Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/573

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��-many articles for periodicals. Congregationalist. Recreations: Walking, rowing, canoeing, out- door sports, plants, birds. Clubs: Hart Laden Literary, Woman's Progressive. Chairman Au- dubon Com. of Mich. State Fed, of Clubs. Makes frequent addresses to clubs, granges, schools, teachers' institutes, churches, Sunday- schools, etc.

WrUNGER, Flora Garrett (Mrs. R. H. Munger),

Geneva, Ohio.

Born Montville, Ohio; dau. George W. and Charlotte (Dungan) Garrett; ed. Geneva State Normal School; m. Orwell, Ohio, 1889, R. H, Munger; children: Marguerite, Muriel. Mem. Board of Education; pres. W.C.T.U. eight years; pres. Epworth League four years. Favors woman suffrage. Has written several articles for the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate on Women and Children in Industry, The Mother's Influence in Child Training, Literature in the Home, etc. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc., Mothers' and Teachers' Soc., Utopian Club. RTUNN, Marg:aret Crosby (Mrs. George Frederick

Munn), 114 E. Seventy-first St., N.T. City.

Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. John Player and Margaret Barker (Butler) Crosby; ed. at home, with governesses and masters; also at Miss Haines' school. New York; m. New Haven, Conn., May 17, 1900, George Frederick Munn. From ISSo to 1890 wrote short stories and poems in Bcribner's, Century, Atlantic and Harper's maga- zines. Author: A Violin Obbligato and Other Sto- ries, 1892; The Path of Stars (novel), 1903; Will Shakespeare of Stratford and London, a drama, 1910. Interested in all branches of art — ^music, painting, sculpture, etc.; also in social life and all forms of philanthropy. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Vivisection Investigation League. Recreation: Outdoor life. Mem. Three Arts Club. MUNRO, Marg-aret (Mrs. James A. Munro),

Highland Springs, Va.

Born Scotland, Dec. 12, 1864; dau. Donald and Helen (Watson) McAllister; ed. public and pri- vate schools of St. Louis, Mo.; Synodical Coll., Fulton, Mo. (Delta Gamma); m. Jefferson Co., Mo., Nov. 8, 1902, James A. Munro; children: Helen, Archibald, Jean, Margaret. Mem. Equal Suffrage League, organized in this place in 1911 by Miss Johnston of Richmond. Presbyterian. Pres. Woman's Study Club of Highland Springs.

MUfTROE, Jennie L. (Mrs. Benjamin Kersey Munroe), 108 The Cecil, Fifteenth and L Sts., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Born Clark Co., Va., Mar. 10, 184S; dau. Marando and Martha C. (Bell) Bowen; ed. private schools in Virginia, Missouri and Florida; Wash- ington Coll. of Law, L.L.B., 1900; m. Lake City, Fla., Mar. 10, 1867, Benjamin Hersey Munroe; children: Hersey, Benjamin. Engaged in civil service position in U.S. Law Office. Interested in advancing the single tax; vlce-pres. the Women's Nat. Single Tax League; second vloe-pres. U.S. Civil Service Retirement Ass'n; mem. Board Directors Dep't of the Beneficial Ass'n; parlia- mentarian D.C. Division of United Daughters of Confederacy. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. and one of the organizers of the Stanton Suffrage Club of Washington, D.C; mem. College Suffrage Club. Charter mem. the People's Church. Mem. Esther Chapter Order Eastern Star, U.S. Civil Service Retirement Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Sidney ^Johnston Chapter United Daughters Confederacy, Fels Fund Commission, Falrhope vTna.) Single Tax Commission, Woman's Single Tax Club.

MtJNBOE, Mary Barr (Mrs. Kirk Munroe),

Cocoanut Grove, Fla.

Born Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. B, 1853; eldest dau. Robert and Amelia (Huddleston) Barr (nov- elist); m. N.Y. City, Sept. 15, 1883, Kirk Munroe. Writer for many years for the several Harper periodicals, notably Harper's Weekly and Bazaar. Active club woman, interested in the present day development of women; Florida State sec. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; chairman Waterways Com. Gen. Fed.; editor State Federation News. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Nat. Conservation Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc; director Florida Audubon Soc. Recreations: Automobiiing, bicycling, canoeing, children's clubs, bird study. Mem. General Fed.

��Women's Clubs, Florida State Fed. Women'i Clubs; pres. Folio Club of Cocoanut Gror^e, Fla.; mem. Am. Canoe Ass'n. MUN8EL.L, Grace Hosted, 143 Lark St., Albany,


Filing clerk in State service; b. Albany, N.Y., July 19, 1880; dau. Charles and Sarah Cornelia (Knower) Munseil; ed. public schools of Albany; grad. high school, '98. Engaged in genealogical research. Mem. Equal Suffrage Club of Albany, Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y.. Baptist. Mem. Theta Sigma (Albany High School), church so- cieties. Recreations: Outdoor diversions, danc- ing. Granddaughter of Joel Munseil, editor. MUNSELL, Harriett Editli, 143 Lark St., Al- bany, N.Y.

Proofreader in State service; b. Albany, N.Y., June 24, 1878; dau. Charles and Sarah (Knower) Munseil; grad. public schools and high school of Albany, 1897. Mem. Equal Suffrage Club (vlce- pres. 1910-12, treas. 1912), Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y. Baptist. Mem. church societies, Theta Sigma Sorority (Albany High School). Recrea- tions: Tramping, swimming, canoeing, tennis, dancing, skating. Granddaughter of Joel Mun- seil, editor and compiler of Annals of Albany end Hisftory of Altiany and Schenectady Counties.

MUNSON, Agnes McNamara (Mrs. F. Granville

Munson), 2 Rector St., N.Y. City.

Lawyer; b. Binghamton, N.Y., Jan. 6, 1883; dau. John Andrew and Catherine (Keenan) Mc- Namara; ed. Cornell Univ., LL.B. 1904; m. Bing- hamton, N.Y., Feb. 16. 1911, F. Granville Munson. Appointed law examiner for N.Y. State Board of Statutory Consolidation, 1905; admitted to the bar of U.S. Supreme Court, 1909; appointed ref- eree in N.Y. Supreme Court action, 1912. Inter- ested in St. Catherine's Welfare Ass'n. Author: Index Analysis of Federal Statutes; Index Analy- sis of Binghamton (N.Y.) Charter; CJonstitution- ality of the Federal Parole Law. Mem. Cornell Women's Club of N.Y., Women Lawyers' Club. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; chairman 23d Assembly District Public Demonstration Com. of Woman Suffrage Party. MUNSON, Arley, 17 Broad St., Red Bank, N.Y.

Physician, surgeon, author, lecturer; b. Bridge- port, Conn. ; dau. 'Thomas Hamilton and Etta (Hill) Munson; descendant on both paternal and maternal sides from officers of the Revolutionary Army and from prominent English and Dutch Colonial settlers of Connecticut and New York; ed. Cornell Univ. and Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '02; sup't of Zenana Hospital, five years, in Nizam's Dominions, India. Author: Jungle Days, Being the Experiences of an American Woman Doctor in India, 1913; also several minor stories, articles and poems In American and English newespapers and maga- zines. Has traveled extensively in America, Eu- rope, Egypt, Palestine, India and Ceylon. Has lectured in England and America on medical and travel subjects; now engaged In authorship and in private practice of medicine at Red Bank. N.J. Fond of athletics. Favors woman suffrage.

MUNSON, Florence Averill Seeley (Mrs. John

Newton Munson), Woodbury, Conn.

Born Woodbury, Conn., Apr. IB, 1856; dau. Walker Sherwood and Mary (Arerlll) Seeley; ed. by private instructors and Mrs. Cady's School, Now Haven (special honors in Latin and mathe- matics) ; m. Woodbury, June 16, 1887, John New- ton Munson; one son: Charles Sherwood. Inter- ested in church work in different branches; also social and philanthropic work. teonEregatlonalist. Mem. Sunshine Soc., D.A.R. Recreations: Mo- toring, riding, travel, reading, gardening. Mem. Woodbury Woman's Club; county vlce-pres. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. MUNSON, Magdalen B. (Mrs. D. O. Mnamn),

Pittsburg. Kan.

Architect; b. Brockport, N.Y., April 11, 18«9, of Swiss parentage; dau. Jacob and Elizabeth (Kaderli) B6gert; ed. In schools of N.Y. and N.J.; also by private teachers; m. Denver, Colo., Nov. 22, 1889, Dr. D. O. Munson; one son: Her- bert EdTvIn, b. Nov. 5, 1896. Practised as architect until marriage. Etesigned many buildings in

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