Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/673

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timore, Md., Nat. Geographic Soc.; charter mem D.A.R.; director Woman's League of Nat. Junior Republic, Washington Women's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed., Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1812. Recreation: European travel.

RICHARDS, Laura Elizabeth (Mrs. Henry Richards), Gardiner, Me. Author; b. Boston, Mass., Feb. 27, 1850; dau. Samuel Gridley and Julia (Ward) Howe; ed. in Boston at schools of Henry Williams, Augusta Curtis and Caroline I. Wilby; m. Boston, 1871, Henry Richards of Gardiner, Me.; children: Rosalind, Henry Howe, Julia Ward, Maud, John, Laura Elizabeth. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com., Red Cross, Consumers' League. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Sketches and scraps; Captain January; Melody; Marle; Rosin the Beau; Jim of Heller: Some Say; Noreisse; Nautilus; Love and Rocks; The Hildegarde Books (5 vols.); The Margaret Books; The Joyous Story of Toto; Toto's Merry Winter; In My Nursery; Quick- silver Sue; The Armstrongs; Geoffrey Strong; Mrs. Tree; Mrs. Tree's Will; The Wooing of Calvin Parke; Up to Calvin's; On Board the Mary Sands; The Hurdy Gurdy; The Piccolo; Five-Minute Stories; More Five-Minute Stories; Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe; Life of Florence Nightingale; Two Noble Lives (S. G. Howe and Julia Ward Howe); Five Mice In a Mousetrap; Isla Heron; When I Was Your Age; The Golden Windows; The Silver Crown; The Green Satin Gown; For Tommy; A Happy Little Time; Glimpses of the French Court; Snow White; Grandmother. Unitarian.

RICHARDS, Louise Parks (Mrs. Samuel Rich- ards), care of Union Trust Co., Indianapolis, Ind.

Author; h. Bedford, Ind., May 20, 1852; dau. Rev. Robert Milton and Jane Tate (Short) Parks; ed. Young Ladies' Inst., Indianapolis (valedictor- lan of class) '71 (Pl Beta Phi); m. Franklin, Ind., Sept. 7, 1875, Samuel Richards (distinguished American artist); children: Robert Harlan, Mar- garetha Monachia (both deceased). Author: In Memoriam-My Daughter, 1895; Oberammergau, Its Passion Play and Players, 1910; contributor to the leading magazines-McClure's, Worid's Work, Cosmopolitan, Bookman, Reader and others. Mem. D.A.R. (Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter of Indianapolis), all four great-grand- fathers having been revolutionary soldiers. Since husband's death in 1893, has been a traveler, student and writer on Oriental life. Lived in Europe 20 years; resident 10 years in Munich and three years in Switzerland with husband; spent five years in Constantinople and the Turkish Em- pire, where made an intimate study of the life of Turkish women, about which has written and lectured. Against woman suffrage.

RICHARDS, Nancy Dryden (Mrs. James A. D. Richards) 218 W. High St., New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Physician; b. Cannonsburg, Pa.; dau. James and Delilah (Horn) Wilkin; ed. Coshocton High School; Scio Coll.; Med. Dep't Wooster Univ., Cleveland, Ohio; N.Y. Polyclinic; m. Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1874, James A. D. Richards. Has practised in New Philadelphia since 1880, except 1893-98, when she practised in Washington, D.C.; was first pres. of Tuscarawas Co. Hospital; on staff of Union Hosp.; pres. and sec. at various times of Tuscarawas Co. Med. Soc.; when in Washington was physician to Crittenden Home, Women's Christian Home, the Woman's Hosp. and Clinic. Mem. Med. Soc. of Dist. of Columbia, Onio State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, M.E. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

RICHARDSON, Alice Miller (Mrs. Frank Wat- son Richardson), Glenwood Mission Inn, River- side, Cal.

Hotel manager; b. Tomah, Monroe Co., Wis.; Mau. C. C. and Mary A. (Clark) Miller; m. River- aide, Cal., Dec. 25, 1885, Frank Watson Rich- ardson; one son: Stanley Miller. Manager of the well-known Glenwood Mission Inn of River- eide. Frequent speaker at public functions. One of the California representatives appointed on the Panama Exposition. Charter mem. of First Chris- tian Science Church in California; active in phil- anthropic interests. Favors woman Buffrage. Christian Scientist. Republican. Clubs: Victo- ria of Riverside, Riverside Polo Club. RICHARDSON, Carrie Lavinia, 155 Main St., Ilion, N.Y. Born Ilion, N.Y.; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '84; student in biology and physics, Smith, 1884-85, A.M. '85. Teacher, Elmira (N.Y.) Free Acad., 1886-88. Treas. B'd of Trustees of Illon (N.Y.) Public Library, 1892-95. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnæ, Smith Coll. Alumnæ Ass'n. Pres. Travelers' Club of Ilion, N.Y. RICHARDSON, Dorothy (Mrs. J. J. Richard- son), 1509 Sixteenth St., Washington, D.C. Born Joplin, Mo., 1878; dau. James J. and Adeline (Blanton) Chatham; ed. Acad. of Visita- tion, Georgetown, D.C.; Kee Mar Coll.; m. Wash- ington, D.C., Apr. 22, 1903, Dr. J. J. Richardson. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Recreations: Motoring, traveling. Mem. Congressional Club. RICHARDSON, Elisabeth Mathews (Mrs. H. L. Richardson), 43 St. James St.. Roxbury, Bos- ton, Mass. Principal of private school; b. Billerica, Mass., June 30, 1872; dau. Rev. S. Sherberne Mathews, D.D., and Anna E. Wright; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston; Northfield Sem.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; m. Milwaukee, June 8, 1898, Rev. H. L Richardson (died 1903); one son: died in infancy. Interested in church and missionary work. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Boston Scientific Soc., Soc. Collegiate Alumnæ, College Club (Boston), Women in Council, Boston Wellesley Club. RICHARDSON, Elsie Greenwood Pillsbury (Mrs. Edward Bridge Richardson), 7 Chatham St., Brookline, Mass. Born Boston, Mass., June 20, 1877; dau. Rear Admiral J.E. and Florence G. (Aitchison) Pills- bury; ed. Boston, Mass.; m. Magnolia, Mass., Sept. 24, 1903, Edward Bridge Richardson; chil- dren: Helen Langdon, b. July 6, 1905; Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1908; Barbara, b. Feb. 11, 1912. Epis- copalian. Against woman suffrage. RICHARDSON, Emma Adelia Rice (Mrs. J. J. Richardson), Davenport. Ia. Born Ellicottville, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; m. June, 1899, J. J. Richardson. Teacher, 1876-79, and principal, 1880-82, of school at Faribault, Minn.; principal, Davenport, Ia., 1884-99.

RICHARDSON, Florence Amidon (Mrs. Oscar Kelsey Richardson), 401 Donaldson Bld'g, Minneapolis, Minn.

Physician; b. Sturgis, Mich., Apr. 4, 1868; dau. Edmund S. and Almeda (Todd) Amidon; ed. Sturgis, Mich., and Dep't of Medicine and Sur- gery, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '95 (Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Sturgis, May 19, 1898, Dr. Oscar Kel- sey Richardson; one daughter: Dorothy Amidon. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. Mem. Devotæ Uxores; pres. Women's Homœo- pathic League of Minn.; mem. Maternity Hospital Board of Directors, Cobb Hospital Auxiliary, Minneapolis Homœopathic Med. Soc., Minneapolis Inst. of Homœopathy, Women's Club of Minne- apolis, Clio Club.

RICHARDSON, Florence Wyman (Mrs. James Richardson), 5737 Cates Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 24, 1855; dau. Edward and Elizabeth Frances (Hadley) Wyman; ed. Bonham's Sem., and grad. Mary Inst., St. Louis; m. St. Louis, Feb. 26, 1878, James Richardson; children: James, Dorothea, Clifford, Walter, Flor- ence, Elizabeth Hadley. Fellow of the Theo- sophical Soc.; pres of St. Louis Branch Soc. for several years; led classes in theosophical study for 12 years. Mem. Board of St. Louis Woman's Trade Upion League, Suffrage Com. Nat. Trade Union League; first pres. Equal Suf- frage League of St. Louie. Was one of the six women to inaugurate the present suffrage move- ment in St. Louis, meeting for organization at her house; was made pres. Author: Essay on Evolution (London Theosophical Review), 1906; also Essay on The Plano. Mem. St. Louis Artists' Guild, St. Louis Civic League, St. Louis Soc. for