Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/526

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��tiona: Travel, parties, etc. Sec. Covington Art Club; commissioner and sec. Emergency Ass'n; sec. Audubon Soc. Woman's Auxiliary; treas. Playgrounds Ass'n.

MANSFIELD, Adelaide Claflin (Mrs. George Rogers Mansfield), 2242 Ridge Av., Evanston, 111.

Born Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1874; dau. Har- vey T. and Eliza F. (Scott) Claflin; ed. Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97, honors and Phi Beta Kappa; m. Cleve- land, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1903, George Rogers Mans- field; children: Harvey Claflin, James Scott, Robert Hubbard, and twins, Marion Claflin and Helen Rogers. Teacher in high and grammar school, Greenwich, Conn., 1898-99; sec. 1899-1901, teacher 1901-03, Central High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Congregationalist.

MAJVSriELD, Blanche McManus (Mrs. Francis Miltoun Mansfield), care American Consulate, Toulon, France.

Author, artist; b. Feliciana, La., 1869; dau. W. McManus; ed. in Acad., New Orleans, and in Paris, France; m. Francis Mliioun Mansfield, Am. Consul, Toulon, France. Author: The American Woman Abroad; Romantic Ireland; Mosques and Minarets; Algeria and Tunisia, and a score of books on foreign life and history. Contributor to the newspaper and magazine press of N.Y., London and Paris; notable illustrator and decorator of Ce luxe books. Recreation: Au- tomobile, touring abroad exclusively. Mem. Tour- ing Club de France (Paris), Touring Club Ital- iano (Milan), Am. Automobile Ass'n (N.Y. City), New Vagabonds' Club (London). MANSFIELD, Helen Coolidge (Mrs. Howard Mansfield), 535 Park Av., N.T. City. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 17, 1860; dau. Reuben J. and Hannah (Coolidge) Todd; ed. N.Y. City and Europe; m. 1881, James Chesbro Tuttle of Minneajpolis, Minn.; (2d) 1895, Howard Mansfield, lawyer; children: George C. and Margaret M. Tuttle, of first marriage. President Music School Settlement; pres. Nat. Ass'n of Music School Societies; mem. MacDowell Memorial Ass'n, Peterboro, N.H. ; mem. Board of Mana- gers of West Side Day Nursery; vice-pres. Wednesday Afternoon Club; mem. Board of Di- rectors of MacDowell Club; mem. National Institute of Social Sciences. Pres. of Equal Woman Suffrage Ass'ns of N.Y. State; mem. Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Japan Soc, Colony Club, Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. N.Y. correspondsnt of The Minneapolis Bellman. MANSFIELD, Mary Allen (Mrs. Adelwin H. Mansfield), 826 Liberty St., MeadviUe, Pa. Born Newton Halls, O., July 17; dau. Albert Newton and Huldah J. (Gilbert) Allen; ed. pub- lic schools; Hiram (O.) Coll.; m. Leavittsburg, O., Sept. 26, 1878, Adelwin H. Mansfield; children: Franklin A., EflSe, Carrie Stuart. Interested in Assoc. Charities Social Centre, Woman's Literary Club, Western Reserve Chapter D.A.R. ; treas. Meadville Children's Aid Soc. and Home for the Aged. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. Consumers' League, Needlework Guild, Art Ass'n, Oratorio Soc. Clubs: Woman's Literary, Shakespeare and Browning.

MANSFIELD, Myrtle Gibson (Mrs. John Alfred Mansfield), Lakefield, Minn. Editor, teacher; b. Ironton, Ohio; graduate high school, Ironton, Ohio, '97; Denison Univ., Ph.B. '01; Chicago Univ., Ph.M. '02; m. Park Rapids, Minn., 1903, John Alfred Mansfield, law- yer. Principal of high school 1902-06. News- paper writer; editor Woman's Department of Co-operation, nionthly magazine of economics, published at Minneapolis; special reporter. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Contributor of articles to various journals. Soprano soloist. Baptist. Mem. Am. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnas. Recreations: Millinery, costume designing, domestic science, vocal music, art needlework, stenciling, tennis. Pres. Friends in Council (federated club). Mem. Political Equality League (Mankato). MANSFIELD, Susan Hegreman (Mrs. Richard Mansfield), The Grange, New London, Conn. Formerly actress; b. Troy, N.Y., Dec. 20, 1868;

��dau. William and Esther (Byram) Hegeman- ed. Troy, N.Y., and N.Y. City; m. Rye, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1892, Richard Mansfield; one son: Gibbs, b. Aug. 3, 1898. Appeared with Mrs. James Brown Potter in amateur production of A Midnight Mar- riage, and later joined the Madison Square Thea- tre Co., adopting the stage name of "Beatrice Cameron," and soon being promoted to leading parts. Joined Richard Mansfield's company as leading lady and later married him, continuing to fill the leading feminine roles in Dr. Jeky] and Mr. Hyde, Beau Brummel, Cyrano de Bergerac and various Shakespearian and other plays until Mr. Mansfield's death, Aug. 29, 1907. Acted in Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man, Devil's Disciple, Portia in Merchant of Venice, Lady Anne in Richard III, Hester Pryme in Scarlet Letter. Much interested in educational questions and settlement work. Favors woman suffrage. Religion, New Thought. Mem. Poetry Soc. of America. Recreations: Gardening, read- ing, mountain climbing. Clubs: Lyceum (Lon- don), McDorwell.

MANSON, Louise Hutcheson (Mrs. Lester C.

Manson), Wauwatosa, Wis.

Daughter Robert and Martha Belle (Hamilton) Hutcheson; ed. Washington (D.C.) public schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; Teachers' Coll., Colum- bia Univ., diploma '98; Woman's Med. Coll. ot Pa,, M.D. '04; clinical courses at Das Allge- meine Krankenhaus, Vienna. Austria, '06: mem. Agora (Wellesley), Eta Xi (Woman's Med. Coll.); m. N.Y. City, June, 1908, Lester C. Manson; one son: John Robert, b. September, 1909. Teacher English and Latin In private sdiool, 1898-1900; interne Babies' Hospital, N.Y. City, 1904-05; resi- dent physician for Girls' Coll., 1905-07; Wellesley fellowship, 1907-08, investigating physical condi- tion of factory women in N.Y. City. Physician to Children's Aid Soc, N.Y. City, 1907; ass't in clinics at Woman's Hospital and Orthopedic Hos- pital, N.Y. City, 1907-08. Favors woman suf- frage. Author (fellowship thesis) ; Physical Wel- fare of Factory Women in N.Y. City; |100 prize essay written for Am. Inst, of Social Service on Economic Waste Due to Occupational Diseases; prize essay as med. student on Causee of Death in Chloroform Anaesthesia. Pre^yterian.

MANWABING, Elizabeth Wheeler, Wellesley,


Teaoher; b. Bridgeport, Conn., June 27, 1879; dau. Moses Warren and Louise (Comstock) Man- waring; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02; Yale Univ., 1904-07. Ass't in English, Wellesley, 1902- 04; instructor in English, 1908 — . Congrega- tlonalist.

MANZEB, Adaline Brewer (Mrs. Sumner Jason Manzer), S425 Gladstone Blvd., Kansas City,


Born Mishawaka, Ind., Oct. 7, 1870; dau. Har- vey A. and Margaret L. (Reading) Brower; ed. ward school and high school, Nebraska City, Neb. ; college course in the Neb. State Normal School (life certificate); m. Sterling, Neb., Sept. 1, 1892, Sumner Jason Manzer (died Nov. 13, 1912). Has studied music for years; soprano singer. Identified with various social and phil- anthropic interests in Kansas City; officer in Kansas City Athenaeum for three years; in the Council of Clubs of Kansas City for two years; now pres. Second Dist. Mo. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Elizabeth Benton Chapter D.A.R., P.E.O.; was State organizer for P.E.O. for two years. Mem. Bancroft Club, the Athenaem. Favors woman suffrage.

MAPPIN, Lillian M., 1714 Chicago Av., Evan- ston. 111.

Teacher, social worker; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98, specializing in Greek and Latin. Teacher of (iroek and Latin, Brooklyn Heights Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1896-98; Collegiate Inst, for Girls, Philadelphia, 1898-1901; instructor in Greek, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, III., 1902-03. Engaged in special philanthropic work in con- nection with Y.W.C.A., Baltimore, Md., 1904-05; settlement worker. Calvary Church Guild, Phila- delphia, 1906-07.

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