Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/407

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��music. Mem. Presbyterian Church, Fargo. Farors ■wtunan suffrage.

HCTCHTNSON, Klizabeth Bartol Dewing: (Mrs. Frederick Porter Hutchinson), 82 E. Fifty- fifth St.. N.Y. Citv.

Author; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 26, 1886; dau. Thomas Wllmer Dewing, N.A. (well-known artist), and Maria Richards (Oakey) DcTving (also an artist); grad. Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1903; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 16, 1912, Frederick Por- ter Hutchinson. Author: Other People's Houses, 1909; A Big Horse to Ride, 1911. Mem. Soc. for Ethical Culture.

HUTCHINSON, Minnie Boyer (Mrs. Bobert Lee Hutchinson), 1509 Sixth Av., Huntington, W.Va,

Bom Martlnsburg, W.Va., June 19, 1871; dau. Frisby Daris and Cornelia (Butterworth) Boyer; ed. Martlnsburg city schools; Marshall Coll. (Huntington, W.Va.); m. Huntington, May 23, 1894, Rot>ert Lee Hutchinson; children: Helen Ellse, b. Aug. 16, 1S97; Kathryn Bird, b. May 28, 1900. Taught for five years before marriage in Huntington city schools; has been four years pres. Woman's Club of Huntington; State chair- mtn of civics of W.Va. Federation of Women's Clubs; grad. of Chautauqua reading course and five years pres. Chautauqua Reading Circle. Mem. Baptist Churclj; teaches Bible class of ladies; teaches a teacher training course for Sabbath- school workers. Mem. Missionary Circle; Li- brary Lecture Ass'n. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

HUTCHINSON, Sarah Mears (Mrs. Daniel Lovett Hutchinson), 1637 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia; dau. George W. and Mary Elizabeth. (Jones) Mears; ed. Miss Totten's and Miss Anable's schools, Philadelphia; m. Phila- delphia, Daniel Lovett Hutchinson Jr.; children: DaJiiel JO., Reginald. Has translated three boodles from German. Presbyterian. Republican. Rec- reations: Tennis, bridge, Bwimmmg, dancing, riding, driving. Mem. Acorn Club. HUTCHINSON, Mabel Vernon Dixon (Mrs. J. G. Hutchison), 147 E. Court St., Ottumwa, Iowa, Club woman and business woman; b. OttumTra, la. ; dau. J. W. and Sallie Ann (Vernon) Dixwi (both from Quaker families) ; father served in both houses of lawa. Legislature; ed. Wis. Univ. (mem. Delta Gamma) ; m. Ottum-wa, Iowa, June 23, 1898, J. G. Hutchison (nov/ deceased); daug'h- ter died at birth. Her husband, a lawyer and State Senator, embarked twenty years before his death in the wholesale grocery business, and since his death che has been president and active executive of J. G. Hutchinson & Co. Was for twenty years active in Sunday school work of Trinity Episcopal Church; started and for a time led the tK>y choir; director Y.W.C.A. and active mem. Ottumwa Hospital Ass'n. One of founders of Ottumwa Woman's Club; was mem. of the Tuesday Club, Tourist Club, and Art Club. Treas. (1895-99) and pres. (1899-1901) Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs; now pres. Iowa Bx- Presldents' Ass'n. Favors woman suSrage. Episcopalian. Republican.

HUTT, Edith Palmer (Mrs. W. N. Hutt), Ra- leigh, N.C.

Bom In Canada, 1879; dau. A. E. Palmer, M.D., and Mrs. Annie (Von Strohn) Palmer; ed. St. (Catharines, Ont. , and Chicago, 111.; took domestic science course at Lewis Inst, there; m. Detroit, 1906, W. N. Hutt (SUte horticulturist for N.C). Chairman dep't of health, N.C. Federation Women's Clubs; 1st vice-pres. Raleigh Woman's Club; chairman school hygiene. Gen. Federation Women's Clubs. Mem. N.C. Acad, of Science, Asso. Clubs of Domestic Science and various civic organizations. Recreation: Traveling. Specially interested in the woman's branch of the Farmers' Inst, (maintained by the State Govern- ment), going to them usually in their churches, schools or groves and giving demonstrations in cooking and talks on everything that concerns the welfare of the farm woman. HYATT, Anna Van Kirk (Mrs. Louis Eugene Hyatt), 2812 Thirteenth St., N.W., Washing- ton, D.C. Bora Itiaca, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1869; dau. Eron C.

��and Henrietta (Purdy) Van Kirk; ed. Ithaca High School; Wait's School; Cornell Univ.; m. Sept. 25, 1889, Louis Eugene Hyatt; children: Thelma V K., Kennet-h. Short story writer. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Alliance. Clnbst Cornell Women, Short Story, The Netherlauders.

HTATT, Anna Vaughn, 126 E. 80th St.. N.T.


Sculptor; b. Cambridge, Mass., 1876; dau. Al- phens and Audella (Beebe) Hyatt; ed. private school, Cambridge, Mass., and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; pupil of Henry H. Kltson, H. A. McNeil and Gutzon Borglum. Specialty Is animal sculpture in marble and bronze. Repre- sented in most of the Important exhibitions since 189S, and now in permanent collection of small bronzes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. City. Received honorable mention at the Paris Salon, 1910, for her statue of Jeanne d'Arc. Among her other notable works are her statue of a lion, Dayton, C, and groups of horses, tigers and goats at Metropolitan Museum. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc., Circle Friends of the Medallion, Federation of Arts. Favors woman suffrage. HYDE, Anne Rhea Bachman (Mrs. Charles R.

Hyde), Chattanooga, Tenn.

Born New Providence Church, Tenn. ; dau. Rev. J. W. and Evaline (Dulaney) Bachman; ed. Chattanooga High School, Sayre College, Lexington, Ky. (grad. with honors); m. Chatta- nooga, Tenn., Jan. 29, 1889, Rev. Charles R. Hyde; one son: John Bachman. Has been en- gaged in church work in various cities, Interested in American historical research and for years has been one of a committee to collect lit- erature for the Confederate Museum at Rich- mond, Va. ; has spoken many times for mis- sionary societies, unions and clubs on religious, literary and historical subjects. Author: An Historical Account of the Daughters of the Con- federacy; also a few poems and letter* of travel. Mem. Sayre Alumnae Soc., Va. Historical Soa, D.A.R., Daughters of 1812, Daughters of Con- federacy, Woman's Auxiliary of Arkansas His- torical Commission, Confederate Memorial Lit- erary Soc., Tenn. Woman's Press and Authors' Club. Recreation. Collecting Americana, Pres- byterian. HYDE, Annie Hayden (Mrs. Thomas W. Hyde),

the Vendome, Boston, Mass.; sum.nier address,

Bath, Me.

Born Bath, Me., July, 1841; dau. John and Martha (Brown) Hayden; m. Bath, Me., 1866, Gen. Thomas W. Hyde; children: John S., Ed- ward W., Ethel, Arthur S., Eleanor Hayden (Mrs. John C. Phillips), Madelyn. Mem. Brown- ing Soc, Folk-Lore Soc, Bibliophile Soc, Audu- bon Soc, Boston Drama League, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, Hampton Inst. Soc, Red Cross Soc Recreations: Music, literature, art. Mem. Musical Art Club (Boston), Fortnightly Club (Bath, Me.). Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

HYDE, Elisrabetb A., 1840 Summit PL, Washing- ton, D.C.

Writer: b. Southport, England, July 31, 1876; dau. John and Emily (Watson) Hyde; ed. public schools of Chicago and Omaha and privately. Interested in settlement work, playgrounds, child welfare. Improvement of the ccwalc supple- ment. Favors woman suffrage. Writer (under pen-name of "E. A. Watson Hyde") of short stories, poems, songs. Congregational 1st. Mem. League of American Pen Women (pres. 1909-10); Ass'n for the Advancement of Women. Actively engaged in editorial and statistical work. HYDE, Ida Henrietta, Lawrence, Kan.

Professor physiology; b. Davenport, la., Sept. 8, 1857; ed. Univ. of 111., 1881; Cornell A.B. '91; Bryn Mawr '92; instructor In biology '93; fellow '94; European fellow of the Ass'n Coll. Alumnae '96; European research (Phebe Hunt Fellowship) '96; student Woods' Hole '91; U.S. Fish Comm'n investigator '92; research student Strassburg '93, Heidelberg 1894-95; Naples Biological Station '96; Bern '96; Harvard '97; Radcliffe '98; Univ. of Chicago '08; Rush Medical 1909-11; Ph.D. Heidel- berg '96; research Univ. of Liverpool '04. Mem. staff of physiology, Woods Hole Marine Bio-

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