Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/389

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Ruseeil Hooker. E^a«aged in sociological work In pointed clerk of Surrogate's Court of Herkimer Berlin, Germany, 1905-06; pres. Guild of St. Co. by the Hon. Robert F. Livingston, and re- George, Baltimore, since 1906. Actively interested apjwinted to the same office in 1907 for a term in social hygiene work. Favors woman suffrage, of 6 years by Hon. George W. Ward, Co. Judge HOOKES, EUen Kelley (Mrs. Samuel L. Hook- a^d surrogate, being the first woman who has er), 148 Ross St.. Batavia, N.T., and 61 E. ever held the office. Roman Catholic. Treas. Seventy-seventh St., N.Y. City. Herkimer Co. Bar Ass'n ever since its incor- Educator; b Shoreham, Vt, May 23, 1333; dau. poratlon. Recreation: Theatre. Mem. Progres- George W. and Slebel D. Kelly; grad. Troy Con- sive Club. First woman admitted to Herkimer ference Sem., Poultney, Vt., 1852; m. Pittsford, Co. Bar; sworn in, Rochester, N.Y., July 8, 1902. Vt., Jan. 26, 1854, Dr. Samuel L. Hookca-; chll- HOOPER, Blanche Heard, Tufts Coll., Massa- dren: Hon. S. Percy Hooker (mem. N.Y. As- chusetts.

sembly, 1902-06; Senator, 1906-08); Mary Agnes Librarian: b. Harvard, Mass., 1881; dau. Will- Hooker, educator. Taught in Vt. and N.Y., lam Leslie and Mary E. (Heard) Hooper; ed. 1848-55; after that In Wis., conducting private Somerrille (Mass)) public schools. Tufts Coll., school at Black Earth, Wis., unUl 1863, and A.B. 1904 (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi). Ass't 11- later in Maditon, Wis., assisting in preparatory brarian of Tuffts Coll. Library, Am. Library work in formation of Univ. of Wis., and aiding Ass'n, Massachusetts Library Club, in the work of her husband, who was sup' t of hooPER, Elizabeth Mae Merritt (Mrs. Charles schools of Dane co.. Wis., 1863-67; aead of pri- ^^ Hooper), World's Maocabee Temple, Port vate schools in Le Roy, N.Y., and Batavia, Huron Mich

??Ti' "^^i i?^^.^'7;^!^^ fn ^^r.iwh'-'<5?^n<f^ physician: i). Alba, Bradford County, Pa.,

yM!;^^H■ih• ^^h^ iRQQ iQfm^ n=;rn.?f; .n Aprll 10, 1860; dau. Andrus J. and Mai-ion A

^^'*^J "'^fe .^k Q^i ^^"V it r." "'^vri (Manley) Merritt; ed. high school, Canton, Pa.;

^qT^'**'^; r^^n M^^ n//?2,.^ri!.l^^,^°wf»h Woman's Medical Coll. of Pa., Philadelphia

1901-06; tutor m Nat. Cathedral School, Wash- ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ jy .gg ^; j^ 26, 1885,

ington. DC 190O-09; now retired from educa- charles W. Hooper; one daughter: Helen Mae

tional acUvities after 63 years of continuous Hooper. Interne Woman's Hospital. Philadel-

service m the class room. Charter mem. CoUege p^ia. 1883-84; in general practice of medicine.

Women s Club (N.Y. City). EUmira, N.Y., 1884-1907; supreme medical ex-

HOOKEB, Margraret Huntington, 837 N. St. aminer Ladies of the Maccabees of the World

St., Rochester, N. Y. (fraternal beneficiary society for women). Port

Artist and author; b. Rochester; dau. Horace Huron, Mich., since 1902. (Jonvener of Com.

B. and Susan Patmelia (Huntington) Hooker; ed. PubUc Health, Nat. Council of Women; mem.

Vassar Coll. Teacher of art and ilhistrator. Com. Public Health, Internat (Council of Women;

Author: Ye Gentlewoman's Housewifery; The treas. Medical Section, Nat. Fraternal (Congress.

Descendants of Thomas Hooker of Hartford. Farors woman suffrage. Contributor to medical

HOOKER, Mary Agrnea, care Finch School, 61 ^^'t of Ladies' Review. Baptist.

East 77th St., N.Y. City. HOPE, Elizabeth Willard (Mrs. Arthur Harold

Teacher; b. Le Roy, N.Y., June 21, 1867; dau. Hope), Madison, Conn.

Samuel L. and Ellen H. (Kelley) Hooker (edu- Bom Plainview, Minn., Nov. 26, 1880; dau.

ator — 12 years warden of Sage School, Cornell Henry and Jeannie (Wells) Willard; ed. Hyde

Univ.); grad. Ingram Univ., Le Roy, N.Y.; Park High School, Chicago; Oberlin Coll., A.B.

Park Place School, Batavia, N.Y., 1887. Special '03; m. Covert, Mich., June 1, 1907, Rev. Arthur

student at Cornell Univ., 1894-95. Student of Harold Hope; children: Dorothy Rose, Harriet

French at Tours and at the Alliance Frangaise, Ruth. Teacrfier of English in high schools for

Paris. Teacher of French, Cascadilla School, *-hree years before marriage — Benzonia, Mich.,

Ithaca, N.Y., 1895-98; Saginarw (Mich) High 1903-04; Marengo, la., 1904-06. Interested in music.

School. 1898-1901. Preceptress and teacher of art, all forms of work with boys In their teens,

French, Nat. Park Sem., Washington, D.C., religious interests; studied voice in Oberlin Con-

1901-06, and Nat. Cathedral School, Washington, servatory; spent six months in France, Italy,

1906-12; head of House Faculty, the Finch Greece and Germany in 1906. Mem. Sunshine

School, N.Y. City, 1912. Spent 2 years before Soc, Christian Endeavor, Missionary Soc, Madi-

beginnlng teaching in the mountains of North son Fortnightly Club (literary). Recreations:

Carolina, where she Interested herself In the Music, walking, rowing, skating. (3ongrega-

mountain whites and the Industrial School at tlonalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of

Asheville. Episcopalian. Madison Equal Franchise League.

HOOKER, Mildred Pbtlps Stolies (Mrs. Ransom HOPE, IVIiimie GazeUe W«*bom (Mrs. Tom

Spafford Hooker), 175 E. Seventy-first St., Hope), 630 East Tenth St., Ada, Okla.

N.Y. City ,,,„.,, ,™ , , Bom McKlnney, Tex.. Aug. 17, 1872; dau.

Bom Staten Lsland, Feb. 13, 1^; dau Anson Samuel N. and Sarah A. (Chambers) Welborn;

Phelps and Helen L. (Phelps) Stokes; ed. at ed. Kldd-Key (3oll., Sherman, Tex., AB '89-

home, In N.Y. private schools and at Farming- Sam Houston Normal, Huntsvllle, Tex.; m.

ton, Conn.; m. Noroton, Conn., Oct. 24, 1907, Dr. Vemon, Tex., 1895, Tom Hope; one son- Tom

Ransom Spafford Hooker; children: Ransom S. Welbom Hope, b. July 8, 1903. Has served eight

Hooker Jr., Mildred Phelps Stokes Hooker. Mean, yeej-s aa officer of Okla, State Fed. of Women's

of the Junior League. Favors woman suffrage, oiubs (now treas.) and has twice been Okla

Episcopalian. Mem. Colony Club. delegate to Gen. Fed. (Cii»cinnaU and San Fran-

HOOLE, Celia Ilarae (Mrs. William Henry Cisco); has been honored by Governor of State

Hoole), 77A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.T. several times by being naaned delegate to various

Born Falmouth, Me., Oct. 9, 1846; dau. Rev. conventions In other States. Interested In M.E.

Charles and Nancy Jenness (Page) Dame; ed. Church, South, Aid Soc., Kill Kare. Friday

Exeter (N.H.) High School and Mt. Holyoke Evening (social clube). Mem. of Gen. Federation

Coll., South Hadley, Mass.; m. Exeter, N.H., of Women's Clubs (mem. Legislative Oom.),

Aug. 24, 1871, William Henry Hoole; one son: Twentieth Century Club (pres. 10 years). Meth-

Lester Page Hoole, M.D. Sec. of Church Soc. of odist. Favors woman suffrage.

Benevolent and Home Mlssion^y Work ; mem. hOPEKIBK. Helen (Mrs. William Wilson), 169

of Exec. Board of New England Soc In Brook- walnut SU Brookllne, Boston.

^"V TJ^n' Jil",Ti°f»i^«^ "v?' *^'- ^1^^?,^^ °^'" Pianist, composer, teacher; b. Edinburgh,

N.Y. Congregationalist. Vice-pres. College Wo- a^r^n^r.^' ^„„ i.A^J, o„^ tj^,L„ /n,„„ll^ u„$.' men Club


HOOLEY, Helen Tfeerflse,, N.Y. Richard" Mandl, Par7s~;~m."WilUam WUsoni" Edln-

Attomey-at-law; b. Little Falls, N.Y. ; dau. burgh. Has repeatedly appeared with the prin-

John and Mary (Hayea) Hooley; grad. from cipal orchestras of Europe and America, in addl-

Llttle Falls Academy, '92, and Eastman Business tion to giving an extended series of pianoferta

Coll., '93; studied law In oflice of Snyder, Crist- recitals. Always much Interested in intro-

man & Earl, Herkimer, N.Y. In 1906 was ap- ducing new works. Author: Pianoforte compo-

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