Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/69

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Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Progressive Republican. Clubs: Music, Fortnightly (Shakespeare).

BARTLETT, Vashti R., Gaithersburg, Md.

Registered nurse; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. George H. B. and Amanda S. (Griffith) Bartlett; educated at Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, and Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses (graduated). Red Cross nurse. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. Episcopalian.

BARTLETT, Wallace Moore (Mrs. Morris Whiton Bartlett), Lawrenceburg, Ky.

Club woman; b. Harrodsburg, Ky., Sept. 25. 1878; dau. Daniel Lawson Moore (banker) and Henrietta (McBrayer) Moore; ed. Sayre Coll., Lexington, Ky., and Mary Baldwin's Sem., Staunton, Va.; m. Lawrenceburg, Ky., Morris Whiton Bartlett, lawyer; children: Vincent Rochester, Henrietta McBrayer. Deeply interested in woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy. Organized Pierian Literary Club in Lawrenceburg, and was for three years pres. Established subscription library in town, which club afterward made a free Carnegie library; one of organizers and active mem. of State Library Ass'n; recording sec. Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs three years; first chairman of Library Extension Com. of Ky. Fed., held for three years; delegate to biennial at Boston, where spoke on Libraries in Kentucy, Cincinnati and San Francisco; now vice-pres. of Federation.

BARTON, Rose Mayard, 508 W. 112th St., N.Y. City.

Teacher; dau. Sidney Lester and Harriet E. (Van Rensselaer) Barton; grad. Cornell Univ. A.B., Columbia Univ., A.M. '06. Teacher of English, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City. Editor Goldsmith's Traveler and Deserted Village; Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard. Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City); College Women's Club.

BARUS, Annie G. (Mrs. Carl Barus), 30 Elmgrove Av., Providence, R.I.

Born South Yarmouth, Cape Cod, 1855; dau. Osborn and Abbie (Crowell) Howes; ed. in Boston; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '74; m. 1887, Dr. Carl Barus; children: Maxwell, Deborah H. Pres. Vassar Alumnae, 1892-03; pres. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, 1893-95; chairman R.L Child Labor Com.; chairman Com. of State Federation on Social and Industrial Conditions; director R.I. Consumers' League; sec. Providence Public Education Ass'n; mem. Advisory Council of Women's College in Brown Univ. Author: Health Statistics of College Women; various papers on Child Labor and Child Study in local papers. Vice-pres. R.I. Mothers' Congress, Girls' Friendly Soc. Mem. R.I. Women's Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; director in R.I. College Equal Suffrage League; mem. R.I. Woman Suffrage Ass'n.

BASCOM, Elva Lucile, 228 Langdon St., Madison, Wis.

Editor; b. Greensburg, O., 1870; dau. Reynolds R. and Lucy F. (Andrews) Bascom; ed. Lake Erie Coll., 1886-89; Allegheny Coll., 1890-94, B.A. '95; N.Y. State Library School Albany, N.Y., B.L.S. (Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't N.Y. State Library, 1900-08; editor Am. Library Ass'n Booklist, 1908—. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League, Madison, Wis. Author: Library Work for College Women, 1910; Nature Study Reading List, 1910 (N.Y. State Education Dep't); editor of the A.L.A. Catalog, 1904-11 (A.L.A. Publishing Board, Chicago). Mem. Congregational Church, Madison, Wis.; Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. Library Ass'n, Wisconsin Library Ass'n, League of Library Commissions, N.Y. State Library School Ass'n, Allegheny Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club, Madison, Wis.

BASCOM, Florence, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Geologist; b. Williamstown, Mass.; dau. John and Emma (Curtis) Bascom; ed. Univ. of Wis., A.B., B.L., '82; B.S. '84; A.M. '87; Johns Hopkins Univ., Ph.D. '93. Assistant in geology, Ohio State Univ., 1893-95; prof. geology, Bryn Mawr Coll., since 1895; geologist in the U.S. Geological Survey. Associate editor of American Geologist, 1896-1908. Fellow Geological Soc. of America, A.A.A.S.; mem. Academy of Natural Science. Geographic Soc of Philadelphia, Nat. Geographic Soc., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Seismic Soc.

BASH, Bertha Runkle (Mrs. Louis H. Bash). Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.

Novelist; b. Berkeley Heights, N.J.; dau. Cornelius and Lucia (Gilbert) Runkle; ed. Miss Brackett's School, N.Y. City; m. San Francisco. Oct. 26, 1904, Captain Louis H. Bash, U.S.A. Author (pen-name "Bertha Runkle"): The Helmet of Navarre, 1901; The Truth About Tolna, 1906. Club: Barnard (N.Y. City).

BASHFORD, Jane Field (Mrs. James W. Bashford), North Episcopal Mission, Pekin, China.

Born Fennimore, Wis., Mar. 1, 1853; dau. William Wells and Mahala J. (Howe) Field; ed. Univ. of Wis., Ph.B. '74 (valedictorian), M.L. '82; m. Madison, Wis., Sept. 24, 1878, James W. Bashford (now Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church). Interested in church missions, educational reforms. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church and its missionary societies.

BASS, Clare Reynolds, The Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio; summer, Willimantic. Conn., R.F.D. 2.

Professor of French; b. Scotland, Conn., July 17, 1879; dau. Lucian and Mercy (Reynolds) Bass; grad. Windham High School, '96; Brown Univ., Ph.B. 1900, A.M. '07; grad. work at Univ. of Mo. '08; Oxford Univ., England, '05, and Paris, 1905, with Alliance Française, Paris, '10 (collateral first prize awarded by dean of Women's College for examinations for president's premium in preparatory French, Brown Univ., '97: final honors, Romance languages. Brown Univ., 1900). Assistant in English dep't. State Normal School, Willimantic, Conn., 1900-01: prin. Wheeler School, North Stonington, Conn., 1901-06; fellowship at Brown, 1906-07; instructor, 1907-09 and professor Romance languages 1909-12. Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.; since 1912 prof. French, The Western Coll. Mem. Alliance Française, Archaeological Inst. of America (Oxford Branch), French Club (Washburn). Congregationalist.

BASS, Ula Leffentz, 700 W. 178th St., N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 15, 1868; dau. Hon. Wylie Capers and Emma Lovejoy (Stafford) Smith; grad. Atlanta Female Institute '85; m. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 26, 1888, James Madison Bass; children: Mrs. Penrose Neve Milsted, Marcheniel Overton, James Gordon. Associate editor Daily Tribune, Temple, Texas, 1900-05, pres. Texas Woman's Press Ass'n 1902-05. Moved to New York in 1905. Organizer and pres. Club Affairs Co., Publishers of Club Life Magazine, editor and founder Club Editor Social Life, American Playgoers (Nat.); pres. and governor Nat. Federation of Theatre Clubs, Trustee Woman's Municipal League, chairman of Washington Heights Branch. Methodist. Mem. N.Y. Woman's Press, Minerva, N.Y. Shakespeare Clubs.

BASSETT, Adelaide Florence (Mrs. Orville). Hammonton, N.J.

Author; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Emanuel and Abigail (Zanka) Samuels; ed. Milton, Mass.; m. New Bedford, Mass., 1891, Orville Bassett. Author (juveniles): Dick and Daisy Series (8 vols.); The Girls of Hive Hall; Father Gander's Melodies. Presbyterian. Mem. Guild and Grange, Civic Club. Recreations: Music, reading. Favors woman suffrage.

BASSETT, Helen Chase (Mrs. Edward S. Bassett), 2612 Prospect Av., Cleveland, O; summer home, Cayuga, N.Y.

Born Cleveland, O., 1873; dau. Charles Whitney and Almira Foote (Cowles) Chase; ed. Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleveland; Rye Sem., '94; Cleveland Kindergarten Training School (one year); m. Dover Bay, O., 1899, Edward S. Bassett; children: Charles Chase, b. 1902; Jean Hill Bassett, b. 1906. Mem. Exec. Com. of Consumers' League of Ohio; Lake District Com. of Associated Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of first Executive Board of the Cleveland