Univ., 1895, Woman's Law Class under Isaac Franklin Russell; m. N.Y. City, June 29, 1892, James Bruce Gear; one daughter: Luella Gardner Gear. Especially, active In church work; teacher young women's Bible class St. James Lutheran Church. Inter- ested In kindergarten and playground work, speaker on suffrage, drama and social better- ment. Sec. Cojlege Women's Club. Leader of Woman Suffrage Party In 18th Assembly District, chairman Press Criticism Com. of Equal Suffrage League. Clubs: College Women; Century Thea- tre; Government; Life as a Fine Art; Harlem Philharmonic; Flower Hospital Auxiliary; Knick- erbocker Relief; Equal Suffrage League. GEAKT, Jessie May Ballard (Mrs. Harry Logan Geary), 2838 Cascade Av., Seattle, Wash. Born Albany, Oregon, May 30, 1880; dau. Mar- tin D. and Harriet E. Ballard; ed. State Univ. of Washington, 1894-92; Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 18S7-99, lSOO-01, A.B. '01; student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; m. Seattle, Wash, June 10, 1908, Dr. Harry Logan Geary; children: Martin Bal- lard, Harriet Agnes. Settlement worker in Los Angeles and South Park Settlement, San Fran- cisco. Established and first pres. of Fruit and Flower Mission of Seattle (now trustee); mem. Plymouth Congregational Church. • Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction.

GEDDES, Alice Spencer, Sunset View, Wake- field, Mass. (Bummer, "The Snuggery," GlI- manton, N.H.).

Special writer; b. Athol, Mass., Nov. 13, 1876; dau. William E. and Ella Mary (Bowker) Geddes; ed. Chauncey Hall School of Boston and special student in literature at Radcliffe Coll. Editor Woman's Chronicle, 1900-'02; editor and publisher Cambridge Press, only newspaper in Northeast edited and printed solely by wo- men, 1902-05; editor Wakefield Citizen and Ban- ner, 1905-06. Favors woman suffrage. Author: About 300 special articles which have appeared in newspapers and magazines, InclinJIng Boston Sunday Globe, Suburban Life, Woman's World, Woman's Home Companion, Christian Endeavor World and numerous others. Freethinker. Mem. Nat Oeog. Soc, Boston Browning Soc. Recre- ations: Out-door life, study of birds and flowers. Mem. Professional Women's Club, Manuscript Club (chairman of Program Com.). At preaent regular special writer for Boston Sunday Globe and doing other free lance work. Also training would-be writers and lecturing before literary clubs on Special Writing: What It Isn't. GEE, Winifred Neville Craig (Mrs. Walter S. Gee), 67 W. Washington Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa- Born St Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1882; dau. Nev- ille B. and Margaret (Sullivan) Craig; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls (class of '01), Univ. of Pa., 1901-03, Swarthmore Coll.,

��1903-05 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Phila- delphia, June 5, 1909, Walter S. Gee; one son: Neville B. C. Gee. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends.

GEEB, Grace Woodbridge, 12 Plnckney St,

Boston, Mass.

Painter of portraits; b. Boston, Mass., July 25, 1854; dau. Charles H. and Mary C. (Lincoln) Geer; ed. Boston schools, art schools and private classes. Favors woman suffrage. Unl- versalist. Republican. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Gov. Thomas Dudley Family Ass'n, Samuel Eliot Memorial Ass'n, Mass. Civic League. Represented by oil portrait at Internat. Inst, for Girls at Madrid, Spain (Gulick Memor- ial Hall); at Girls' High School, Boston; at Second Universalist Church, Boston; exhibited at Philadelphia Art Club, Boston Art Club, Pa. Soc. Miniature Painters, Washington Vv^ater Color Club, Corcoran Art Gallery, Poland Springs, Worcester Art Museum and many other exhibitions in the U.S.

GEEB, Helena, 50 Pineapple St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Teacher; b. Troy, N.Y., July 7, 1881; dau. Harvey Masher and Caroline Ross (Akin) Geer; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; graduate scholar- ship at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-04; at German Univs. of Marburg and Bonn, 1906-07; Sorbonne, Paris, 1907-08; Columbia University, M.A. '12. Taught 3 years In Mamaroneck (N.Y.) High School (modern languages). Settlement worker, Univ. Settlement, N.Y. Clty,^ 1905-06. Mem. ot the Board of Managers of Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City, 1911-14 (treas. 1911-13; vlce-pres. Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. City, 1909-11; hon. vice-pres. of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, 1910-11 (chairman Nominating Com., 1912-13). Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Women's Political Union, Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. City. Recreations: Dancing, golf, tennis, swimming.

OEIL,, Constance Emerson (Mrs. William Edgar

Gell), Doylestown, Pa.

Born Titusville, Pa., Dec. 31, 1873; dau. Edward O. and Lucy A. (Johnson) Emerson; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '96 (mem. Shakespeare Soc.); m. Titusville, Pa., June 6, 1912, Dr. William Edgar Geil. Pres. Synodlcal Soc. of Home Missions In Pa. Presbyterian; much in- terested In civic work of Woman's Clubs; interested chiefly in missions at home and abroad. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Golf, walking. Mem. Woman's X>lub ("Titus- ville).

GEISLEB, Mary C. D. (Mrs. William H. Gels- ler), 35 High St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, July 8, 1848; dau. Frederic and Elizabeth (Dwier) Dickes; ed. public schools of Philadelphia, partial courses In Univ. of Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1875, William H Geisler; children: Howard D., Elizabeth D., Mary H., William H. Taught higher and ele- mentary mathematics in high and normal schools for girls In Philadelphia. Mem. Suffrage Soc. of Pa. Methodist. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of GMs' High and Normal Schools of Philadel- phia, New Century Club (Philadelphia), Literary Club (Germantown). Favors woman suffrage.

GELLHOBN, Edith Flschel (Mrs. George Gell-

horn), 4 366 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, Mo.; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr Coll., AB. 1900; m. 1903, Dr. George Gell- horn. Favors woman suffrage; director of the St Loula Equal Suffrage League since 1910. Honorary cor. sec. for St. Louis for Bryn Mawr Coll. GEMMELX., Maude HaxlerroTe (Mrs. William

Gemmell), 317 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va.

Bookkeeper; b. Cumberland Co., Va. ; dau. Pleasant Richard and Ann E. (Woodman) Hazel- grove; ed. private teachers until 10 years old, public schools and business course; m. 1898, William Gemmell; one daughter: Annie Louisa. Interested In playgrounds, better schools, civic improvements, home mission, working for State flower. Mem. Mothers' Club of William Ruff- ner School; pres. High School Parent- Teachers

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