Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/484

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��Collegiate Alumnse, Smith College Alumnae Ass'n. Mean. College Club (Boston), Enterprise Club Ihon. mem.). Unitarian. Recreations: Art, music, travel.

LOCBLHABT, Lizzie Marion, 11 North Ninth Av.,

Mt, Vernon, N.T.

Teacher; b. N.Y. City, May 5, 1874; dau. James Nelson and Baizabeth Maria (White) Lockhart; ed. Lockwood Collegiate School, Mt Vernon, N.y., 1885-92 (now Heathcote Hall, Scarsdale, N.Y.); Vassar Coll., A.B. 1892-96; summer courses at Columbia and N.Y. Univ. Interests are chiefly musical. Presbyterian. Mem. of Alum- nas Ass'ns and Mt. Vernon Musical Soc. Recrea- tions: Wallting, music.

rOCKWOOD, Belva Ann Bennett (Mrs. Ezekiel Lockwood), 619 F St., N.W., "Washington, D.C. Attorney and solicitor; b. Royalton, Niagara Co., N.Y., Oct. 24, 1830; dau. Lewis Johnson and Hannah (Green) Bennett; ed. public schools of N.Y., Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Genesee Coll., 1855-57, A.M.; Syracuse Univ., LL.D. 1908; Na- tional Univ. Law School, Washington, D.C, LL.B. '73, and University Extension, Oxford, England, 1870; m. first, Royalton, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1858, Uriah H. McNall; second, Washington, D.C, March 11, 1869, Rev. Ezekiel Lockwood; children: Lura McNail, Jessie B. Lockwood (both de- ceased). Secured passage of folloT^ing bills: Equal pay of women employees of the Govern- ment for the same work with men, 1870; appro- priation of $50,000 to pay bounties of sailors and marines, 1873; admitting women to the U.S. Supreme Court of Claims, 1879. One of a com- mittee of eight appointed by Fed. of Women's Clubs, who secured a law of Congress changing the descent of property rights for women of the District of Columbia. Sent by State Dep't at Washington to represent the U.S. at Geneva, Switzerland, at Congress of Charities and Correc- tions, 1896; securing retiring rooms for women in the district court rooms and appointment of matrons in the jail. Nominated for President of the United States by the Equal Rights Party at San Francisco, Cal., Aug., 1884; contested the election of Cleveland in the Electoral College in the House of Representatives, 1886. Has been a teacher fifteen years and eight years a lecturer. Compiled a list of the peace treaties of the U.S. with other countries. Has written peace pamph- lets, including: The Hague Arbitration Court; A Chapter in History, or the Central American Re- publics; Arbitration, the Growth of Peace Princi- ples; Women in the Professions; Is Marriage a Failure? Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church since 1856. Senator for D.C. in the Am. Woman's Republic (dean, attorney-gen. and pres. White House Chapter, D.C); one of twenty peace am- bassadors to Europe, May, 1913; mem. Dist. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n, Dist. of Columbia Woman Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Nat. Ass'n for Promotion of Arbitration. Admit- ted to practice in the Supreme Court of D.C, 1873; U.S. Supreme Court, 1879; U.S. Court of Claims in March, 1879; Supreme Court of N.Y. State, Virginia, and Court of Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, 1896. Helped to equip the Twenty- eighth Reg't, N.Y., 1S61 (Col. Donnelly), organ- ized at Lockport, N.Y. Preceptress of Lockport Union School, 1857-61. Pres. Woman's Aid Soc. of Lockport. Made mem. of Commission of Inter- national Peace Bureau at Berne, Switzerland, 1892 (sec. branch bureau at Washington) ; dele- gate to first Peace Congress in Paris, 1889. Has crossed the Atlantic seven times to be present at other international congresses, and has at- tended three others in U.S. Life-size oil portrait, unveiled by women of D.C, Feb. 10, 1913, now hangs in gallery of New National Museum.

I.OCKWOOD, Bertha Greene (Mrs. Virgil H. Lockwood), 1909 N. Pennsylvania St., Indian- apolis. Ind.

Born Washington Co., Ind., July 28, 1863; dau. Charles Preston and Nancy (Hunter) Greene; ed. by tutors and in private and public schools; m. Indianapolis, July 2, 1889, Virgil H. Lock- wood; children: Ralph Greene, Ruth Greene, Grace Greene. Chairman Com. on Industrial and Social Conditions, Ind. Federation of Wo-

��men's Club!^; vice-chairman and director Ind. Children's Bureau; sec. Ind. Child Labor Com.; chairman Social Welfare Dep't, Woman's Dep't Club of Indianapolis; director Consumers' League, Indianapolis. Lecturer in Indianapolis School of Philanthropy. Principal activity la child welfare work, in legislation for Child Labor bill, child protection from evil social conditions, for industrial education, protection of women in industry, housing conditions, and prison reform. Lectures on these subjects in clubs and schools. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Franchise League of Indianapolis. Presbyterian. Republican. Recreation : Collecting Japanese prints and sten- cils. Clubs: Fortnightly Literary, Women's Re- search, Portfolio (art), Sketch (art), John Heron Art Institute, Woman's Dep't Club.

LOCKWOOD, Katharine Bead, 'Wayside," Char-

mian. Pa.

Writer; b. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 1, 1843; dau. John Alexander Lockwood, U.S.N., and Julia (McLane) Lockwood; ed. in Europe, in Italy and Dresden, and by tutors and governesses at home. Much interested in work among the poor, usually carried on through parochial channels in tha Protestant Episcopal Church. Has always taught (non-professionally) chiefly in languages, as a contribution to general education. Has played in amateur theatricals, usually to raise money for charitable causes. Writer of verses, dating back to The Independent in the '60's. Author of trans- lation of parts of Lubke's History of Art; trans- lation of Lenormant's Origines de I'Histoire dea Souces de le Bible; A Child in Florence (book, reprinted from magazine articles) ; also many short stories. Episcopalian. Interested in suf- frage question so far as it involves woman's work and wages, but fears government duties hamper a woman's usefulness along normal lines.

LOCKWOOD, Laura Emma, "Wellesley, Mass.

College professor; b. Moore's Hill, Ind., Oct. 11, 1863; dau. Samuel Howard and Sarah A. (John- son) Lockwood; grad. Univ. of Kan., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '91, A.M. '94; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '98; mem. Kappa Gamma. Instructor in English, 1S99-1906, and since then associate prof, of Eng- lish language in Wellesley Coll. Author: Lexi- con to the English Poetical Works of John Mil- ion, 1907. Editor of editions of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, 1902, and of Mil- ton's Essays — Of Education, Areopagitica, and The Commonwealth, with Early Biographies of Milton, Introduction and Notes (Riverside Litera- ture Series), 1912. Also (with Amy Ruth Kelly): letters That Live, 1911, and Specimens of Let- ter-Writing, 1911. Methodist.

LOCKWOOD, Sara Elizabeth Husted (Mrs. William E. Lockwood), 410 Eureka St., Red- lands, Cal.

Retired teacher, author of text books; b. Bridgeport, Conn. ; dau Alfred W. and Lucy (Northrop) Husted; ed. New Haven High School; m. 1887, Dr. William E. Lockwood (de- ceased). Taught English language and litera- ture for 14 years in New Haven High School. Author: Lessons in English; Text Book on Com- position and Rhetoric (with M. Alice Emerson).

LODER, Nina S. (Mrs. Percival Loder), Clinton,


Florist; b. Clinton, Me., June 12, 1880; dau. George A. and Dora (Blaledell) Spearin; ed. Clinton High School; grad. Maine Central Inst., Pitt?field (class prophecy), 1898; m. Clinton, Me., June 12, 1900, C. Percival Loder; one daugh- ter: Hope Louise, b. 1901. Pres. Arcana Llterar- ary Club; warden Laurel (Rebekah) Ledge; mem. exec, board of Wesleyan Club. Methodist; sec. Ladies' Aid; mem. Alumni of Me. Central lost, of Pittsfleld, Fireside Chapter Order Eastern Star.

LODGE, Susan C, Philadelphia Collegiate Inst.,

1720 Arch St-, Philadelphia. Pa.

Teacher; principal Philadelphia Collegiate Inst, since 1897. Treas. Mathematics Ass'n of the Middle States and Maryland; pres. Philadelphia Branch of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. ot the Methodist Episcopal Church. Chairman of Philadelphia Jubilee Com. of Women's Boards of Foreign Missions.

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