Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/650

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��PRICE, Ethel Vermilye Gale (Mrs. Ernest M. Price), 223 Canner St., New Haven, Conn. Born N.Y. City; daii. William and ElizabPtli V. (Naylor) Gale; ed. New Haven, Conn., and Dres- den and Munich, Germany; m. New Haven, Sept. 20, 1887, Ernest M. Price, of Baltimore, Md. ; children: Winifred A., Ernest M. Jr. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. PRICE, Janice M., (Mrs. Henry C. Price), 323 E. 7th Av., Gary, Ind.

Born Amsterdam, Holland; dau. I. R. and Sarah Pardo; ed. N.Y. public schools, Mt. Mor- ris High School; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 10, 1904, Henry C. Price, lawyer; one daughter: Beatrice. Organized and was pres. first ladies' Jewish benevolent society in Gary, Ind.; pres. of Beth- El Sisterhood; mem. Welfare Com. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Rebekahs I.O.O.F. ; religious and social worker. Jewess. Mem. Gary Literary Soc. Reci-eation: Out-door exer- cise. Mem. Woman's Club. Especially inter- ested in advancing the cause of Immigrants, tneir home life and future welfare. Favors woman suffrage.

PRICE, Lncy Catharine, care Cleveland Leader, Cleveland, Ohio.

Journalist; b. Fremont, Ohio; grad. Vassar, A.B. '05; was awarded a medal in an oratorical contest. Teacher Fremont (Ohio) Higia School, 1906-07; reporter and later editor of the Fremont (Ohio) Messenger, 1907-09; since 1909 woman's editor of the Cleveland Leader. Became inter- ested in the suffrage question at first favorably, but after study was lead to strong opposition to the idea of votes for women. Now speaker for the Nat. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Ad- dressed the Ohio State Bar Ass'n, Ohio Educa- tional Ass'n and Ohio General Assembly, 1913, and engaged in a winter speaking tour, 1913-14, which included visits to Boston, New York, Phil- adelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago and thence to the Pacific Coast and back.

PRICE, Miriam Sutro (Mrs. Joseph M. Price), 307 W. 93rd St., N.Y. City.

Bom N.Y. City, Nov. 23, 1871 ; dau. Bernard and Pauline (Josephthal) Sutro: ed. N.Y. public school; Normal Coll. of City of N.Y.; Radeliffe Coll.; Columbia Univ.; m. Feb. 21, 1894, .Joseph M. Price. Mem. Board of Trustees Soc. for Ethical Culture, Board of Trustees Ethical Culture School, Nat. Board of Censorship of Motion Pic- tures, Public Education Ass'n of N.Y. City (for- mer pres., now chairman of exec. com.). Favors woman suffragfe. PRICE, Mona B., Brandenberg, Ky.

Postmaster; b. Brandenberg, Ky., Aug. 26, 1877; dau. Zalmon T. and Laura (Colemaai) r^ice; ed. public schools with normal course at Lexington (Ky.) State Univ. Became teacher at the age of fifteen, taught in the public schools of Meade County eight years, then be- came ass't postmaster at Brandenberg, serving three years. Appointed postmaster June 14, 1904. Has served as sec. of Ky. League of Postmasters. Interested In Sunday-school work; friend to the temperance cause; _ engaged in charity. Favors woman suffrage. ' Methodist. Republican. Mem. Woman's Club. PRICHARD, Alice H. (Mrs. Arthur Anderson Prlchard), 21 Dayton St., Worcester, Mass. Club president; b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 26, 1869; dau. George G. and Jane A. (Eno) Hildreth; grad. Worcester Classical High School, '87; Mass. State Normal School, Worcester, '93; m. Worces- ter, Oct. 18, 189S, Arthur Anderson Prlchard. Congrogationalist. Treas. Piedmont Woman's Ass'n; pres. Worcester Home Club. PRICHARD, Lucy Elizabeth, 1100 Sixth Av., Huntington, W.Va.

Principal high school; b. Catlettsburg, Ky., Oct. 26, 1876;- dau. Robert H. and Mary E. (Campbell) Prlchard; ed. public sohools, Cat- lettsburg, Ky. ; PrLscilla Braislin School, Bor- dentown, N,J. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher Hutington (W.Va.) High School, later becomnlg principal, which position stiU holds. Mem. Me>thodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Woman's Club, Ass'n of Ck>Ilee^Laite Alumnae (also

��Huntington Branch), Nat. Educational Ass'n, W.Va. Educational Ass'n, Tuesday Bridge Club.

PRIDWY, Bessie Leach (Mrs. Frank E. Prlddy), 124 W. Maumee St., Adrian, Mich. Teacher; b. Belvidere, 111., Jan. 19, 1871; dau. Elisha and Eliza Gilson Leach; ed. North Belvi- dere High School; Adrian Coll., Ph.B. '91; A.B. '11; graduate work for A.M. degree, Unl^. of Mich., 1911— (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Bel- videre, 111., Aug. 15, 1893, Frank E. Priddy, at- torney at law (died Feb. 25, 1900); children: Irene, Allan Leach, Prances Elizabeth. Princi- pal schools, Capron, 111., 1891-93; teacher Adrian Coll., 1900-01; teacher (history), Adrian High School, 1910 — . Pres. Adrian Woman's Club, 1898-1900; treas. Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1896-9S; grand vice-pres. Delta Delta Delta, 1893-1900; Nat. historian of Delta Delta Delta, 1902-15. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Legisla- tive Com. Adrian Woman's Club. Author: A Detailed Record of Delta Delta Delta. Presby- terian. Republican. Mem. Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Alliance, D.A.R., Mich. Schoolmasters' Club, Aim. Historical Ass'n, Mississippi Valley Historical Ass'n, Adrian Woman's Club, Adrian Teachers' Club.

PRIEST, Alice Lucinda, 307 Elm St., Shenan- doah, Iowa,

Born Northfield, Mass., 1866; dau. Dwight S. and Susan M. (Caldwell) Priest; ed. Shenan- doah (IcKwa) High School, Northfield (Mass.) Sem., Harvard Annex, Cambridge, Mass.; CJor- nell Univ., B.L. '91. Teacher ol history, Oregon State Normal School, 1892-85; head of English Dep't, Cal. State Normal School, 1895-97. Mem. and first sec Board of Trustees of Shenandoah Public Library; mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. For years State sup't of press work for Iowa Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Has con- tributed articles on co-education, literature and political subjects to various publications. Rec- reations: Walking, riding, camping. Part owner and manager of nearly one thousand acres of Iowa agricultural land and other business in- terests. PRIEST, Mary Charlotte, Nat. Park Seminary,

Forest Glen, Md.

Educator; b. Lowell, Mass.; dau. George Al- fred and BJstelle (Tulloch) Priest; descendant of Gov. Dudley, Gov. Winthrop and of Dudley Colman; ed. Washington (D.C.) High School (Kendall Scholarship), Columbian Coll., A.B. 1893; Columbia Univ., A.M. 1901. Unitarian. Actively engaged in educational work at National Park Sem. since 1894. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Janet Montgomery Chapter. Espe- cially interested in the peculiar development of sororities, as created at National Park Sem., tc which she has devoted herself since 1894. PRINCE, Lucinda W. (Mrs. John T. Prince),

15 Temple St., West Newton, Mass,

Educator; b. Waltham, Ivtass. ; dau. George Houghton and Eliza (Melvin) Smith; ed. Fram- ingham (Mass.) Normal School, Wellesley Ooll. (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Mem. State Commis- sion for the Blind, Boston Trade School for Girls. Favors woman suffrage; director Mags. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author of several articles on salesmanship training and has in prepa- ration a book describing the work. Episcopalian. Mem. Social Education Club and Twentieth Century Club (Boston), Sierra Club (San Fran- cisco, Cal.). Interested in vocational educa- tion; principal work has been the organization and establishment of the Union School of Sales- manship at the Women's Educational and In- dustrial Union, Boston, which furnishes voca- tional training for saleswomen and trains teach- ers for the teaching of salesmanship; the only school of its kind in this country. PRINCE, Mary Catharine Biirclile Beardsley

(Mrs. Le Baron Bradford Prince), 111 Palace

Av., Santa F6i N.Mex.

Bom Oswego, N.Y. ; dau. Samuel Raymond and Charlotte Elizabeth (Burckle) Beardsley; m. Trinity Church, N.Y. City, by Rt. Rev. Abram N. Littlejohn, bishop of Long Island, to Le Baron Bradford Prince, chief justice, aad

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