Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/48

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on Education, Program and Civics. Lecturer in Univ. Extension for Univ. of Minn. Pres. and holder of many offices locally in clubs; favors woman suffrage. Unitarian (treas. Unity Church, St. Cloud, Minn.). Mem. St. Cloud Health and Hygiene League, State Anti-Tuberculosis Board, St. Cloud Reading-Room Soc, Drama League of America. Recreation: Motoring, travel.

ATWOOD, Maud Smith (Mrs. Harry F. Atwood), 7221 Yale Av., Chicago, Ill.

Born Fox Lake, Wis., 1879; dau. Dr. J. T. and Catherine (Purdy) Smith (niece of former Gov. William B. Smith of Wis.); ed. Downer Coll., Fox Lake, Wis.; Ill. State Normal Univ., Bloomington, Ill.; m. Fox Lake, Wis., Aug. 23, 1905, Harry F. Atwood; one daughter, b. 1906. Before marriage taught five years in Morgan Park, Ill. Served as pres. of Morgan Park Woman's Club, an organization active in philanthropy and civics; three years mem. of Board of Education of Morgan Park; vice-pres. Third Congressional Dis't Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Woman's clubs. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of several of Chicago equal suffrage organizations.

AUER, Clara Meltzer, 13 W. 121st St., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Russia, Oct. 15, 1874; dau. Samuel James and Olga S. (Levitt) Meltzer; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, Barnard Coll. A.B. '96, John Hopkins Univ. Med. School M.D. 1900; m. Dr. John Auer; children, James and Helen. Research Scholar Rockefeller Inst, for Medical Research, 1901-03; ophthalmologist to the Harlem Hospital Dispensary, 1901-03; clinical ass't and late ass't surgeon at the N.Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1901-10; ophthalmologist to the N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1908. Has published several articles on medical topics; mem. Harlem Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State and County Med. Soc., Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State. Recreation: Music. Favors woman suffrage, but not active.

AUGSBURY, Mary Ellis (Mrs. Willard S. Augsbury), Antwerp, N.Y.

State Regent D.A.R.; b. Antwerp, N.Y.; dau. John D. and Mary J. (Buell) Ellis; ed. Ives Sem., Antwerp, and Vassar Coll.; m. Antwerp, Sept. 12, 1893, Willard S. Augsbury. Active in patriotic organizations; mem. Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America and Nat. Soc. Daughters of Am. Revolution. Mem. Saturday Club, Antwerp, N.Y. Congregationalist.

AUSTEN, Ellen Munroe (Mrs. Peter Townsend Austen), 649 East 19th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, May 13, 1855; dau. Thomas and Ellen (Middleton) Munroe; ed. in Anna C. Brackett's School, N.Y. City; m. Staten Island, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1878, Peter Townsend Austen, distinguished chemist, who died in 1907; children: William Thomas, Oswald Townsend, Elizabeth Patty. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution and Nat. Soc. of New England Women.

AUSTIN, Caroline Sprague, Merriam Park Station, St, Paul; summer: Mahtomedi, Minn.

Teacher, lecturer; b. East Jaffrey, N.H., July 29, 1863; dau. Rev. Franklin D. and Caroline F. (Sprague) Austin; is a descendant of Mayflower Pilgrims; ed. at home, at Nashua (N.H.) High School and at Smith Coll., B.A. '88. Has been teaching in St. Paul Central High School from fall of 1888. Has served on many committees for Central High School, High School Teachers' Club. Has lectured at Y.W.C.A.; read papers before St. Paul Inst.; spoken at settlement meeting of the City Club, etc. Has led Cosmopolitan Club several years, also St. Anthony Park Club (literature division) one year. Has written articles for Primary Education, etc. Congregationalist. Mem. two church societies; Ass'n Coll. Alumnae (pres. 1910-11), City Club, New Century Club. Recreations: Those incident to life at White Bear Lake five months of the year; in winter, theater, symphony concerts and various social activities. Believes woman suffrage to be inevitable in course of time.

AUSTIN, Laura Osborne (Mrs. Louis W. Austin), 3136 Newark St., Cleveland Park, Washington, D.C.

Born McGregor, Ia.; dau. Willis L. and Julia (Colman) Osborne; ed. public schools LaCrosse, Wis.; Univ. of Wis. A.B. '97 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Aug. 16, 1898, Louis Winslow Austin. Interested in philanthropic work, particularly in the Girls' Friendly Soc. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Clubs: Washington, College Women's. Protestant Episcopal.

AUSTIN, Mary, National Arts Club, 12 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Carlinville, Ill.; dau. Capt. George and Saville (Graham) Hunter; grad. Blackburn Univ. A.B.; m. Bakersfield, Cal., Stafford W. Austin; one daughter: Ruth. Connected with educational interests of California, institute lecturer. State Committee Course of Study. Has made researches on the development of native art; lecturer on Primitive Society; has made many contributions to collected American Indian Folk Lore. Author: The Land of Little Rain; Isidro; The Basket Woman; The Flock; Lost Borders; Santa Lucia; The Arrow Maker (dramatic—at New Theatre); Christ In Italy; A Woman of Genius. Progressive; active in feminist movements. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Twilight Club, London Lyceum.

AUTEN, Nellie Mason, Princeville, Ill.

Born Princeville, Ill., Mar. 3, 1875; dau. Edward and Maria Louisa (Cutter) Auten; ed. Princeville Acad., 1887-89, 1890-94; Wellesley Coll., 1894-98, A.B. '98; Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900, A.M. 1900. Teacher, grade and high school, Piano, Ill., 1898-99, teacher of Latin, Hillside (Wis.) Home School, 1900-01. With a brother had a club for little boys, 1902-03; teacher in Sunday-school, 1910-11. Wrote an article in the American Journal of Sociology for March, 1901: Some Phases of the Sweating System in the Garment Trades of Chicago. Presbyterian. Mem. Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Association and Association of Collegiate Alumnae.

AVARY, Myrta Lockett, 415 Spring St., Atlanta, Ga.

Writer; b. Halifax, Va,; dau. Harwood A. and Augusta (Harper) Lockett; ed. private tutors and governesses; m. Dr. James Corbin Avary. Served on the editorial staffs of four magazines in N.Y. City, where became interested in fresh air work, social settlement work, etc.; more recently engaged in historical writing and research in the South. Author: A Virginia Girl in the Civil War; Dixie After the War. Editor: A Diary from Dixie; Recollections of Alexander H. Stevens. Has contributed historical and sociological articles to various magazines, also short stories and poems.

AVERILL, Blanche M. (Mrs. Alfred Perry Averill), 1200 West Boulevard, El Paso, Tex.

Clubwoman; b. Bryan, Ohio, Oct. 1872; dau. William H. and Nellie F. (Jones) Moore; ed. Mittleberger School, Cleveland, Ohio, Cornell Univ. A.B., class essayist (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Bryan, Ohio, 1899, Alfred Perry Averill. Pres. El Paso Woman's Club; chairman Art Committee of Texas Federation of Woman's Clubs; mem. Toledo Coll. Women's Club. Presbyterian. Mem. Humane Soc. and Charity Ass'n (El Paso). Recreations: Bridge whist, dancing.

AVERILL, Edith Alice Sherman (Mrs. Glenn Mark Averill), 213 S. Twelfth St., Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Born Iowa; ed. Rockford (Ill.) Coll., class of '90, B.A. '02; m. Glenn Mark Averill of Cedar Rapids, Ia. Was director of the gymnasium at Rockford Coll., two years. Interested in Y.W.C.A., Sunshine Mission Work and Children's Home at Cedar Rapids, Ia. Ex-pres. Ladies' Choral Soc. Mem. Tourist Club (literary).

AVERILL, Mary Martin (Mrs. Edward S. Averill), 415 S. Euclid Av., Oak Park, Ill.; summer, Pittsfield, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. John T. and Julia Foster Martin; ed. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '84, A.M. '92; special course at Wellesley Coll., 1886-87; m. Pittsfield, Jan. 2, 1901, Edward S. Averill (died Feb. 14, 1910); children: Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug.