Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/434

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��Wis.; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa). Mem. Political Equality League. Author: Com- position and Rhetoric for High Schools; also contributions to The Dial. Mem. Irish Text Soc., Chicago College Club..

KAY, Jane Heartt (Mrs. Darcey Hemsworth Kay), care Union Trust Co., 80 Broadway. N.T. City.

Bom Rye, N.Y., June 29, 1880; dau. Samuel and Catherine (Schell) Cragie; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02; m. N.Y., Mar. 1, 1905, Lieut. Darcey Hemsworth Kay of the Worcestershire Regiment; one daugh- ter: Elsie Craigie Kay, b. April 27, 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.

KAY, Jenny Mieville Totten (Mrs. Jamea I. Kay), 5440 Forbes St., E.E., Pittsburg, Pa, Born Pittsburgh, Pa., June 26, 1856; dau. Rob- ert and Louise (Mellier) Christie; ed. Brooks Hall, Pa. ; m. Pittsburgh, Mar. 17, 1881, James I. Kay; children: Marie Louise, b. 1882: Francis Goddard, b. 1886 (died 1897). Manager in the Pittsburgh Newsboys Home; vice-pres. of the Industrial Homo for Crippled Children; vice- pres. of the Pittsburgh Branch of the Am. Wadensian Soc. Mem. Consumers' League, Pittsburgh Civic Club, Am. Red Cross Soc., Pittsburgh Golf Club, the Twentieth Century Club of Pittsiburgh. Presbyterian.

KEAJ^^E, Mary Grace, Public Library, East St.

Louis, 111.

Librarian; b. East St. Louis, 111.; dau. Jere- miah J. and Catherine (Egan) Keane; ed. Bast St. Ixjuis public schools. Mem. Women's Civic Fed., Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. (Catho- lic. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n., 111. Library Ass'n; ass't librarian East St. Louis Public Library, 190O— .

ICEAKNEY, BeUe, Flora, Miss.

Lecturer and writer; b. Vernon, Mlsa., Mar. 6, ISG3; dau. Col. Walter G. and Sue (Owens) Kearney; ed. in State of Mississippi. Has lec- tured in every State and Territory of the U.S. and in many foreign lands in the interest of the enfranchisement of women, and the advocacy of the temperance cause. Author: A Slaveholder's Daughter. Has written for the press since a young girl; while making a world's tour, 1904-05, wrote for a syndicate of newspapers. Prohibi- tionist. Mem. W.C.T.U., D.A.R., and Interna- tional Lyceum Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, travel.

KEARNS, Elsie Hemdon, 830 President St.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Actress; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1884; dau. Charles R. and Stella M. (Dickinson) Kearns; did college preparatory work at Berkeley Inst, for Girls, Brooklyn; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '06; American Acad, of Dramatic Arts, N.Y. City (won the David Belasco gold medal) (Phi Kappa Psi). Taught dramatic criticism on faculty of Smith Coll., 1998-09; mem. New Theatre Co. of N.Y. City, 1909-11. Played title role of Hamlet at Smith Coll.; played in Boston and N.Y. under auspices of Smith Coll. to raise funds for new library at the college. Recreation: Fishing. Roman Catholic.

KEATING, Loolse Barnard (Mrs. Thomas M.

Keating), Lima, N.Y.

Former teacher; b. Mendon, N.Y., 1874; dau. Frank H. and Martha (Hollister) Barnard; grad. with classical diploma from Genesee Wesleyan Sem., with honor scholarship and teacher's di- ploma from Univ. of State of N.Y. ; m. Uma, N.Y., 1899, Thomas Mosgrove Keating; one son: Kenneth B., b. 1900. Taught first as preceptress of Middlebury Acad., Wyoming, N.Y., later in ■Warsaw (N.Y.) High School, dep't of German and literature. Director of Mechanics' Inst, of Rochester, advocating domestic science for all girls and industrial training for boys; one of the first trustees of the Lima Public Library. Piesbyferian. Mem. Skahasegao Chapter of (regent of chapter and its founder when organized in 1908). Pres. for five years of the Quaere Club (literary organization); also mem. of amusement clubs.

��KEAXrNGE, Caroline Bates (Mrs. Joseph M.

Keatinge), Lewiston, Idaho.

Born Providence, R.I.; dau. William Lincoln Bates, M.D., and Rebecca J. (Lewey) Bates; ed. Providence graded schools and high school; m. N.Y. City, Joseph M. Keatinge, counsellor at law; children: Paul, Caroline, William, Anna. Favors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Lib- eral Democrat. Pres. Idaho Third District Fed. of Women's Clubs; first vice-pres. Idaho State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912-13. Mem. Clio, N.Y. City; Tsceminicum Club, Civic Improvement Club, Advisory Board St. Joseph's Hospital (pres. of Board 1912), and Court Cataldo, Daughters of Isabella (Grand Regent 1912), of Lewiston; and Consumers' League of Idaho. KEATOB, Emma Victoria (Mrs. Frederic W.

Keator), The Rutland, Tacoma, Wash.

Bom Ohicago, Mar. 22, 1873; dau. George P. and Louise (Campion) Lyon; ed. Chicago public schools; m. Oct. 30, 1894, Rt. Rev. Frederic W. Keator, Bishop of Olympia; one son: Frederic W. Jr. Pres. of Diocesan Branch of Woman's Auxiliary; pres. Aloha Club; pres. Ladies' Mu- sical Club for two years. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Republican. KEAYS, Hersilia A. Mitchell (Mrs. Charles

Henry Keays), 6 Ash St., Cambridge, Mass.

Bora Woodstock, Ont., Oct. 28, 1861; dau. Will- iam J, and Hersilia (Mitchell) Copp; ed. schools in Canada, England and Germany; m. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 6, 1882, Charles Henry Keays (died Mar. 29, 1897). Author: Little Lords of Creation, 1900; He that Eateth Bread With Me, 1904; The Work of Our Hands, 1905; The Road to Damas- cus, 1907; I and My True Love, 1908; The Mar- riage Portion, 1911.

KECK, Laura Virginia, 722 Walnut St., Allen- town, Pa.

Secretary Y.M.C.A. ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 4, 1853; iau. George and Ann Eliza (Osborne) Keck; ed. Philadelphia public schools. Pres. Woman's Missionary Soc. of the Lutheran Gen. Council; vice-pres. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Allentown Conference of Ex- Lutheran Mlnisterium of Pa.; pres. Ladies' Auxiliary of Good Shepherd Home for Crippled Children and Infant Orphans and Old People; pres. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc., St. John's Lutheran Church; sec. Y.W.C.A.; sec. Ladies' Auxiliary, Allentown Hospital Ass'n; mem. Advisory Com. of Associated Charities. Lutheran. KEEEE, Frances L,. Davis (Mrs. Harry L.

Keefe), Walthlll, Neb.

Teacher; b. Bentham, Yorkshire, Eng., Dec. 10, 1870; dau. Septimus R. and Annes (Hodgson) Davis; ed. public and high schools, Springdale, la.; Iowa State Univ., Ph.B. '95 (Delta Gamma); m. Springdale, la., Nov. 22, 1898, Harry L. Keefe. Principal of high school, 1895-96; special English, 1897-98. Mem. and treas. of school bo8.rd since 1907; ex-State pres. Neb. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Neb. House Economics Ass'n; director Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 190S-12; rec. sec., 1912-14; mem. and vice-pres. Child Labor Com. of same for Neb. Mem. State Conference of Charities and Correction, Woman's Club (Walthill, Neb.), honorary mem. Tuesday Club (West Point, Neb.). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. KEELER, Mrs. Agrnee L., 821 Webster St.. N.W.,

Washington. D.C.

Born Port Washington, Wis.; dan. Benjamin F. and Agnes L. (Freeman) Pidge; ed. Dunham Acad., Canada; children: Maud, Agnes, Louise, Josephine Edith, Thomas Lafayette. Pres. Women's Relief Corps of the Dep't of the Poto- mac, Washington, D.C. Protestant Episcopalian. KEELER, Ellen Coughlin (Mrs. Ralph Welles

Keeler), 150 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.

Born Kingston, Pa., Dec. 13, 1879; dau. James Martin (sup't public schools of Wilkes-Barre. Pa.) and Mary Esther (Welter) Coughlin; ed. Wllkes-Barre High School; Wellesley Coll., A.B. 02; grauiuate student Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; m. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., July 11, 1906, Rev. Ralph Welles Keeler, ass't editor of Sunday- school publications of the Methodist E>piscopa)

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