Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/555

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��MINOT, Lucy Woodu'orth tMrs. William Minot),

142 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass.

Born Mar. 18, 1888; dau. Herbert Grafton and Grace Greenleaf (Taylor) Woodworth; grad. Miss Winsors School, Boston, 1906; m. Lrong- wood, Mass., June 23, 1908, William Minot; chil- dren: Lufy Woodworth Minot, b. Dec. 12, 1909 (died April 28, 1910); Grace Woodworth Minot, b. Nov. 7, 1911. Mem. Auxiliary Boa.rd Managers South End House; interested in similar organiza- tions. Mem. Chilton Club, Vincent Club, Sewing Circle of 1907.

MFNZIE, Hel^ne M. (Mrs. Meyer Minzie), 850

West End Av., N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City; dau. C. and S. (Edlnger) Man- dell; ed. N.Y. City; m. Denver, Colo., Aug. 12, 1896, Meyer Minzie. Interested In hospitals and charitable institutions. Against -woman suffrage. Mem. International Milk League, City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Washington Heights Hospital, Colonial Club, Beth David Hospital.

MISENEB, Geneva, The University of Alberta,

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Teacher; b. Welland Co., Ontario, Can.; dau. William M. and Esther M. (Beamer) Misener; ed. Welland High School; Niagara Falls Col- legiate Inst.; Queen's Univ. (gold medals in I>atln and Greek), M.A. '99; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '03; three years fellow in Greek at Univ. of Chicago.; Univ. of Berlin, Germany; held traveling fellowship given by Am. Collegiate Alumnse, 1907-08, attending Univ. of Berlin and later studying archaeology in Italy and Greece. Head of classical dep't Rockford Coll., 1903-09; later dean of Kenwood Inst. ; has lectured In the Univ. of Chicago, Greek dep't, six summer terms; head of classical dep't St. John's Colle- giate Inst., Winnipeg, Man.; now nss't prof. Latin and Greek and dean of women in the Univ. of Alberta. Author of monographs on Greek syntax. Mem. the Classical Ass'n of the Middle West and South, Am. Collegiate Alumnae, the Dickens Fellowship, Women's Canadian Club of Winnipeg, Univ. of Manitoba German Club, the Classical Club, Winnipeg. Recreations: Walking, golf, rowing, mountain climbing. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of the Univ. of Chicago Equal Suffrage League, Winnipeg Political Equality League.

MITCHELL., Carrie Bnrks (Mrs. James A.

Mitchell), Bowling Green, Ky.

Teaching; b. Barren Co., Ky., Oct. 10, 1858; dau. Henry H. and Louise C. (Day) Burke; ed. Louisville public schools (first honor girls' high school). Cook Co. Normal, Chicago, and Boston School of Oratory (now Emerson School); m. Sept. 22, 1886, James A. Mitohell; children: Katherine, James A. Teacher for three years in Southern Normal School, Bowling Green, Ky.; dean of Potter Coll., Bofwling Green. Probation officer Juvenile Court. Favors woman suffrage; treas. Warren Co. Equal Rights Ass'n. Presby- terian. Prohibitionist. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mem. Current opics Clut, Bowling Green. Has been first and second vlce- pres. of Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs; also served that organization as treas, auditor and sec. Chairman Nat. Reservations of Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs; has also served on Forestry Com., Education Com. and Legislative Com.

BUTCIEELL, Elizabeih Kobewts (Mrs. Henry

Mitchell), Daytona, Fla.

Born Holyhead, Wales, April 19, 1858; dau. Rev. William RoOjerts, D.D., of N.Y. City and Katharine (Parry) Roberts; e<3. N.Y. City and In England; ra. Dr. Henry Mitchell (see. of the State Board of Health of N.J., 1893-1908); chil- dren; Mrs. Edith Mitchell Bnnls, Slvanaton, 111.; Roger Siierman Mitchell, Philadelphia. Mem. Asbury Park Library Ass'n; was instrumental in the establishment of a public library in that city, also in the erection of a municipal hospital for the care of contagious diseases, located two miles west of As.bury Park. Bx-pres. and char- ter mem. Present Day Club, Asbury Park, N.J.; hou. and charter mem. Present Day Club, As- bury Park; prea. Palmetto Club, Daytonia, Fla., 1913-14. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

��MITCHELL, Ellen 31. (Mrs. Joseph W. Mitch- ell), 1125 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. Lecturer, writer; b. Syracuse, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1842; dau. Edwin R. and Harriet H. (Rowland) Smith; ed. Homer (N.Y.) Acad.; Concord School of Philosophy, Concord, Mass. (Ph.D. for work In philosophy); m. St. Louis, May 1.5, 1867, Joseph W. Mitchell. Lecturer on philosophy in Univ. of Denver, 1890-92. Author: A Study of Greek Philosophy (in philosophical classics); A Study of Dante's Paradise; The Faust of Goethe; The Way of the Soul; The Beatific Vision of Dante. Mem. Archaeological Inst, of America. Clubs: Kanatenah of Syracuse, New England Women's, Boston. Recreation: Conversation. Congrega- tional. Favors woman suffrage. MITCHELL, EveljTi Groesbeek, 604 Harvard

St., Washington, D.C.

Scientific artist; b. East Orange, N.J. ; dau. Marcus and Mary Elizabeth (Groesbeek) Mitchell; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '02; George Washington Univ., M.S. '06; Howard Univ. Med. School, class of 1913. Field and laboratory ass't to Dr. J. W. Dupree, late surgeon general of La., 1903-04; ass't in zoology, George Washington Univ., 1905- 06; instmctor in histology and physiological chemistry, Howard Univ., 1909-11. Director of Board of Manasses Industrial School of Colored Youth, Manasses, Va. Interested in civic work, socialism and psychic research; trying to spe- cialize along the line of transmission of diseases by insects, especially pellagra. Author: Mosquito Life, 1907; also various technical articles in scientific zoological publications; some nature studies in magazines. Mem. A.A.A.S., Entomo- logical Soc. of America, Cornell Women's Club, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Tramping, col- lecting gnats. Favors woman suffrage. MITCHELL, Frances Pearie, Rocheport and

Columbia, Mo.

Farming; b. Boone Co., Mo., June 22, 1863; dau. Neuman Tompkins and Kitty Wells (Slack) Mitchell; ed. Stephens Coll., B.L. Delegate to Nat. Good Roads Convention, 1911; delegate to Internat. Congress of Farm Women, 1910; mem. and sec. Board of Managers Mo. Colony for Feeble-Minded, four years; mem. Exec. Board of Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n; pres. Episcopal Church Guild and mem. King's Daughters' Circle. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author of articles on women in agriculture in various farm magazines and Eihort stories of travel; now writing book of travels. EJpiacopalian. Democrat. Mem. Daugh- ters of the Confederacy; vice-pres. Mo. Division of same; district organizer Daughters of 1812; county chairman of Nat. Women's Good Roads Ass'n; chairman of Com; of Mo. Immigration Soc. ; sec. of Mo. Home-Makers' Conference. Recreations: Travel, social life; has three times visited Europe; made trip around the world. Mem. Tuesday Literary Club of Columbia, Mo.; pres. Stephens College Alumnae Ass'n; pres. Mis- souri Women Farmers' Club. In 1905 was hostess of Missouri Building at the Portland (Ore.) Ex- position, and in 1911 was hostess of Women's Building at Missouri State Fair.

MITCHELL, Geraldine E. (Mrs. Howard Ellery Mitchell), Knoll House, Haverford, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. Frank Evans (who served as captan In Second Pa. Cavalry In Civil War) and Eliza (Lewis) Evans; ed. Miss Agnes Irwin's School; painted three years In Paris at Colorossi School with Raphael Collin and Henner; at Academy of F^ne Arts with William M. (Jhase and Vonnoh; m. Philadelphia, June 21, 1906, Howard Ellery Mitohell. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Pa. Limited Suffrage League. Presbyterian. Mem. Consumers' League of Pa., Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Agnes Irwin Alumnae, the Peklneset Club of America, Nat. Geographic Soc.; associate mem. Charlotte Cushnian Club; mem. Merlon Cricket Club (Haverford), Plastic Club. Much interested in art: has done some illustrative work for maga- zines.

MITCHELL, Harriet Post, 334 Madison Av.,

N.Y. City.

Teacher; b Morrlstown, N.J., May 5, 1866; dau. Arthur Mitchell, D.D., and Harriet E. (Post) Mitchell; ed. in private schools; Packer Col-

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