Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/413

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��(Wis.) High SahooQ, '77, with honors; taught school in Hixton, Wis., 1877-78 (mem. Alumnse Ass'n); m. Merrillan, Wis., 1878, Ansel B. Ives (lumber- man); children: Vera Maud, Raleigh Alexander, Joyce Texlne. Mem. Presbyterian Churoh of Shreveport, La. ; pres. Mothers' Union of Shreve- port. La., which is engaged in social betterment, philanthropic and educational work; founded a Training School for Girls in Shreveport, La., and formed a Cooperative Protective Ass'n In pre- vention of white slave traffic. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. M«n. Civic League of Shreveport, La. ; chairman on Sanitation of La. State Fed. Women's Clujbs. Mem. Mothers' Union, Nat. Congress of Mothera, Parent- Teachers' Ass'n.

��JACK. Charlotte Biigrgs Nelson (Mrs. Cecil McKee Jack), 4B1 Macon St., Decatur, 111. Born Bloomlngton, 111. ; ©d. Decatur, 111., and

Bloomington schools; Vassar Coll., A.B. '02;

Univ. of 111., B.S.; m. Bloomlngton, 111., June 11,

1908, Dr. Cecil McKee Jack; one daughter.

Teacher in Bloomlngton, 111., 1906-08.

JACK, Marion Klizabetb, care D. Russell Jack,

Esq., 162 Union St., St. John, N.B., Can.

Artist; b. St. John, N.B., Can.; dau. Henry and Annie (Johnston) Jack; ed. in art by John Ham- mond in St. John, later in Paris by Charles Lasar, also in England; at Lambeth School of Art with Walter Donne; studied also In Paris a short time at the Delacluse-Colorossi Academie; with Tudor-Hart and Max Bohm for composition. Exhibited In France at the Salon Frangais and the Beaux Arts and in various minor exhibitions in France as well as smaller exhibitions in Can- ada and the U.S. Interested in the Bahai move- ment for the unity of races, countries and re- ligions and for the promotion of peace and brotherly love between peoples in the world, holding meetings in her studio, 6 Stratford Court Studios, Gee's Court, Oxford St., London, for the study of the works of Bahai o' Ulla, founder of the Bahai movement. Favors woman suffrage. Work consists mainly of paintings of portraits, including some of notable people, and decorative panels and projects as well as land- scapes of a more realistic nature. Bahai-Chris- tian. Mem. Woman's International of England, Cosmos Club, London; Allied Artist Ass'n, Lon- don; Art Asa'n, St. John, N.B. JACKMAN, Lena, 18 Cannon St., Poughkeepsle,

N.Y., and High School, Greeley, Colo.

Teacher; b. Poughkeepsle, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01. Teacher Miss Low's School, Stamford, Conn., 1904-07; Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1P07; High School, Greeley, Colo., since 1900.

JACKSON, Alice Hooker Day (Mrs. Percy Jack- son), 63 B. Fifty-second St., N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City; prepared for college by private study; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02; special student in Law School of N.Y. Univ., 1902-03; graduate student Columbia Univ., 1908-09, and 1910-11; m. 1909, Percy Jackson, lawyer. Treas. N.Y. Consumers' League, 1903-06. Mem. (College Equal Suffrage League, Soc. of Colonial Dames. JACKSON, Annie Brown, 6 Qulncy St., North

Adams, Mass.

Librarian; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '82, M.A. '85; student In the Columbia College Library School, N.Y. City, 1887-88. Pres. of Board of Trustees of the North Adams Public Library since 1896. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. JACKSON, Bertha Christine, 16 Ruggles St.,

Westboro, Mass.

Born Westboro, Mass., July 14, 1872; dau. George Josiah and Ada Jane (Snow) Jackson; ed. Westboro schools; grad. high school, 1890 (valedictorian); Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; mem. Agora. Chairman of Program Com. of West- boro Branch of Women's Alliance of Unitarian and Other Christian Women, mem. Board of Managers and chairman Supply Com. of Weet-

��boro District Nurse Ass'n; mem. Program Com. of Thursday Club; sec. Current Literature Class; pres. Unity Circle; sec. Westboro School Com. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Drama League of Boston. Mem. Worcester Wellesley Club, Thursday Club (social and literary). Has taught in the high schools of three of the New England States, now teaches only private pupils In mathematics and the languages. JACKSON, Caroline Cooke, 248 Rldgeway Av.,

Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Sept. 25, 1855; dau. Peter Hugh and Mary (Cooke) Jackson; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. City (valedictorian), '73; Cornell Univ., B.S. '79. Went to San Francisco imme- diately after graduation from Cornell. Vice-prin- cipal of Mrs. West's School for Girls, 1882-1903. One of organizers of the Associated Charities of San Francisco (five years on exec, board) ; mem. Cal. Civic League (founded by Coll. Equal Suf- frage League); treas. Oakland Center (Cal.) Civic League; one of organizers of Northern Cal. branch Coll. Equal Suffrage League (treas. two years; pres. one year); active worker during suf- frage campaign In 1911. Democrat. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse (Cal. branch); chairman Com. of Organization (pres. three terms and served In many official capacities). Charter mem. Century Club of Cal. JACKSON, Clara Thompson (Mrs. William B.

Jackson), 329 High St., Lowell, Mass.

Born Plymouth, N.H., July 8, 1857; dau. Hiram and Betsy Dow (Drake) Clark; ed. private school of Samuel Bums, puMic schools and New Hamp- shire State Normal School, valedictorian class of 1876; taught In same, 1876-81; m. Plymouth, N.H., May 10, 1882, William B. Jackson, M.D., of Lowell, Mass.; children: William Clark Jack- son, b. June 5, 1883; Henry Francis Jackson, b. Oct. 5, 1885 (died May 15, 1887); Helen Frances Jackson, b. Sept. 12, 1889; Laurence Malcolm Jackson, b. Aug. 11, 1891. Mem. Lowell Guild; director Y.W.C.A., 1910-16. Against unlimited woman suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Mem. Mid- dlesex Women's Club, pres. 1908-09.

JACKSON, Cora May Brussman (Mrs. Martin

Jackson), Falrview Ranch, Mabton, Wash.

Born Covington, Ky., May 12, 1874; dau. Augus- tus Francis and Eliza Ann (Linville) Brussman; ed. In Covington, Ky., 1880-87; in St. Louis, Mo., 1887-92, through public schools and private school for two years; m. St Louis, Mo., Feb. 17, 1904, Martin Jackson (died Aug., 1911); children: Nettle R., Elizabeth J., Martin Henry, Stella May, John Cogswell. Favors woman suffrage. Correspond- ent for five years for local newspaper. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; mem. Christian Women's Board of Missions, Co-operative Ass'n, Fruit Growers' Ass'n, Riverside Women's Club (reader three years, pres. one year) ; Public Rest Room of Sunnyside, Wash.; Junior Bible Class. JACKSON, Mrs. Evert Wendell, Wllkes-Barre,


Bom Wllkes-Barre, 1883; dau. O. D. and Anna (Griffith) Jones; ed. high school, Philadelphia, and Wilson Coll., Mus. B. and certificate in music; mem. Sigma Alpha Pi; m. Wilkea- Barre, June 30, 1910, Evert Wendell Jackson (son of A. Wendell Jackson, who so recently defied the Six-Nation Syndicate and successfully floated a $50,000,000 loan to China). Ass't in physical science at Wilson Coll., 1906-09. Founded Wilson College Club of N. E. Pa, and first pres. Charter mem. Wyoming Valley College Club. Interested in universal suffrage. Unitarian. Recreation: Motorlag. JACKSON, Fanny Rebecca, Illinois State Normal

School, Macomb, III.

Librarian; b. Janesrllle, Wis.; dau. Alfred A. and Rebecca W. (Johneon) Jackson; ed. Rock- ford Coll., A.B. '96; Univ. of 111. Library Scfe^ol, B.L.S. 'OS. Periodical ass't Univ. of 111. Library, 1903-07; instructor in public documents Univ. of 111. Library School, 1903-07; ass't librarian West- ern 111. State Normal SchooJ, Macomb, 111., 1907- 11; librarian State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1911-13; librarian 111. State Normal School, Macomb, 111., since 1913. Sec. 111. Library Ass'n, 1904-05; sec. Wis. Christian Endeavor Union, 1898-

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