Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/680

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��ROBERTS, Elizabeth Hill Bissell (Mrs. Thomas Roberts), The Aldine. 1914 Chestnut St., Phil- adelphia, Pa.; Riverton, N.J., and York Har- bor, Me.

Born Cincinnati, O. ; dau. Israel Morey and Augusta Farmer (Meade) Bissell; ed. In a Phila- delphia school of practically collegiate grade of which the head master was Charles Dexter Cleve- land, ex-pres. of Dickinson Coll.; m. Philadel- phia, June 3, 1888, Thomas Roberts of Chester Co., Pa.; cbildren: George W. Bissell, Waters Dewces, May (deceased), Augusta Meade, Thomas Jr. (deceased), Thomas 2d. Interested In social, patriotic, philanthropic, educational and religious activities of Pa. and N.J., also national and international church affiliations. Author: Plain Statement of the Organization and Purpose of the Girls' Friendly Society in America; A Guide to the Guide Book and General Organiza- tion; A Phidian Horse — Art and Archaeology on the Acropolis (from the French of Victor Cherbu- liez). Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc, Colonial Dames of America, Nat. Soc. D.A.R., New England Soc. of Pa., Pa. Museum and School of Industrial Art, Consumers' League of Philadelphia, Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Mi&siona of the E)pis- copal Church, Church Missionary Calendar Alum- nse organization. Clubs: Acorn, New Century, Sedgeley, Moviganta (automobile), the Porch and Country of Riverton, N.J. ; Automobile of East Orange, Automobile of America. Recreations: Travel, society functions, club life, literary pur- suits, including music and art. Episcopalian. Favors educational suffrage.

BOBEKTS, Emma Sellew (Mrs. Benson Howard

Roberts), Berea, Ky.

Bom Gowanda, N.Y., of Huguenot ancestry; dau. Ashbel Roberts and Jane Maria (Tucker) Sellew; ed. Oberlin Coll., 1871-73; Cornell Univ., 1875-77, A.B. '77, A.M. '82 (Phi Beta Kappa); chosen to represent Cornell Univ. in intercolle- giate contest in Greek, 1877; m. Dunkirk, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1877, Benson Howard Roberts; children: Howard Passmore, b. Aug. 28, 1878 (died Sept. 3, 1881), Lois Ellen, Lucy George, Ashbel Sellew, Edwin Douglass. Assoc, principal of the A. M. Chesebrough Sem., 1882-1906. Charter mem. of the Fortnightly Ignorance Club of Rochester, N.Y. ; pres. Ramabai Circle of Rochester; N.Y. State Evangelist of W.C.T.U. ; editor of the Mis- sionary Tidings, 1896-1906; contributor many years to the Earnest Christian. In Pittsburgh, 1906-11, as manager of the Christian Home for Working Girls; pres. Pittsburgh branch of the Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, 1909-11; also assisted in forma- tion of the College Club of Pittsburgh (mem. Board Directors and Constitution Com., and chairman House Com.). At Berea, Ky., since Aug., 1911; pres. Woman's Christian Ass'n; sec. of the Woman's Industrial; mem. Church Com. of the Union Church of Berea, in charge of religious work at Hart's Settlement, appointed Sept., 1912, chief guardian of the Camp Fire Girls of Berea (which she organized). Mem. College Club of Rochester, College Club of Pittsburgh. Favors woman suffrage.

ROBERTS, Florence (Mrs. Lewis Morrison), Nepperhan Heights, Yonkers, N.Y. Actress; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 14, 1871; dau. Henry B. and Annie Roberts; removed to California at age of four and educated in schools of San Francisco; m. Washington, D.C., 1892, Lewis Morrison (died Aug. 18, 1906). First stage work was in 1888 as super in Arrah-na-Pogue at the Baldwin Theatre, San Francisco; in 1889, after a year's utility work, a^speared as Helle in Clito at same theatre; later joined Lewis Morrison's company, playing small parts in Faust, and other plays; played short engagements with William Gillette, Otis Skinner and Julia Mar- lowe; then returned to Lewis Morrison, whose leading lady she became, playing Marguerite in Faust, Became leading lady of the Alcazar Stock Company in San Francisco, playing prin- cipal feminine parte in Hamlet, Richelieu, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Ingomar, East Lynne, Camille, etc. Later starred under management of Belasco and Meyes in Zaza, Sapho, Marta of the Lowlands, The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch. MaKda. Miranda of the Balcony, A

��Doll's House, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, etc. Starred under John Cort's management, 1905-06, in Ann LaMont, beginning at Salt Lake City and, Apr. 17, 1906, made first appearance in N.Y. City as a star in The Strength of the Weak; later appeared as Body in The Struggle Everlasting at Hackett's Theatre, N.Y. City, and in 1910 was selected from all the Shubert and Brady women stars to play Mrs. Ralston in an all-star revival of Jim, the Penman at the Lyric Theatre in N.Y. City, after which she appeared in the all- star revival of Diplomacy at the Maxine Elliott Theatre; in season of 1911-12, fier last season under the Shubert management, was sent en tour in The Nigger. Made first appearance In vaudeville season of 1912-13. Active mem. of Actors' Fund Soc. Recreation: Driving— known as expert whip. ROBERTS, Helen Troth Chambers (Mrs. Eras-

tus T. Roberts), 104 Washington St., Tltus-

viUe, Pa.

Born Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 23, 1869; dau. Capt. T. P. and Hannah Hough (Barnsley) Chambers; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '92; m. Newtown, Pa., Dec. 28, 1892, Erastus T. Roberts; ctoildren: Walter Van Braam, b. Nov. 13, 1893, Thomas Chamibers, b. April 21, 1899; Richard •Titus, b. Dec. 7, 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Pa. Soc. Colonial Dames oJ America, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Nat. Municipal League, Women's Auxiliary ol Internat. Com. of Y.M.C.A. Mem. Titusville Woman's Club, Titusville Country Club, Club of Colonial Dames (Washington, D.C.). ROBERTS, Ina Brevoort (Mrs. James Edwards

Roberts), 366 Fifth Av., N.T. City.

Author, editor, publisher; b. Yonkers, N.Y., May 21, 1874; dau. Willard and Frances J. (Haw- kins) Deane; ed. Maplewood Inst., Concordville, Pa.; m. Aug., 1895, James Edwards Roberts; one son: James Roberts Jr. Author: The Lifting of a Finger; also short stories in magazines. Prot- estant. Recreations: Swimming, tennis, golf, skating, canoeing, motor-boating. Clubs: Rainy Day, Post Parliament. Editor of Directory of Club Women of N.Y. ; editor and publisher the Club Woman's Weekly Calendar. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n. ROBERTS, Maria M., 219 Ash Av., Ames, la.

Educator; b. Dunlap, la.; dau. B. F. and Ellen (Rogers) Roberts; grad. Iowa State Coll., 1890; studied also in Cornell Univ., 1892-1899, and Chi- cago Univ., 1897, 1901, 1912. Associate prof, of mathematics and vice-dean of the Junior Coll., Iowa State College, at Ames. Mem. Pi Beta Phi and P.E.O. Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage. ROBERTS, Mary Fanton, 142 E. 18th St.; office,

5 E. 38th St., N.Y. City.

Magazine editor; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1871; dau. W. H. and Isabel Agnes (Annable) Fanton; ed. Albany Female Acad.; m. Dec. 14, 1906, W. Carman Roberts, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. Four years staff writer on Herald, Tribune, Jour- nal and Sun, N.Y. City; associate editor Demo- rest Magazine; editorial staff Woman's Home Companion; now managing editor of The Crafts- man. Clubs: MacDowell, Pen and Brush. ROBERTS, Octavia, Springfield, 111.

Born Aug. 26, 1875; dau. Charles D. and Octavia (Ridgely) Roberts; ed. St. Agatha's Episcopal School, Springfield, 111. On staff of 111. State Journal as si>ecial writer; contributor of short stories and articles to McClure's, Col- lier's, Harper's Weekly, American Magazine, Hampton's, Red Book, etc. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. ROBERTS, Sara Weeks (Mrs. Ernest William

Roberts), 55 Eleanor St., Chelsea, Mass., and

1918 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. (Summer

home, Rockport, Mass.).

Born St. Albans, Vt. ; dau. Hiram and Sarah (Burg&'ss) Weeks; ed. St. Albans (Vt.) public school; E>merson Coll., regular and post-grad, courses; m. St. Albans, Vt, Feb. 2, 1898, Ernest William Roberts; children: Ernest Weeks, b. Nov. 21, 1898; Sara Dean, b. Oct. 20, 1899; John Page, b. Mar. 6, 1901; Hiram Weeks, b. Apr. 30. 1907. Pres. Congressional Club, Washington;

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