Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/630

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PETERSON, Jane, care of Halsey & Hudnut, 5 Nassau St., N.Y. City.

Artist; b. Elgin, Ill.; dau. Julius Peterson; grad. Pratt Inst., Brooklyn; pupil of Joaquin Sorolla y-Bastida, Frank Brangwyn, Jacques Blanche. Mem. N. Y. Water Color Club, Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, New York City; National Arts Club, Am. Woman's Art Club, Penn and Brush Club of N. Y. Has exhibited in the Salon des Artistes Français, Paris; the Academy, London, and all the principal exhibitions in America. Had "one-man shows" at the St. Botolph Club (Boston), Knoedler's (N. Y. City), Art Club of Grand Rapids, Art Inst. (Chicago), Peabody Inst. (Baltimore), MacDowell Club (N. Y. City), etc.

PETERSON, Kate Oelzner, 91 Eighth AV., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Jersey City, N.J.; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklyn; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-89; Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; graduate student, Radcliffe Coll., 1894-97, A.M. '95; fulfilled the requirements for Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1897; foreign fellow of Women's Education Soc., Boston, 1901-02. Teacher in Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, 1890-94; teacher of English for Cubans, Harvard, 1900. Author (thesis): On the Sources of the Nonne Prestes Tale; The Sources of the Parson's Tale, Chaucer and Trivet.

PETERSON, Marie Dahle (Mrs. James A. Peterson), 2727 Chicago Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Perry, Wis., July 12, 1862; dau. O. B. and Bergitte (Nelson) Dahle; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L '84 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Perry, Wis., Nov. 19, 1889, James A. Peterson; children: Amy Belle, Olga Dorothea, James Dahle. Active mem. Current Events and Literary Soc., Fairview Hospital, Woman's Auxiliary, Day Nursery Com. of Wells Memorial Social Settlement. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality Club. Episcopalian.

PETERSON, Mary Alida Orswell (Mrs. John A. Peterson), Hingham, Mass.

Born Fall River, Mass.; dau. John and Mary A. (Carroll) Orswell; grad. Brown Univ., Ph.B. '01; public schools of Fall River, Mass., and Providence, R.I.; m. Providence, R.I., June 29, 1903, Dr. John A. Peterson; children: Amy Alida, b. Sept. 20, 1904; Natalie, b. June 3, 1911. Teacher in Hingham High School, 1901-02. Mem. Brown Alumnæ Ass'n, Brown Alumnæ Ass'n of Boston, Old Colony Chapter D.A.R. of Hingham, Edwin Humphrey Relief Corps of Hingham. Unitarian.

PETERSON, Maude Gridley (Mrs. Arthur Everett Peterson), South Coventry, Conn.

Author; b. Southington, Conn., Mar. 5, 1871; dau. Arthur C. and Emma B. (Andrews) Gridley; ed. High School, Vineland, N.J.; Normal School, New Britain, Conn.; Swarthmore Coll., Pa., two years; m. Monson, Mass., June 20, 1899, Arthur Everett Peterson; children: Austin Gridley, Barbara Standish, John Alden. Supervisor of primary work in New Britain Normal Training School. Interested in social life for country women; first pres. of Hilltop Home Club, Coventry, Conn. Against woman suffrage. Author: How to Know Wild Fruits; Historical Sketch of Coventry, Conn. (printed for the two-hundredth anniversary of the town); contributions to Su- burban Life. Universalist. Recreations: Walk- iug, gardening, botanizing. Mem. Fortnightly Club of N.Y. City.

PETICOLAS, Marion Goodwin (Mrs. Alfred Brown Peticolas), 207 N. Bridge St., Victoria, Tex.

Born Burton, Geauga Co., O., June 19, 1844; dau. Dr. Sherman Gould and Lydia (Cook) Goodwin; ed. Victoria (Tex.) Female Acad.; m. Victoria, Tex., June 22, 1869, Alfred Brown Peticolas (lawyer); children: Sherman (electrical engineer, Omaha, Neb.). Judge Warner M. (El Paso, Tex.), Ralph A. (electrical engineer, Baltimore, Md.); has 14 grandchildren. Many years active mem. King's Daughters (charitable organization); librarian of Bronte Public Subscription Library. Presbyterian (mem. Aid Soc.). Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreations: Music, art, singing. Mem. Bronte Club (oldest In State), and Civic Ass'n (Victoria); pres. Fifth Dist. Tex. Fed. of Women's Clubs.

PETRIE, Cordia Greer (Mrs. Hayel G. Petrie), Chenoa, Ky.

Born Hays, Barrow Co., Ky.; dau. Newton M. and Sallie E. (Settle) Greer; ed. Louisville public schools, Eminence (Ky.) Coll.; m. Jeffersonville, Ind., July 18, 1894, Dr. Hayel G. Petrie, Fairview, Ky. Interested in bettering conditions of people who live in mining camps in Eastern Ky. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Angeline Series (Angeline Jines the Choir; Angeline at the Fair; Angeline at the Dedication; When the Bees Got Busy, the last named in collaboration with Miss Leigh Gordon Gilture of Eminence, Ky.); En Route; An Intermission; An Awakening; A Railway Incident; A Tragedy Averted; and short stories. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Democrat. Recreations: Horseback riding, studying quaint characters. Mem. Lanier Club, Jellico, Tenn.

PETRIE, Flora Rebekah, 319 E. 6th St., Plain- field, N.J.

Librarian; b. Lakehurst, N.J.; dau. Rev. James and Martha J. (Hall) Petrie; ed. Plainfield, N.J.; Elmira Coll.; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn. Librarian of Y.M.C.A. Library of N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Magazine contributor. Presbyterian. Recreations: Tramping, bicycling, rowing, tennis.

PETRIE, M. Josephine, 319 E. 6th St., Plain- field, N.J.; office: 156 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.

Home Missionary secretary; b. White Lake, N.Y.; dau. Rev. James and Martha J. (Hall) Petrie. Since 1898 National sec. of Young People's work for the Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, having to do with young people's organizations, young women's guilds and Sabbath-schools of the Presbyterian Church; work includes traveling in U.S. and much public speaking for home missions. Identified with numerous committees in the interest of religious and philanthropic service. Regular contributor to denominational publications and magazines in the interest of National Home Missions. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, rowing, music.

PETRUNKEVITCH, Wanda Hartshorn (Mrs. Alexander Petrunkevitch), 266 Livingston St., New Haven, Conn.

Born San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 17, 1875; dau. E. F. and Julia B. (Hartshorn); ed. Hackettstown Sem., Goucher Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa, European fellowship); studied at universities of Berlin and Freiburg in Baden (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. London, April 8, 1903, Alexander Petrunkevitch of Moscow, Russia, prof. of zoology in Yale Univ.; children: Anna, b. Mar. 28, 1904; Wanda, b. April 5, 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles in magazines, Outlook, Delineator (stories), Woman's Home Companion, Harper's Monthly, poems in Harper's Monthly, Smart Set, Outlook, McClure's, Lippincott's, Poetry (Chicago).

PETTEE, Julia, Salisbury, Conn.

Librarian; b. Lakeville, Conn.; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Assistant, 1899-1907; classifier and cataloguer, 1907-09, Vassar Library; reorganizer of Rochester Theological Sem. Library, 1908-09; head cataloguer, Union Theological Sem. since 1909. Writer of various articles in library publications.

PETTIBONE, Minnie Mathewson (Mrs. Willia E. Pettibone), 212 Sixth St., N., Great Falls, Mont.

Born Avoca, N.Y., July 9, 1870; dau. Joseph E. and Sarah (Vroman) Mathewson; ed. Cook Acad., Montour Falls, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., B.A.; m. Avoca, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1900, Willis E. Pettibone; children: Willis Eugene Jr., Ellen Katherine, Robert Carey, Marian Hope, Deane Mathewson. Active in teaching mission study classes; was State sec. of East Washington and North Idaho for the Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. for three years; teaches Bible classes in the Y.W.C.A. Baptist.