Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/603

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OTTLEY, Passie Fenton (Mrs. John King Ottley), "Joyeuse," 20 Ponce de Leon Av., Atlanta, Ga.

Born Columbus, Miss.; dau. Dr. Fenton Mercer and Passle (Butler) McCabe; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va.; Institute at Columbus, Miss.; Univ. of Chicago; m. Columbus, Miss., John King Ottley; children: Passie May and John King. One of the founders of the federated movement for organized women in Georgia; actively at work for seventeen years along every line of social betterment in the State. Has written much newspaper work in the nature of educational propagardism and in promoting social betterment movements. Presbyterian. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy; D.A.R., Woman's Dep't Welfare Work; Nat. Civic Federation; Atlanta Woman's Club; History Class; also (through husband) Capitol City Club, Piedmont Driving Club and Brookhaven Club.

OUTHOUSE, Mary Prather (Mrs. A. B. Out- house), Loup City, Neb.

Born Carlyle, Ill., Dec. 19, 1862; dau. James C. and L. A. (Watts) Prather; ed. public schools of Ill.; m. Huey, Ill., Nov. 28, 1887, A. B. Outhouse; children: Merve, b. Aug. 25, 1889; Omnia, b. Jan. 22, 1891; Winnie, b. Nov. 26, 1893; Orpha, b. Nov. 27, 1898; Albertil, b. June 1, 1897; Raymond, b. Dec. 16, 1900. Mem. Ladies' G.A.R. and Order of Rebecca; mem. Woman's Unity Club. Methodist. Against woman suffrage.

OUTLAND, Ethel Grimes (Mrs. J. H. Outland), 1646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kan.

Born in Ind.; grad. Earlham Coll., Ph.B. '96; Earlham graduate scholar and student in English, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896; studied in Germany, 1899-1900; m. 1901, J. H. Outland. Ass't principal of Bloomingdale (Ind.) Acad., 1897-99; teacher of German in Fort Collins (Colo.) High School, 1900-01.

OVERLAND, Martha Uboe, 60 Wall St. and 2 W. 103d St., N.Y. City.

Lawyer; b. in Norway; dau. H. A. and Martha (Uboe) Overland; ed. in high school, Stavanger, Norway; passed Regents' examination (N.Y. City) with honors. Published Classified Corpora- tion Laws of All States (annual reference bock). Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Recreation: Literature. Mem. Women Lawyers' Club and N.Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n.

OVERTON, Gwendolen, 2827 Howard Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Writer; b. Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. 19. 1874; dau. Capt. Gilbert Overton, U.S.A., and Jane D. (Wat- kins) Overton; ed. in public schools of Kansas and private schools in France and Switzerland. Contributor to magazines-East and West. Author: The Heritage of Unrest; Anne Carmel; Golden Chains; Captains of the World; The Captain's Daughters.

OVERTON, Helen Eliza Canfield, Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa.

Preceptress; b. Eagleville, Centre Co., Pa.; dau. Ezra Witter and Mary Jane (Brickley) Overton; ed. pnblic schools of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Since 1895, teacher in Bellefonte Acad.; before that in schools of Minneapolis, Minn. Presbyterian (mem. Missionary Soc.). Mem. Reading Club, Civic Club; chairman Julia K. Fogg Testimonial Com.; chairman State cm. to Prevent Desecration of the Flag; chairman Publicity Com. of Woman's Club; committee to Preserve and Restore Historic Sites. Mem. Parent-Teacher Ass'n; State Regent D.A.R. in Pa.; chairman Junior Chautauqua Organization of Bellefonte, Pa.; mem. Nat. Geog. Soc., Nat. Educational Ass'n; Regcnt Bellefonte Chapter D.A.R.; vice-pres. Woman's Club of Bellefonte. Believes in limited woman suffrage.

OWEN, Anna Reese (Mrs. Carl Owen), National City, Cal.

Born Sodus, Mich., Mar. 26, 1878; dau. William S. and Amy (Johnson) Reese; ed. Toledo (Ia.) High School; York (Neb.) Coll.; Westfield (Ill.) Coll., A.B. '98; grad. Chicago Polyclinic Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1901; trained nurse, 1901-10; m. Joliet, Ill., Feb. 2, 1906, Carl Owen, M.D. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Recreations: Swimming, motoring, tennis, camping. Pres. San Diego Co. Fed. Women's Clubs; Friday Club and Olivewood Club (National City, Cal.), Amphion Club (San Diego, Cal.).

OWEN, Elizabeth Kenyon (Mrs. Herman E. Owen), 14 Villa Av., San José, Cal.

Writer; b. Jan. 19, 1875; dau. William Franklin and Mary Rose (Nichols) Kenyon; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.S.; Brown Univ., M.A.; Univ. of Wis.; m. San José, Cal., July 1, 1911, Herman E. Owen. Instructor in history and political science, R.I. State Coll.; ass't in political science, Univ. of Wis.; prof. of history and political science, Mills Coll., Cal. Does active work in the Soc. for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Woman's Equal Suffrage League. Republican. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnæ, D.A.R. Recreation: Tramping.

OWEN, Marie Bankhead (Mrs. Thomas M. Owen), Montgomery, Ala.

Born Nozubee Co., Miss., Sept. 1, 1869; dau. John Hollis and Tallulah (Brockman) Bankhead; ed. public and private schools of Ala., Ward's Sem., Nashville, Tenn.; m. Fayette, Ala., April 12, 1893, Thomas M. Owen; children: Thomas M., John H. B. (deceased;. Feature story and short fiction writer; hoids professional newspaper position; one of the few women writers having been officially given entree to the press galleries of both branches of Congress; collaborated with Margaret Mayo in a play, The Transgressions; mem. of original fiction and feature staff of Uncle Remus' Magazine. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters Confederacy. Recreation: Theatre. Clubs: Ionian, No Name; former pres. Montgomery City Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. for Alabama of the Woman's Auxiliary Southern Commercial Congress; Trustee Alabama Boys' Industrial School, East Lake, Ala.

OWEN, Mary Alicia, 306 N. Ninth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Author: b. St. Joseph, Mo.; dau. James Alfred and Agnes Jeanette (Cargill) Owen; ed. private schools; at home by tutors; Vassar Coll.; has specialized in history and made researches in North Am. anthropology and Indian folk-lore. Pres. Mo. Folk-Lore Society; life mem. Am. Folk-Lore Society; honorary mem. English FolkLore Society; mem. Gypsy Lore Society of Edinburgh, Scotland; honorary mem. Mo. Hist. Society, St. Louis; Mo. State Hist. Soc. (Columbia, Mo.); mem. British Ass'n for Advancement of Science. Author: The Daughters of Alouette, Voodoo Tales, An Qzark Gypsy, Folk-Lore of the Musquakie Indians, The Sacred Council Hills; also contributor of papers to Internat. Folk-Lore Congresses, the Congress of Religions, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics; also poems, stories and travel sketches in various publications. Mem. Am. Civic Alliance; first vice-pres. Board of Sheltering Arms (for care of destitute or mistreated children); life mem. Humane Society of St. Joseph, Mo.; hon. mem. St. Louis Chapter, D.A.R.; hon. mem. Wednesday (St. Louis); mem. Mississippi Valley Historical Ass'n (Lincoln, Neb.).

OWENS, Helen Brewster (Mrs. Frederick William Owens), 110 Westburne Lane, Ithaca, N.Y.

Private teacher of mathematics; b. Pleasanton, Kan., April 2, 1881; dau. Robert Edward and Clara L. (Linton) Brewster; ed. Univ. of Kan., 1897-1901, A.B. 1900, A.M. '01; fellowship in mathematics in Univ. of Kan., 1901-02 (elected to Sigma Xi) and 1904-05; graduate student of the Univ. of Chicago and Cornell Univ., 1908-10, Ph.D. '10; m. Pleasanton, Kan., June 22, 1904, Dr. Frederick William Owens (now of Cornell Univ. faculty); children: Helen Brewster, b. May 5, 1905; Clara Brewster, b. Feb. 17, 1908. Teaching fellow Univ. of Kan., 1901-02. Teacher of mathematics, High School, Lawrence, Kan., 1902-01; private teacher of mathematics, Ithaca, N.Y., 1908- Interested in various organizations for civic improvement and high ideals. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Political Study Club of Ithaca, N.Y.; pres. Tompkins Co., Equal Suffrage Ass'n; organizer Sixth Judicial Dist. of N.Y. for Assembly dist. work; State organizer for Kansas Equal Suffrage Ass'n during the suc-