Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/340

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Directors, Grove House Home for Convalescents Especially active in work with the Junior Girls' and Three Arts Club; meni. Social Service Coca., Friendly Soc, watching and guiding the girls Children's Memorial Hospital — all in Chicago, during their time of adolescence and finding Favors woman suffrage. Author of several suitable work for them when they leave school, articles on cooking and housekeeping. Mem. hAINES, Stella B., Augusta, Kan. Episcopal Church. Progressive in politics. Rec- Teacher of English; b. Rose Hill, Kan., Dec. 3, i }\'^ ■ ^^^^^'°^', ^liorseback riding. Mem. ig^g. ^^u. John C. and Mary E. (Brown) Haines; baddie and Cycle Club. gi.^^^ Augusta (Kan.) High School, 1895, taught HAINES, Helen Stuart Colby (Mrs. Charles country school, then entered the Wichita Teach- Owens Haines), 43 N. Fullerton Av., Mont- ers' Normal Training School, grad. 1897. Has Clair, N.J. since then taught seven years in Wichita, one Short story writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. John year in Mt. Vernon, Wash., and since then in Ladd (M.D.) and Mary Stuart (Tannatt) Colby; Augusta, Kan., teaching English and literature. ed. private and public schools of N.Y., W-ilson Mem. Baptist Church at Augusta and sup't pri- Coll., Cham.bersburg, Pa., and by study and mary dep't in Sunday-school; sup't Christian travel abroad; m. Bethlehem, Pa., Jan., 1890, Citizenship Dep't of Kan. State W.C.T.U. Fa- Charles Owens Haines; children: Henry S., 2d vors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Charles Owens, Jr., and two deceased. Writer Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Outlook Club, of short stories and articles, beginning 1896. HAIRSTON, Laura Peters (Mrs. John Townes Author of short stories: The Crimson Rambler; Halrston) Waynesboro Miss The Turkey Gobbler; The Hoar Frost; Drywater Born Columbus, Miss.'; dau. James H. and Trestle; and Stubb's Principal (Scribner's Mag- Regina (Borders) Peters; grad. Athensum, Co- azlne); Caper Sauce (American Magazine); The lumbia, Tenn., as mistress of English (honor Prophet's Mantle; Green Wood and D^; The pupil), 1872-73, 1875-76; m. in Miss., Dec, 1876, Mace Bearer; The Patriots (Catholic World); j^^n Townea Hairston; children: L. Regina and short essays in N.Y. Evening Post Catho- (now Mrs. Floumoy), Peter C, Judge J. M. lie. Independent in political views. Favors Hairston. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist, woman suffrage. Mem. Sociological Congress called together by HAINES, Isabel Burton (Mrs. John Charles Gov. of Tenn., Titanic Memorial Fund. Recrea- Halnes), Perry Hotel, Seattle, Wash. tions: Driving, baseball. Pres. Fortnightly Club Born in Illinois, March 9, 1848; dau. Horace and ot Waynesboro; mem. Civic Com. of Miss. Fed. Alice B. (Grlswold) Burton; ed. at home by of Clubs; former pres. United Daughters of Con- tutors and In private schools; m. Waukegan 111., federacy Chapter. Actively engaged In civic im- Jan. 17, 1872, John Charles Haines ot Chicago provement work and progressive movements, (died Jan. 2, 1892); one son: Burton Charles HALDEMAN, Sarah Alice (Mrs. Henry Wlnfleld Haines, b. Sept. 13, 1883. Prominent in social Haldeman), State Bank of Girard, Kansas, life, church activities of Protestant Episcopal Banker; b. Cedarville, 111., June 5, 1853; dau. Church, charity work. One of founders and first John Huey and Sarah (Weber) Addauns; ed. sec. Ladies' Relief Soc, 1884 (Seattle's first or- Cedarville Acad, (under Jennie Forbes), Rock- ganized charity). One of the first trustees ford (111.) Coll., A.B. '72 (mem. Vesperian); m. of the Seattle Public Library, serving 1891-96; Cedarville, 111., Oct. 26, 1875, Henry Winfield founded In 1906 The Week End, a weekly paper Haldeman; one daughter: Anna Marcet (actress, devoted to art, music, literature, the drama and known as Jean Marcet, grad. Am. Acad. Dra- Bociety; owned and edited it until 1910; has writ- matic Arts, N.Y. City). Pres. State Bank ot ten articles tor various newspapers, including Girard, since 1905. Mem. and pres. Board of book reviews for Seattle Post-Intelligencer for Education, Girard, Kan., ten years; pres. Girard one year; now writes society for the Seattle Public Library Board ten years; sup't Presbyte- Town Crier. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. rian Sunday-school of Girard ten years; treas. Seattle Fine Arts Soc, Seattle Archeeological Board of Trustees, First Presbyterian Church Soc; was vlce-pres. for 1909 and dep't director of Girard since 1887. Recreation: Owner and 1910 of the Woman's Out- Door Art League of the sup't of large farm in Cedarville, III. Clubs: Am. Civic Ass'n. Mem. Seattle Tennis Club, Ladies' Reading Club since 1881; Univ. Twentieth Ladies' Annex of Rainier Club; first vice-pres. Century (organized it 1901), and City Federation Sunset Club, an exclusive social club of repre- of Clubs (Girard); also Third Dist. of Kan., and sentatlve women recently organized. Founded Kan. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Gr- and was first pres. (1908) of Seattle Red Cross ganized the Twentieth Century Club of Walnut, Boc, which raised several thousand dollars and Kan., 1901, and Twentieth Century Club ot Cato, aid much for soldiers during the Spanish- Ameri- Kan., 1901.

can War. HALE, Ellen Day, 39 Highland St., Roxbury,

HAINES, Jane Bowne, Cheltenham, Pa. Mass.

Born Cheltenham, Pa., 1869; dau. Robert Artist; b. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 11, 1855; dau. Bowne and Margaret V. (Wistar) Haines; ed. Rev. Edward Everett and Emily B. (Perkins) privately and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., '91; A.M., Hale; ed. private teachers in U.S. and Paris. '92- fellow in history, 1892-93; N.Y. State Library Has a studio in Boston, where she is engaged School, 1898-99. Engaged In library work, 1895- in painting portraits and landscapes; her pic- 1903, and occasionally since then. Library of tures have appeared in many exhibitions. Congress, 1900-03. Took part In establishment HALE, Frances Ward (Mrs. Henry Ewing of the Pa. School ot Horticulture tor Women Hale), 770 West End Av., N.Y. City. (first ot Its kind in this country); interested in Born Lake Forest, 111., Aug. 29, 1873; dau. education In general, and industrial and voca- Samuel D. and Mary A. (Folsom) Ward; ed. tional education in particular; music, arts and perry Hall Sem., Lake Forest; Grant Coll. Inst., crafts. Mem. Society of Friends (orthodox). Mem. Chicago; Smith Coll., B.L., '95; m. Chicago, Pa. Historical Soc, Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n gept. 13, 1900, Henry Ewing Hale, M.D.; chil- ot Coll. Alumn£E, Alumnae Ass'n ot Bryn Mawr dren: Mary Folsom, Henry Ewing, Anna Will- Coll., Civic Club, Philadelphia, Montgomery jams. Actively Interested in caring for children Co. (Pa.), Horticultural Soc, Philadelphia Bee- and church work, especially Woman's Mission- keepers Ass'n. Recreations: lYaveling, gar- ary Soc. Presbyterian. Mem. Alpha Soc. of dening, stamp-collecting. Clubs: College (Phil- smith Coll., and Biological Soc. of Smith Coll. adelphla). Pa. Library Club. Recreation: Summer life at Silver Bay, Lake HAINES, Lilian Smith (Mrs. E. Hanan Haines), George, N.Y. Mem. Smith Coll. Club (N.Y. 1250 Astor St., Chicago, 111. City).

Born Gotha, Germany, May 31, 1868; dau. HALE, Harriet Swinburne (Mrs. William Gard-

Charles Garstln Smith and wife (n6e Sander- ner Hale), 5749 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111.

son); ed. Chicago public schools and In Paris, Born Newport, R.I.; dau. Daniel T. and

France; m. Chicago, May 12, 1903, E. Hanan Harriet (Knowles) Swinburne; ed. private schools

Haines. Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. of the Epis- in Newport, Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. June 13, 1883,

copal Church, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's William Gardner Hale; children: Swinburne,

Out-door Art League, Exmoor Golf Club. Rec- Virginia, Margaret, Gardner. Pres. Chicago

reatlon: Gardening. Episcopalian. Republican. Branch of the Needlework Guild of America.

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