Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/347

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��Bohn Club, Chadwick Woman's Club. Has done much club work and held several offices at Chad- wick, 111.; served as delegate to 111. State Fed. Women's Clubs and to Gen. Fed. Biennial at San Francisco. HANAFORD, Phoebe Anne (Mrs. Joseph H.

Hanaford^ 230 W. Nlnety-flfth St., N.Y. City.

Minister; b. Nantucket, Mass., May 6, 1829; dau. Capt. George W. and Phoebe Anne (Barnard) Coffin; m. 1849, Joseph H. Hanaford. First woman minister ordained In New England; held pastorates in Hingham and Waltham, Mass; New Haven, Conn., and Jersey City, N.J. Mem. and officer of many literary and temperance societies. Author: Life of Abraham Lincoln; Our Martyred President (poem); Life of George Peabody; Lucretla, the Quakeress; Leonette, or Truth Sought and Found; The Best of Books and Its History; Frank Nelson, the Runaway Boy; The Soldier's Daughter; Field, Gunboat and Hospital; Women of the Century; The Captive Boy of Terra del Fuego; Life of Dickens; Heart of Slasconset; From Shore to Shore, and other poems. HAN All AN, Kate Louisa (Mrs. Joseph S. Hana-

han), 28 George St., Charleston, S.C.

Born Charleston, S.C, April 30, 1870; dau. Dr. William Grayson and Emma Sabine (Macbeth) Ogler; ed. Memmlnger High School; m. Charles- ton, April 6, 1893, Joseph S. Hanahan; children: Marion Lothrop, John, Katie Louise, Joseph Seabrook Jr. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. HANAC, Emma French (Mrs. Nathaniel A.

Hanau), -655 RidBewood Av., Glen Ridge, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, April 30, 1867; dau. Philip Francis and Kathryn (Garvle) French; grad. Public School No. 15, Brooklyn, and Brooklyn High School; Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Uni- versity; m. Brooklyn, Oct. 12, 1892, Nathaniel A. Hanau; children: Nathaniel Austin, Kenneth, John Nicholson, Helen Kathryn (deceased). School teacher before marriage. Has done work for the blind and hospital work. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Finance (3om. of Political Equality Club of Glen Ridge, N.J. Roman Catholic. Mem. Exec. B'd Portia Law Club, N.Y. City; Exec. B'd Woman's Club of Glen Ridge (chairman Legislative Com. and mem. of Exec. Board) ; also mem. Exec. Board of Legislative Com. of State Fed. of Clubs, N.J. ; Exec. Board Nat, (Consumers' League of N.J. ; mem. Alumnae of Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ.

HANCOCK, Belle Clay (Mrs. Harris Hancock), 241fi Auburn Av., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O. Born Richmond, Ky., Nov. 4, 1872; dau. Brutua J. Clay (U.S. Minister to Switzerland, 1905-09) and Pattle (Field) Clay; ed. private tutors and Miss Armstrong's School, Cincinnati; m. Sept. 20, 1907, Harris Hancock, Ph.D. (Berlin), Sc.D. (Paris), mathematician; children: Thomasia Har- ris, Belle Clay. Mem. Kindergarten Ass'n, Con- sumers' League and various social and philan- thropic organizations. Three Arts Club, D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Woman's Club. Episcopalian. HANCOCK, Emma Louise, West Union, la.

Teacher, lecturer; b. West Union, la., 1881; dau. Harry Philip and Octavla (Lansing) Han- cock; ed. Iowa State Coll., B.S., B.O. ; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. 1"«achlng since 1904; introduced elementary agriculture Into schools of South Dakota in 1909; has lectured In institutes ever since. Favors woman suffrage. Writes on nature study for educational journals. Episco- palian. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood. Recreations: Horseback riding, hunting. Mem. Woman's Tourist Club, Art Club.

HANCOCK, Ida Stebbins (Mrs. Prank A. Han- cock), Moirls, Minn.

Bom Winona, Minn.; dau. J. B. and Maria S. (Jayne) Stebbins (descendant through mother of Klder Brewster of the Mayflower and through father of Rowland Stebbins, who settled at Rox- bury, Mass., 1634); m. Sept. 14, 1887, Frank A. Hancock. Interested In musical matters. Mem. D.A.R., Students' Club (federated). Recreations: Reading, travel, motoring. Congregatlonalist. Favors woman suffrage.

��HANCOCK, Mary B. HoinngBhead (Mrs. Walter C. Hancock). 8720 Chastnut St., Philadelphia, Born New Egypt, N.J., Sept. 15, 1874; dau. Dr. E. and Esther Stokes (Woodward) Hollings- bead; ed. Girls' Preparatory, Mt Holly, N.J.; Swarthmore Coll., A.B. ; m, Philadelphia, June 2, 1897, Walter C. Hancock; hon. M. A. Temple Univ., 1913 (first honorary degree that university has conferred on a woman. Active in Woman's Relief Ass'n of Philadelphia Auxiliary Board (la- dies); Samaritan Hospital; chairman of Women's Auxiliary of Temple Univ.; Women's Board of Garrettson Hospital; mem. Women's Board of Am. Oncological Hospital. Co-worker on Am. Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach; chairman Entertainment Com., Old York Road Country Club. Chairman of Indoor Horse Show; chair- man Ladies' Associate Board, West Jersey Horse Show. Favors limited woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends. Mem. Somerville Lit- erary See. Recreations: Horseback riding, driv- ing horse or motor car, auction bridge, dancing, etc. Mem. The Coll. Club, The T-Square Club. Interested in philanthropic work for hospitals, children's homes and homes for incurables and cripples.

HAND, Frances Amelia FincUe (Mrs. Learned Hand), 142 E. Sixty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Born Utica, N.Y.; ed. in Utica Free Acad, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; Sorbonne, Paris, 1898-99; graduate student (Columbia Univ., 1908- 09; m. Utica, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1902, Learned Hand (now U.S. District Judge for the Southern Dis- trict of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League of N.Y. City. HANEY, Jennie Ppmerene (Mrs. John Dearling Haney), 468 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City; 4 Eastman Terrace, Poughkeepsle, N.Y. Teacher; b. Millersburg, 1866; dau. Joel Pomerene, M.D. (Garfield's surgeon In 42nd Ohio Reg't, U.S. v., and surgeon-gen. of Ohio) and Permelia (Myers) Pomerene (cousin of U.S. Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio); ed. MUlers- burg High School; Vermilion Inst.; Vassar, A.B. ; Columbia Univ., M.A. ; Chicago Univ.; m. Poughkeepsle, 1910, John Dearling Haney. Trav- eled In Africa, Spain and Mediterranean 1889-91, 1913; teacher, Univ. Los Angeles, Jamaica Train- ing School, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. Lecturer In teachers' Institutes; lecturer In Public Lecture Corps, 1896-1913. Pres. College Woman's Club, 1905-12; vlce-pres. Daughters of Ohio. Favors woman suffrage. Author: With Marion Craw- ford; Algiers and Algeria. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. Equal Franchise League, College Women's Club, Daughters of Elmpire State, Daughters of the Union, Dra-wing Room Club. Recreation : Motoring.

HANKS, Julia Dana Godfrey (Mrs. Horace Tracy Hanks), 950 Marcy Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Keene, N.H., June 25, 1845; dau. Albert and Mary (Dana) Godfrey; ed. high school, Keene, N.H. ; Boston Conservatory of Music; m. N.Y. City, June 3, 1872, Dr. Horace Tracy Hanks; children: Lenda Tracy (botanist), Emily Grace (artist). Church organist at Keene, N.H. ; Bos- ton, Mass. ; N.Y. City, before 1890. Mem. church benevolent societies; former sec., manager and trustee Madison Av. Depository for Woman's Work; sec., manager and trustee Baptist Home for the Aged, N.Y. City. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of: Adaptations for Chamber Mu- sic; Adaptations for Organ. Baptist Mem. Con- sumers' League, Clio Club, Barnard Club. Rec- reations: Concerts, opera, musical societies. HANKS, Mary EUzabeth, 27 Bellewie Place; office, 700 Marshall Field Building), Chicago. 111.

Physician; b. Meadville, Pa., 1852; dan. Andrew Jackson and Susan (WyckofT) Hanks; ed. Edin- boro State Normal School, '98; Boston Univ. School of Medicine. First woman pres. of Chi- cago Homffiopathic Med. Soc. ; first woman pres. 111. Homoeopathic Med. Ass'n; second vlce-pres. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy. Mem. Faculty Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Mem. New England Congregational Church. Republican (Progressive). .Mem. Chicago Homoeopathic Soc, in. Homoeopathic Soc, Am. Inst, of Homoe- opathy, After Dinner Club (homoeopathic women

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