Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/489

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��pres. of Parent-Teachers' Circle of grade school Clubs: Lyceum (London). Twentieth Ccnturv

and vice-pres. of Colorado Branch Mothers' Con- Authors' (Boston); Wednesday Mo ningN^'

gress Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. England Women's (Boston). Owns and occu^

Mem. Women's Club of Fort Collins, Good Time pies for a summer home '"rhe Wayside " ConI

Club (pros. Women's Ass'n of Colorado Agrl- cord, Mass., home of Nathaniel Hawthorne It

cultural College (was pres. two years). was purchased from Hawthorne family in 1883

Born Muncy, Pa., June 24, 1857; dau. Henry

and Margaret (Green) Johnson; ed. Muncy Sem., LOTZ, Matilda, rue Campagne Premiere No 9

Walnut Lane School, Philadelphia; m. Muncy, Paris, France. ' '

June 22, 1882, (.Charles Lose. Interested in child Artist, painter; b. Franklin, Tenn. 1861- dau

welfare work, as her husband has long been Albert and Margarlte (Grasz) 'Lotz; ed in Paris

connected with schools as sup't. Favors woman pupil of Monsieur Van Marcke and' Barrias She

suffrage; active in movement as writer and sketched animals from nature when only 6 or 7

speaker. Has written for magazines and news- years old; began to study art at the School of

papers for years on all sorts of subjects, in- Design in San Francisco, where she received

eluding short stories and articles for sporting three gold medals; then went to Paris, where she

magazines, as well as essays, sketches and studied. Exhibited in the Salon d'ea Artistes

modern newspaper work; wrote Platform for Prangaise, Paris, and in America, England,

Women, 1911 (The Forum). Episcopalian. Mem. Austria and Hungary. Spent several years in

Parent-Teacher Asa'n, Home-School League, t^ie Orient, Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Tunis and

Has held various appointments, usually civic, Algeria, where she painted the landscape and

under State Fed. of Pa. Women and the State animals of those countries.

Congress of Mothers. Pres. one term of Clio t rwrrw^ « - ^^

Olub of Williamsport. LOUD Annie Frances, 35 Cypress St., Brook- line, Mass.

IvOSHE, Lallie l^emjng, 1 W. Eighty-first St., Composer of music; b. Weymouth, Mass., Nov.

N.y. City. Id. 1856; dau. John White and Sarah Humphrey

Born Stamford, Conn., 1877; dau. C. P. Loshe ("lanchard) Loud; after preliminary study, took

(captain U.S. Army) and Elizabeth Peckham Peaal organ and harmony lessons at Boston Con-

(Smith) Loshe; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; ?®F'^ „'"/• -^^"^ harmony and composition of

Columbia "Univ., Ph.D. '07. Reader of English, •"^'i^ if: Tufts, of Boston. Formerly organist

Bryn Mawr Coll., 1908-11. Author: The Early 2,°" ^"°"" director; also did home teaching.

��American Novel, ld07. Episcopalian.

��Composer of about 150 published compositions; songs, carols, processionals and children's LOTHKOP, Fauny Mack (Mrs. Ira B. Lothrop), songs being her specialties. Has written mixed lOfi W. Ninetieth St., N.Y. City. men's and ladies' quartets, and adult and chil-

Born Decatur, Win.; dau. Isaac Foster and dren's choruses; also compositions for pedal or- Frances (Day) Mack; ed. Normal Coll. of Chi- gan and piano. Best known songs: The Angel's cago, Oberlin Coll., Ohio; m. Brookiyn, N.Y., Message; There Is a City Bright; My Rose; 1883. Ira B. Lothrop (children ail deceaoed). duet. Our Lord Has Risen; His Loving Kind- Writer for magazines and newspapers. Against ness; God Hath Sent His Angels, The Eaater woman suffrage. Author: Celebrities of To-/>'ij: Bells are Chiming. In 1893 was awarded a Famous People. Has (probably) the largest (^oi- diploma and medal from the Columbian Expo- lection of pictures of people in the world, eon- sition at Chicago for an exhibition of sacred and Bisting of photographs, half-tones, wood eng7'av- secular music of standard value and Interest, Ings, steel engravings, pen-and-ink sketches, etc. consisting of solos and choruses. Congrega-

tionalist (Trinitarian).

��I.OXnKOP, Harriet Mijiford Stone (Mrs. Daniel Lothrop), The Wayside, Concord, Mass. Author; b. New Haven, Conn.; dau. Sidfiey

Mason and Harriet (Mulford) Stone; ed. at pri-

��L/OUP, Bessie Alberta, 603 Broad St., Provi- dence. R.I. Teacher of mathematics; b. Providence, R.I.,

��vate schools in New Haven; m. New Haven, Oct. Oct. 3, 1880; dau. George R. and Eliza A. (Im

4, 1387. Daniel Lothrop, founder of the house of man) Lori?; ed. Engli.=.h High School, Provl-

D. Lothrop & Co., publishers, Boston (died Mar. dence; Brown Univ., Ph.B. 1903 (Zeta Zeta

18, 1881); one daughter: Margaret Mulford, b. July Zeta). Teacher of mathematics and German In

27, 1884. Founder Nat. Soc. Children of Am. Webster (Mass.) High School, 1904-08; teacher oJ

Revolution, Feb., 1S95, at Washington, D.C.; Nat. mathematics EaKtern High School, Providence,

pres. for many years; since then hon. pres. for 1908—. On Membership Com,. T.W.C.A.. Provl-

life, with power to vote at all meetings. Founder dence; formerly chai-man of Social and Literary

Old Concord Chapter D.A.R., in 1894, at Con- Dep't of Epworth League on that com. tor

cord, Mass. Regent for seven years; ncyvr hon. about three or four years, editing Church Di-

regent; vice-pres. for many years of Benelicent rectory, Calendars, etc.; mem. of Ladies' Aid.

Soc. of New England Conservatory of Music, to Mem. Homceopa.thic Aid Soc, Woman's Hioslon-

help deserving students (one of incorporators), ary Soc, Social Com. (Reunion Com.) of Class

Has been active in church work; director on of 1903, on Publicity Com. and Visiting Com.,

Home and Foreign Missionary Boards. Author 1913; mem. Thimble Club, Providence. Recroa-

(pen-name "Margaret Sidney"): Five Little tlons: Coach of basketball In the Eastern High

Peppers Books (Five Little Peppers and How School, third season; fortnightly assemblies at

They Grew, Five Little Peppers Midway, Five the Eloise. Methodist. Favors woman sufifrage.

Little Peppers Gro^n UT);Phronsie Pepper, The louBEN, Elizabeth Valentine (Mrs. Thomas

Stories Polly Pepper Told, The Adventures of Louden), 7. W. Ninety-second St., N.Y. City.

Joe Pepper Five Little Peppers at School, Five Actress; b. Brooklyn, Mar. 16, 1877; dau. Ben-

pinnorf ^nflThtr # •' /" ^^^^^' uK'^'l ^'"^"^ J^™!" Evrc and Marie Antoinette (Storrs) Valen- Peppers and 'Their Friends Five Little Peppers ting. ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Cornell Univ., A.B. n the Little Brown House) ; also Old Concord, o2 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Watertown, N.Y.. Aug. Her Highways and By^vays; Wh.ttier with the 25. 1911, Thomas Louden, of Knook, County Children, Hester and Other New England pown, Ireland (barrlster-at-law). Engaged sea- Sketches, "The Pettibone Name; Two Little son 190S 09, under management Sir Herbert Friends in Norway; A Little Maid of Concord Tree, at His Majesty's Theatre. London, Eng. ; Town; A Little Maid of Boston Town; Sally; Mrs. ]9f)9-l0 with Sothem and Marlowe, playing Tubbs; and many other stories, together with Jessica Audrey, etc.; in 1911 became leading short stories, sketches and poems. Congregation- woman for Ben Greet In such parts as Portia, alist (mem. Old South Church, Boston). Mem. of Rosalind Hermione, Viola, Kate Hardcastle, etc. Atlantic Union (founded by Walter Besant. Lon- Frf-quently heard in readings and political rion, England); Nat. Peace Ass'n, and Boston speaking. Mem. Woman's Political Union, Po- Branch; Nat. Geographic Soc, Soc. of Descend- litlcal Study Club, Woman's Municipal League, ints of the Mayflo-syer. Recreations: Travel Speaker with Miss Harriet May Mills In tour In America and abroad, walking, driving, riding, of N.Y. State, June, 1912, by the State Ass'n

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