Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/338

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��'SI; student of English and Latin, Columbia Univ., 1902-06. Teacher private school, Phila- delphia, 1881-92; principal of school, Washington, D.C., 1892-98; private teacher, 1898-1905; librarian, 1898-1900; teacher in N.Y. City high schools since 1905. Interested in philanthropies for children of N.Y. City. Sup't Christian Herald Children's Fresh Air Home, Nyack, N.Y., summer of 1907; head of N.Y. Tribune Fresh Air Home at Ards- ley, N.Y., summer of 1909. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnffi Ass'n.


HAAS, Grace Calkins (Mrs. Oscar S. Haas), 502

E. Fourth St., Mt. Vernon, Ind.

Born Princeton, Ind., Jan. 28, 1866; dau. An- drew J. and Amy J. (Pinney) Calkin; ed. Prince- ton public schools; m. Princeton, Ind., Novem- ber, 1888, Oscar S. Haas; one daughter: Agnes Edith Haas. Interested in humane, civic and charitable organizations. Favors woman suf- frage. Christian Scientist. Republican. Founder Ramblers Literary Club; mem. Music Com. of State Federation of Women's Clubs. HABERER, Annie McNangrht (Mrs. George J.

Haberer), 4656 N. Forty-sixth St., Chicago, 111.

Born Glasgow, Scotland, May 20, 1864; dau. Hugh and Jeanette (Walker) MoNaught; ed. public school; m. Chicago, June 6, 18S8, George J. Haberer; oliildren: George B., Albert J., Mil- ton I., Marjory Louise, Beaulah B«ll. Pres. seven years of Mayfair Home Missionary Soc ; pres. Mayfair Woman's Club; sup't of primary at Ckjngregational Sunday-school ; pres. Mercy and Help Dep't of Epworth League First M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage; mem. two suffrage organizations. Methodist. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Reading, social work. Mem. Mayfair Woman's Club, Mayfair Home Missionary Soc, W.C.T.U., Wes- ley Hospital and Traupele Club. HACK, Elizabeth Jane Miller (Mrs. Oren S.

Hack), 2239 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind.

Writer; b. New Ross, Ind.; dau. Timothy and Samantha (West) Miller; ed. Indianapolis public schools and Butler Coll.; m. Indianapolis, June 16, 1908, Oren S. Hack. Author: The Yoke; Saul of Tarsus; The City of Delight; also contribu- tions in verse and prose to various publications. Presbyterian. HACKEK, Mary Lycett (Mrs. Edward Hacker),

5307 Germantown Av., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 11, 1883; dau. Edward H. and Anna (Fox) Lycett; ed. St. Louis, Mo.; m. Haverford, Pa., October, 1905, Edward Hacker; children: William, Anna. Clubs: Huntington Valley Country, Germantown Cricket. Episcopalian. HACKETT, Anna B. (Mrs. Sumner Hackett),

Yuma, Ariz.

Born Silver City, Idaho, May 14, 1867; dau. and Lamira L. (Lillie) Reid; ed Chico, Butte Co., Cal., at Woodman's Acad., Chico, Cal., Heald's Business CoL, San Francisco (shorthand and typewriting); m. Phoenix, Ariz., April 1, 1897, Sumner Hackett; one daughter: Evelyn M., b. Aug. 2, 1898. Chairman Philanthropic Dep't Territorial Federation of Women's Clubs. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Summer trips to San Francisco, Los Angeles and the beaches. Mem. and former pres. Yuma Woman's Club. HACKETT, Emma Catherine, B W. Sixty-fourth

street, N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Ottumwa, la., Jan. 29, 1S71; dau. Richard Lawrence and Catherine (Conyngham) Hackett; ed. Waterloo High School, Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass. ; 111. Training School for Nurses, Chicago, 111.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Northwestern Univ., Chicago (mem. Alpha Ep- Bilon Iota, Lasallis Club). Interested in settle- ment work and social hygiene work. Mem. Political Equality League, St. Barnabas Guild, P.E.O. Sisterhood, Am. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of Chicago, Suffrage Ass'n. Clubs: Min- erva, Iowa New Yorkers. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

��HACKETT, Jessie Ellars (Mrs. L. O. Hackett).

6S E. South Line St., Tuscola, III.

Born Atwood, 111., Jan. 25, 1867; dau. William and Maria (Lewis) Ellars; grad. High School, Tuscola, 111., '86; Univ. of 111., B.A. '90, M.A. '92; m. Tuscola, 111., Nov. 22, 1900, L. O. Hackett. teacher in grammar school, Tuscola, 1891-92; ass't high school teacher, Tuscola, 1892-98; prin- cipal High School, Tuscola, 1898-1900. Mem. Tuscola Woman's Club for 19 years; pres. eight years. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. HACKLEY, Alice M., 1612 Diamond St., Phlla.

Physician; b. Otsego Co., N.Y. ; dau. Dr. A. Hubbard and Jennie E. (Hunt) Hackley; ed. public schools of N.Y. State, Cornell Univ., Wo- man's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '93. Taught thiee years in public schools of N.Y. State; served three years as interne and ass't In Wo- man's Hospital of Philadelphia; three yeara ass't demonstrator of gynecology Woman's Med. Coll. ; fourteen years clinician at Woman's Hos- pital, Philadelphia. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n Wo- man's Med. Coll. of Pa. HACK8TAFF, Priscilla Dudley (Mrs. J. Frank

Hackstaff), 95S St. John's Place, Brooklyn,


Teacher and lecturer; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sep'.. 29, 1850; dau. William Guilford and Martha Ann (Nicol) Dudley; ed. St. Louis High School, Woman's Class of the N.Y. Univ. Law School; m. Dec. 24, 1876, J. Frank Hackstaff; children: John Dudley, Richard Chesman, Frederick Will- iam. Teacher In St. Louis High School, Mary Inst, (dep't of Washington Univ.), 20 years. Organizer and lecturer for N.Y. Suffrage Ass'n; one of the founders of Woman Suffrage Party. Treas. of N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs; treas. five years of N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; founder of five suffrage clubs; pres. of many clubs for years; chairman of Suf- frage Committee of N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs: leader of Priscilla Study Club. Univer- salist. Mem. Woman's Alliance of Universalist Church. HAJDEN, Annie Bates (Mrs. Charles J. Haden),

1219 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Ga,

Born Eufaula, Ala., Nov. 7, 1873; dau. MlUedge L. and Georgia Ehnma (Allen) Bates; ed. private school until 12 years old, Wesleyan Coll., and later at Washington, D.C.; grad. 1889, 1890, A.B.; also diploma in music and languages (Adel- phean); m. Atlanta, Ga., 1895, Charles J. Haden. Interested in social, religious and philanthropic work. Pres. of Atlanta City Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Atlanta Woman's Club. Methodist. Against woman suffrage.

HilDKINS, Annie Louise • (Mrs. Frank Lock- wood Hadkins), Tottenvllle, N.T.

Born Hoboken, N.J., Apr. 25, 1864; dau. Samuel Webb and Mary Oakley (Totten) Hopping; ed. Tottenville public school; m. Tottenville, Oct. 12, 1887, Frank Lockwood Hadkins; one daughter: Marion Lockwood. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. St. Stephen's Guild, Phile- mon Literary and Historical Soc. HADLEY, Cynthia Alice (Mrs. Arthur L. Had-

ley), Plajnfleld, N.H.

Nurse; b. Plainfield, N.H., Feb. 13, 1867; dau. Harvey D. and Lutheria L. (Jordan) Plummer; ed. public schools; m. Windsor, Vt., Jan. 1, 1881, Arthur L. Hadley; children, Alice Lutheria, b. Mar. 10, 1884; Pearl Eleanor, b. July 13, 1886. Correspondent for two weekly papers. Landmark and Weekly Enterprise. Pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. for past four years; pres of the Mothers and Daughters Club, 1911-13; chaplain of Blow-me- down Grange for past four years. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Cornish, N.H. Republican. HADI^EY, Helen Harrison Morris (Mrs. Arthur

Twining Hadley), 93 Whitney Av., New Haven,


Born New Haven, Conn., May 12, 1863; dau. Governor Luzon B. and Eugenia (Tuttle) Morris; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '83; m. N6w Haven, Conn., June 30, 1891, Arthur Twining Hadley (now pres, Yale Univ.); children: Morris, b. Mar. 21, 1S94; Hamilton, b. Jan. 13, 1896; Laura Beaumont, b. Mar. 31, 1899. Alumnse trustee

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