Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/415

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pres. Homoeopathic Hospital Aid Ass'n, Provi- dence. Against woman suffrage. Congregation- alist. Mem. Menders (a society of the ladies of the Faculty of Brown Univ.). Mem. R.I. Women's Club; pres. Rhode Island Ex-Club.

JACOBS, Laura Hewes Downing (Mrs. Henry Eyster Jacobs), 7301 Germantown Av., Phila- delphia, Pa.

Born Baltimore, Md., Nov. 21, 1852; dau. George F. and Margaret (Walter) Downing (sister of Augustus S. Downing; ed. Baltimore schools, Thiel Hall (now Thiel Coll.), Monaca, Pa. (now Greenville, Pa.); resided 1872-83 at Gettysburg, Pa., since 1883 at Philadelphia; m. Baltimore, Md., July 3, 1872, Henry Eyster Jacobs; chil- dren: Prof. Charles M. (Mt. Airy, Philadelphia), b. 1875; Henry Downing (Springfield, Mass.), b. 1877; Laura Winifred (m. Luther R. Shearer, North Wales, Pa.); Marguerite (m. Rev. W. M. Horn, New York). Pres. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Lutheran Minis- terium of Pa.; former pres. and treas. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of Philadel- phia Conference; treas. Continuation Com. of Woman's Interdenominational Ass'n, Philadel- phia; chairman Ladies' Auxiliary Ass'n, Lutheran Theological Sem. Author of Tract on Medical Missions (published both in English and Ger- man); contributor to Woman's Work for Women, for The Lutheran, Philadelphia, Pa. Lutheran.

JACOBS, Mary Frick (Mrs. Henry Barton Jacobs), 11 W. Mt. Vernon Pl., Baltimore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md.; dau. William Frederick and Ann Elizabeth (Swan) Frick; ed. at home, by governess and private teachers; m. 1st, Robert Garrett; 2d, Dr. Henry Barton Jacobs. For 25 years maintained a hospital of 35 beds for children, with dispensary; large contributor to all charities; active in support of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church. Interested in supporting music in the city and in aiding all municipal improvements. First vice-pres. Woman's Civic League, first vice-pres. the Colonial Dames of America (Chapter 1). Against woman suffrage. Mem. Anti-Suffrage League. Protestant Episco- pal.

JACOBS, Pattie Ruffner (Mrs. Solon Harold Jacobs), 1404 Beach St., Birmingham, Ala.

Born Charleston, West Va., Oct., 1875: dau. Lewis and Virginia (West) Ruffner; ed. Ward Sem., Nashville, Tenn., B.A. (Latin, French and English, first honors); grad. Normal Training School of Birmingham, Ala.; m. Birmingham, 1898, Solon Harold Jacobs; children: Madeline Ruffner, Virginia West. Vice-pres. Birmingham Zoo- logical Ass'n; treas. for the Prevention of Infant Mortality; chairman House Com. of Birmingham Century Club. Pres. Alabama Equal Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Birmingham Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Exec. Com. of the Nat. American Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Recreation: Vocal music. Mem. local church choirs, Music Study Club (vice-pres. one year, also chairman Public Park Concerts one year). Mem. advisory boards of many local philanthropies, such as Associated Charities, Boys' Club, etc.

JACOBSON, Nettie Catherine (Mrs. Charles H. Jacobson), 1309 Elizabeth St., Denver, Colo.

Born McGregar, Ia.; dau. Andris Brandt, Jr., and Katherine (Welch) Brandt; ed. Chicago High School, and Cook_Co. Normal; m. Denver, 1883, Col. Charles H. Jacobson; one daughter: Mabel Harriett. Teacher of parliamentary law; lec- turer on art and literary topics; interested in educational movements; active in patriotic work. Mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution, Denver Patriotic League, Sarah Platt Decker Memorial Ass'n. Recreation: Club work. Mem. Woman's Club of Denver (pres. two terms), Re- viewers' Club, Historic Art Club (pres.), regent of Colo. Soc. Daughters of the Revolution (now in second term), charter mem. and on exec. board Colo. Federation of Women's Clubs.

JACOBY, Lois Almy (Mrs. Douglas P. A. Jacoby), 106 Touro St., Newport, R.I. Born Little Compton, R.I.; dau. Philip W. and Mary (Cook) Almy; ed. Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass.; m. Little Compton, R.I., 1896, Douglas P. A. Jacoby, M.D. Interested in various reli- gious, social, philanthropic and literary clubs and societies. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian.

JAMES, Aphie (Mrs. Louis James), Monmouth Beach, N.J.

Actress; b. Smith's Grove, Ky.; dau. John C. and Susan A. (Wright) Hendricks; ed. St. Mary's, Kansas City, Mo.; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1893, Louis James. Co-star with Louis James for six years in all classic plays; starred alone in Judy O'Hare, 1911; now in vaudeville.

JAMES, Elizabeth Blakeslee (Mrs. Henry Duvall James), 12 Trenton Av., Edgewood Park, Pitts- burgh, Pa.

Born in Olean, N.Y.; daughter of Frank Nichols and Cornelia (Sartwell) Blakeslee; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '01; Harvard Summer School, '04 (mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon); m. Pittsburgh, Jan. 14, 1908, Henry Duvall James; children: Katharine Duvall, Curtis Blakeslee. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Clubs: Epoch, College, Wellesley (all of Pittsburgh).

JAMES, Jean Eleanor, 82 Chestnut St., Albany, N.Y.

Born Albany, N.Y., 1876; dau. Robert Craig and Eliza E. (Fudger) James; ed. Vassar Coll., B.A. '99; student State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y., 1904-05. Teacher, Lyndon Hall School, sec., 1904-06; missionary in India under Presby- terlan Board, 1906-12. Interested in missionary education and leader of mission study classes. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnæ and of Vassar Club, Albany, N.Y.

JAMES, Lina Balis, care Y.W.C.A., Seventh and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Philadelphia, and Catasauqua, Pa.; translator Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1899-1902; Y.W.C.A. student General sec. Y.W.C.A.; b. Amenia, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1864; dau. George D. and Mary Balis (Hall) James; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; Univ. of Mich. (summer), 1899; Univ. of Chicago (summer), 1901, 1904; Columbia Univ. (spring), 1911. Prof. of Latin, S.W.Va. Inst., 1892-94; prof. of Latin, Hardin Coll., Mexico., Mo., 1896-1901; lady prin- cipal and Latin dep't Frances Shimer School of Univ. of Chicago, 1901-07; student Rome and Paris, 1908-09; dean of women, Oxford (Ohio) Coll., 1909-10. Student Nat. Training School, Y.W.C.A., N.Y. City, 1911; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Portland, Ore., 1911. Baptist.

JAMES, Mary Latimer, Pei-Yang Woman's Med. School and Hospital, Tientsin, China.

Physician; b. Gambier, O., Feb. 3, 1883; dau. Fleming and Mary (Duvall) James; ed. Miss Gordon's School for Girls, Philadelphia, grad. 1900; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04 (on honor roll of first five); Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Phila- delphia, M.D. '07 (mem. Zeta Phi, Med. Frat.). Interne in Memorial Hospital, Worcester, Mass., Sept., 1907, to Sept., 1908; medical missionary for Protestant Episcopal Church on Utah Indian Reservation, Oct., 1909, to July, 1911; taught in Southern branch of State Normal School, 1911-12; appointed June, 1912, to act as physician and teacher in the Pei-Yang Woman's Med. School and Hospital at Tientsin, China, an institution run by the Chinese Government, in which posi- tion is now serving. Delivered several lectures in Mormon Tabernacle, on the subject of hy- giene. Favors woman suffrage. Has written short articles for the missionary magazine and medical college paper. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. and Alumnæ Ass'ns of colleges. Rec- reations: Reading, athletics in general, horse- back riding, walking, tennis, boating, swimming, etc.

JAMES, Mary Tootle (Mrs. William K. James), St. Joseph, Mo.

Born St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 9, 1863; dau. Thomas E. and Ellen (Bell) Tootle; m. St. Joseph, Oct. 31, 1883, William K. James; chil- dren: Ellen Tootle, b. Oct. 8, 1885, Thomas Tootlc, b. Oct. 24, 1889. Pres. Board of Directors of the Sheltering Arms (home for destitute chil- dren); mem. of Mo. Library Commission. Pres- byterian. Mem. D.A.R., Runcle Club and Ari Soc., St. Joseph; Ex-Club of Missouri; pres. Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, 1905-09;