Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/311

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Properties and Uses, read before the Soc. of Surgeons, Chicago); m. Story Co., la., 1891,

Am. Foresters. Mem. Mountain View Grange, D. M. Christ, M.D.; children: Orris E., David

Conway N.H. • Am. Forestry Ass'n, Ass'n of G. In 1910 took a trip around the world, vislt-

Colleglate Alumnse, A.A.A.S., Science Club of Ing hospitals and studying the diseases and Unlv of Wis Recreations: Horseback riding, , customs of people (especially women) of every

driving walking mountain climbing, boating, country. Took some special work on diseases

fishing ' automoMling, tennis. of women and children at Vienna. Has given

nwvaTvr.rRVTtfi AIlr« B39 Demlne Place Chi- several addresses on Missions of the Orient

GERSTENBERG, Alice, b39 ueming i-iace. i^ni ^^^^ ^^^^ visited on her trip). Supporting and

l^fSlUriiht or,,i o„th,^,•• h PhiPBt^n Til • educating a child in India. Interested In the

TTnib'T^I T,,fi« OPT^^pnher;.- ed AlcottPub^^^^ civic betterment of Ames; established the first

n^«,Smpr q^i,t,i /Fo«?Pr ^d'lnloma) Kirtdand sanitary drinking fountains on the streets and

?rTv'Sre"Lh!'oMvalid?c?orLn)ry'n^'Ma^f^olL f,rln[e°s°Vo°me^nT'ciubs\f Sr^nt'^fm^'

t^l.^'Zutol ^K^\?rBuUd.nV'chtcago ""m" Favo^s^womYnTuVrag^J.^'MethodTt^^Mem^'c^:

ra'^r.T\°4,'lrdpuTllcS*°o!'tSosr|W^ %-^Jf^ ^la 'Ted Vom^n^'-mf '^Rec^r^^:

u^: ^sz.^S'^.i^Xei^ iiv-iw^ ||^3ej^£boS.i^r\er-Thfrm^

teur production In clubs and societies, 1309-10; ^olf and Country Club.

Captain Joe (4-act comedy), given professional GIBBONS, Emina F., 433 Prospect Av., Buffalo,

matinee by the Acad, of Dramatic Arts, at the n.T.

Empire Theatre, Broadway, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1912; Educator; b. Sept. 16, 1865; dau. Charles and publication of novel, Unquenched Fire, May, Mary (Morris) Gibbons; ed. Buffalo State Normal 1912, a novel containing a word portrait of School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; course in kindergarten David Belasco, under the name of John Gaston, at Working Man's School, under direction of Associate mem. Bryn Mawr Coll. Alumna Ass'n; Society of Ethical Culture, N.Y. City. Organ- mem. Junior League, Chicago, 111.; mem. the i^ed Elmwood School of Buffalo (a private Little Theatre Company, Chicago, 111., and mem. school), of which she and Miss Jessica Beer were North Side Branch of 111. Woman's Suffrage co-principals for several years. Especially In- League. Recreations: Society, music, riding, terested in presenting history to beginners swimming, dancing, tennis, domestic science, (children under 10 years) and in trying to reach travel. Clubs: Woman's Athletic, Chicago Bryn educators in regard to this work; also in Interpre- Mawr. tative reading to children as a means of educat- OE8NER, Virginia Brett (Mrs. Richmond H. ing the child's taste for literature. Favors woman Gesner) Oswego N.Y. suffrage. Author of books for children: The Born Albany, N.Y.; dau. Bernard B. and Earliest People; People of the Middle Ages. Martha (Mcaelland) Brett; ed. Albany High Mem. Audubon -So*, of Buffalo and of N.Y. City. School, Albany Normal Coll., Cornell Univ., GIBBONS, Helen Davenport (Mrs. Herbert B.L. '90 (Delta Gamma); m. Albany, N.Y., 1890, Adams Gibbons), care Morgan Harjes & Co.. Rev. Richmond H. Gesner, D.D. ; children: Ger- 31 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France, trude McClelland, b. 1892; Marguerite Webster, goj-n Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 2, 1882; dau. b. 1896; Virginia Bfett, b. 1899; Katharine Her- clement M. and Emily Eckert (Myers) Brown; bert, b. 1903. Instructor in missions of Woman's g^. Stevens School, Germantown, Philadelphia; Auxiliary of Christ Church, Oswego, N.Y. Active gpyQ Mawr Coll., Simmons (3oll., Boston; m. In all Interests beneficial to women and children j^ y City June 3, 1908, Rev. Herbert Adams and for educational and social uplift, especially Gibbons; children: Christine Este Gibbons, b. In the missionary and progressive work of the j^^y 5, 1909; Lloyd Irving Gibbons, b. July 31, Episcopal Ohurch. Mem. N.Y. State Coll. igu Emily Elizabeth, b. Paris, France, May 3, Alumnse Ass'n. Clubs: Oswego Country, Ontario i9i3_ Mem. Board of Managers Student Hostel, Book. Recreations: Golf, boating. Paris; lecturer on household economics, infant GESTEEELD, Ursula Newell, Chicago, 111. hygiene and position of women in the countries Author, lecturer; b. Augusta, Ma, 1845. Foun- of the Levant. Favors woman suffrage. Author der of a system of thought which has been of papers on Infant Hygiene and Household named the Science of Being; Instructor of Exo- Economics In Bulgarian and Armenian languages, dus Club, established in Chicago, 1897, which Presbyterian. Mem. Humane Education Soc. of developed into the Church of the New Thought, Turkey, Woman's Club, Constantinople, Turkey; of which she became first pastor, and the Coll. Student Hostel, Paris, France. Has traveled ex- of the Science of Being, of which she became tensively in Europe and countries of the Levant, head. Author: The Builder and the Plan; How Co-operates with husband In Journalistic work We Master Our Fate; How to Control Circum- and in historical research in French and stances; A Modern Catechism; And God Said; Turklsih history. Reincarnation or Immortality; The Master of GIBBONS, Vernette L.. Upton. Mass., and

S^„^^°Ai ^^w^^Tn^- ^nh n^'-phli. J^^ ^ra ^"slon Nlzza, Mathlldek Strasse, 10, MUnchen,

Birth. Mem. Woman s Club of Chicago. Favors Germany

woman suffrage. ^^^^ Franklin, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1874; dau. Marsh-

GETCHEIrL, Clara Augusta Furbish (Mrs. yme and Augusta (Foote) Gibbons; grad. Mt.

George N. Getchell), Caribou, Me. Holyoke Coll., B.Sc. '96, B.A. '99; Cornell Univ.

Bom Auburn, Me., Nov. 5, 1857; dau. Albert B. summer School, '99; Univ. of Chicago. M.Sc. '07;

and Caroline H. (Young) Furbish; ed. Auburn student of U. of C, 1901-02; Bryn Mawr Coll.,

and Lewlston public schools; m. Houlton, Ma, 1911-I2; fellowship in chemistry; also, 1912-13.

Jan. 12, 1887, George N. Getchell. Favors woman European fellowship from Bryn Mawr; studying

suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Mem. W.C.T.U., in Munich. Teacher of science, Bernardston,

Woman's Literary Club, Social Club. Mass., 1896-97; assistant Chemical Dep't Mt.

GETZ, Mary Minnie (Mrs. A. M. Getz). Haskell, Holyoke Ck)ll., 1897-99; instructor Mt Holyoke

Tex. Coll., 1899-1901; Instructor Chemical Dep't Wells

Born St. Mary's, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1862; dau. Coll., 1902-04; assistant prof. Chemical Dep't

A. J. and Sophia (McMurray) Morey; ed. Ohio Wells Coll., 1904-06; acting head of department,

Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, '82; mem. 1904-05; lecturer In chemistry Huguenot Coll.,

Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Wapakoneta, Ohio, Wellington, South Africa, 1907-11. Author (in

Sept. 11, 1880, A. M. Getz. Reportorial work for conjunction with F. H. Getman): Potentials of

newspapers In Ohio and Louisiana. Against Zinc In Alcoholic Solutions of Zinc Chloride,

woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Active In State 1912; also Dissertation of Master of Science,

Fed. of Women's Clubs. Univ. of Chicago: Acetoacetic Eater, Its Forma-

GHRIST. Jennie G. (Mrs. D. M. Ghrlst), Ames, t**"! ^"-i ^f^"""^- Congregatlonallst. Against

lo„B__ woman suffrage.

Physician; b. Ottumwa, la., July 4, 1870; dau. GIBBS, Charlotte Mitchril, 606 Daniel St.,

Alonzo and Margaret (Ooss) Garrison; ed. Des Champaign, 111.

Moines and Keokuk (la.) Med. Coll., M.D. Teachei); b. Greenup, Ky., Jan. 10, 1885; dau.

(mem. Nu Sigma Phi, Coll. Physicians and George and Elizabeth Thachcr (Hodge) Glbbs;

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