Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/492

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dep't, Wilton Acad., Me., 1881-82. Pres. Pendle- ton (Ore.) Auxiliary, Red Cross Soc., at time of Spanish-American War; sec. City Relief Soc.; pres., vice-pres. and sec. Umatilla Co (Oregon) Sunday-school Ass'n; vice-pres. Oregon State Sunday-school Ass'n; clerk and treas. Pendle- ton Congregational Church; mem. Northwestern Field Com. Y.W.C.A.; vice-pres. Oregon Con- gress of Mothers. Favors woman suffrage. County vice-pres. of State League. Republicar. Congregationalist. Mem. Bushes Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Pendleton City Library Ass'n. Umatilla Co. Historical Ass'n, W.C.T.U.; acting pres. Thursday Afternoon Club; mem. Library and Civic Club.

LOWENSTEIN, Alice Moritz (Mrs. Charles Lowenstein), 1746 Thirtieth St., San Diego, Cal.

Studying for motion picture playwright; b. Paris, France, Jan., 1869; dau. Samuel and Emma (Aaron) Moritz; ed. private school, San Antonio, Tex.; m. Galveston, Tex., May 8, 1896, Charles Lowenstein; one daughter: Emme- line, b 1897. Began as saleswoman at the age of 15; studied art, music, stenography during off hours and nights; became stenographer. In- terested in literary societies and civic improve ment, higher education and suffrage for women. Mem. San Diego Woman's Club, Eastern Star. Recreations: Walking, theatre, cards, music, art. Jewess. Favors woman suffrage; was pres. of the Fed. of Women's Clubs of Enid, Okla., where she urged the women to elect some of their members on the Board of Education, and succeeded in organizing interest in the matter. Resident of San Diego, Cal., since Feb., 1912.

LOWENSTEIN, Harriet B., 341 E. Fiftieth St.; office, 52 William St., N.Y. City.

Lawyer, certified public accountant; b. N.Y. City; dau. Sigmund and Frances (Thalinger) Lowenstein; ed. grammar school of N.Y. City; Normal Coll., '96; St. Lawrence Univ., LL.B. '05; Univ. State of N.Y.; certified public account- ant, 1906. Served as inspector of playgrounds and recreation centers for Board of Education, N.Y. City, 1902-07; chairman of Com. on Evening Schools and Recreation Centers for the Public Education Ass'n; the only woman on the legal staff of the Corporation Counsel of the City of N. Y., 1907-12. Mem. Empire City Chapter and Robert Macoy Court, Order Eastern Star. Mem. Portia Club. Now engaged in practice as a certified public accountant. Active in sociologi- cal work.

LOWRY, Edith B. (Mrs. Richard Jay Lambert), St. Charles, Ill.

Physician, surgeon, author; b. Austin, Minn., Nov. 11, 1878; dau. Alfred and Henrietta (Hicks) Lowry; ed. as teacher in high schools and nor- mal schools in Minn.; grad. nurse, Chicago; Ben- nett Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D. '07; m. July 24, 1911, Richard Jay Lambert, M.D. Practised in Chicago, recently devoting time to writing and consultations only. Educator, lecturer and writer on sex problems and on eugenics. Favors woman suffrage. Author of books on Sexual Hygiene. Confidences (Talks with a Girl Concerning Her- self); Truths (Talks with a Boy Concerning Himself); Herself (Talks with Women Concern- ing Themselves); False Modesty, that Protects Vice by Ignorance; Himself Talks with Men Concerning Themselves). On editorial staff of As- sociated Newspapers, N.Y. City; Mothers' Maga- zine, Elgin, Ill.; Woman's World, Chicago; To- day's Magazine, Canton, O. Mem. Chicago Med. Soc.; Eugenics Com. Ill. State Conference of Charities and Correction, Internat. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Faculty of Bennett Coll. of Medicine and Surgery; Med. Dep't Loyola Univ., Chicago. Recreation: Automobiling chiefly.

LOWTHORP, Fannie Willets (Mrs. Francis Cowlyn Lowthrop), 152 Greenwood Av., Tren- ton, N.J.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1860; dau. Joseph and Esther (Griffen) Willets; ed. Geneva, Switzerland; Weimar, Germany, and Swarth- more Coll., Pa., B.A. '80 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Roslyn, L.I., Oct. 3, 1888, Francis Cowlyn Low- throp children: Francis Cowlyn, Eleanor, Nata- lie. Interested in church work. Charter mem. of Y.W.C.A. in Trenton; on Y.W.C.A. Board of Managers for ten years. Mem. Board of Managers of Swarthmore Coll. for twenty-nine years. Mem. Order of Colonial Governors, Trent Chapter of the D.A.R. (held offices of cor. sec. and registrar), N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames of America (pres. 1908-13); charter mem. Contemporary Club of Trenton (ex-vice-pres., ex-pres.), Coll. Club of Trenton, Woman's Club of N.Y. City. Recreation: Motoring (has held chauffeur license herself). Episcopalian (born a Friend).

LOYHED, Frances Ames (Mrs. Edgar H. Loy- hed), Faribault, Minn.

Born St. Paul, Minn., March 17, 1861; dau. John S. and Ellen M. (Clough) Ames; ed. pub- lic schools in Northfield, Minn., St. Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn.; Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass.; m. Minneapolis, Minn, Sept. 26, 1884, Edgar H. Loyhed; children: Thomas Henry, Dorothy, Kathryn, Donald Ames, Constance. Mem. D.A.R. (was State Regent of Minn. D.A.R. for three terms, 1907-10), Colonial Dames of America in Minn., Travelers' Club of Faribault, Minn.; pres. Minn. Fed. of Women's clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; director in Minn. Suf- frage Ass'n.

LOZIER, Jeanne de la Montagnie (Mrs. A. W. Lozier), Standish Arms, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Physician; b. N.Y. City; ed. Rutgers Female Inst. (which was afterward made a college) in N.Y. City (now defunct), which was the pioneer for the higher education in N.Y. City, and was connected with N.Y. Univ.: grad. N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, M.D. '78; m. 1872, Dr. A. W. Lozier. Taught in Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll. until marriage. After medical graduation engaged in practice of medicine; was for seven years prof. physiology and for two years dean of N. Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, later serving as trustee. Devoted to Woman's Club movement; joined Sorosis in 1885, was its pres. 1891-94, and is now second vice-pres.

LUCAS, Bertha June Richardson (Mrs. William Palmer Lucas), 261 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Teacher, writer, lecturer; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '01; student of biology and economics, Barnard Coll., 1902-03; Mary Powell Stone fellow, N.Y. Univ., 1904-05; m. Sept. 11, 1909, William Palmer Lucas. Writer and lecturer in N.Y. City, 1904-05; teacher of history in Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1905-09. Author: The Woman Who Spends: A Study of Her Economic Func- tion, 1904.

LUCAS, Mattie Davis (Mrs. W. H. Lucas), Sherman, Tex.

Born Baldwin, Miss., Jan. 12, 1869; dau. Rob- ert J. and Francis E. (Johnson) Davis; grad. Sherman schools, high school, and Mary Nash Coll., '86; m. Apr. 10, 1888, W. H. Lucas; chil- dren: Nina L., W. Howard, Elizabeth. Organ- ized Sunday-school (sup't Elementary Division), United Benevolent Ass'n; chairman Woman's Com. of Boys' Dep't, Y.M.C.A. Pres. Sherman Shakespeare Club; on committees of Civic League (chairman Library Com.). Mem. State History Com., Tex. Federation of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Texas History Cards; Sherman Business Guide and Directory. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; mem. Christian Woman's Board of Missions, and Ladies' Aid Soc. Mem. Tex. State Historical Ass'n, Board of Directors of Carnegie Library (chairman of com. which inaugurated first free public library).

LUDINGTON, Mildred Wilson (Mrs. William Howard Ludington), 875 Park Av.. N.Y. City. Born New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1, 1879; dau. William H. and Cornelia M. (Hoadley) Wilson; ed. private schools, Miss Johnstone's, New Haven, Conn., and Ogontz School, Ogontz, Pa.; m. New Haven, Conn, June 1, 1910, William H. Luding- ton (Yale, '87) of N.Y. City; one son: Will iam Howard Ludington Jr., b. July 22, 1912, at New Haven, Conn. Interested in numerous charitable, religious and philanthropic organiza- tions; also in art and music. Against woman