Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/693

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��(N.Y.) Female Sem. Author: Life of George Ma- son (with hl3 speeches, public papers and corre- spondence, 2 wis.), 1892; Life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton (with correspondence and public pa- pers. 2 vols.). 1898. Editor: Poems of Dr. Frank O. Tlcknor of Georgia, 1879; The Real Lincoln, by Dr. L. C. Minor, 1901; The Journal of Julia Le Grand, New Orleans, 1862-1863, published 1911; also contributor of historical and literary articles to magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Va. Histori- cal Soc., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate Memorial Literary Soc, Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities. Hon. mem. Woman's Literary Club (Baltimore). Favors woman suffrage. ROWLEY, Edith, Meadville, Pa.

Librarian; b. Wayland, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1877; dau. Herbert and Sarah Alice (Richardson) Rowley; ed. in public schools; Fredonla (N.Y.) State Nor- mal, 1897; Allegheny Coll., A.B. (class poet) '05; Albany State Library School, 19u5-06 (Alpha Gamma Delta; one of founders of Theta Sigma, local fraternity in Allegheny Coll.). Librarian of Allegheny Coll., 1906 — . Has done local church and philanthropic work. Has contributed to papers and written poems. Methodist. Mem. Northwestern Pennsylvania Library Ass'n, Key- stone State Library Ass'n. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding, mountain climbing, boating. Clubs: Classical, Quill. Favors woman suffrage. EOWLEY, Mabel A., 2012 Colby St., Everett,


Teacher; b. Columbus, Ind. ; dau. C. J. and Laura May (Ayers) Rowley; ed. public school and high school, Litcbfleld, Minn. ; grad. State Nor- mal Sch6ol, Ellensburg, Wash., 'OB. Taught at Arlington, Wash., before attending Normal School, two years; Lowell, Wash., five years; principal of Lowell School, 1912 — . Mem. Chris- tian Church. Republican. Mem. (Jourt of Honor, Rebekah. Pres. Ladles' Musical Club of Everett, Wash., 1911-12. ROYALL, Nina Almirall (Mrs. William Royall),

108 S. Harrington St., Raleigh, N.C.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1878; dau. Jo- seph J. and Ida (Jane) Almirall; ed. by gov- erness; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., and Smith Coll., B.L. '01 (Phi Kappa Psi); m. Oct. 21, 1907, William Royall. Interested in set- tlement work, especially through Atacog Club, Brooklyn, where she was director; also in study of languages, vocal music, social life and philan- thropic interests (private). Author: The Master- Feeling (novel), 1907; also scattered contributions to magazines: verses, short stories, epigrams to Harper's Bazar, Lippincott's, Smart Set, etc. Mem. of various college clubs. North and South, also Literary Club (pres. Keuutness Club, Ra- leigh). Recreations: Motoring, golf, amateur the- atricals, dancing. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. ROYAXL, Page Aylett (Mrs. William L.

Royall), 1016 West Franklin St., Richmond,


Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Patrick Henry and Emily (Rutherford) Aylett; ed. Edge Hill, Miss Randolph's School, Albemarle Co., Va. ; m. Rich- mond, Va., William L. Royall, lawyer; children: Page Aylett, Anne Keith, Emily Rutherford, William L. ROYCE, Sarah Grace, Wadlelgh High School,

114th St. and Seventh Av.. N.Y. City.

High school teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90; student of Greek, Cornell Univ., summer, '95; Greek, Latin, archaeology and education, Columbia, 1901-07, M.A. '02. Teacher in high schools, Mlddletown, N.Y., 1890-92; Danville Ky 1893-94; Binghamton, N.Y., 1894-1901; teacher of Latin, Wadlelgh High School, N.Y. City, since 1902. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alnmnse, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. ROYS, Mabel Mllham (Mrs. Charles KIrkland

Roys), Wei Hsien, Shantung. China.

Missionary worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; m. June 28. 1904, Charles KIrkland Roys; children: Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1905; Carolyn, b. Not. 15, 1908 (died Apr. 19, 1910); Mary, b. Apr. 80, 1910. Nat. traveling sec.. Student Volunteer

��Movement for Foreign Missions, 1900-02- sec. Y.W.C.A. of New York and New Jersey, 1902-03, of Minnesota, 1903-04.

RFAN, Carrie Frazer (Mrs. Walter Ruan), Bedford, Va.

Artist; b. Ann Arbor, Mich.; dau. Judge Rob- ert E. and Abbl© M. (Saunders) Frazer; ed. Ann Arbor High School; studied art of decorating por- celain with private teachers In Detroit; m. Nov. 9, 1892, Walter Ruin; children: Robert Frazer, b. Aug., 1894; Carolyn Rebecca, b. Aug., 1895; Wal- ter, b. Oct., 1896; John Virginius, b. Oct., 1903. Pres, St. John's branch Woman's AuiJIlary eight years. Organized Bedford Library Ass'n and serred as pres. for ten years. Elpiscopalian. Mem. Bedford Civic Improvement League, Va. Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman Com. on Club Eitenslon), also church organizations and Sun- day-school. Club: Thursday.

RUBLE, Zalema Alice, 42 N. Avenue A, Can- ton, III.

Teacher; b. Canton, 111., Feb. 15, 1861; dau. Barnet F. and Caroline D. (Graham) Ruble; grad. Canton High School, the Bumham-Capen School, Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '86 (mem. Alpha Soc); Coates Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., M. A., '87. Teacher In Miss Mit- tleberger's School, Cleveland, 1887-62; Miss Nourse's School, Cincinnati, 1892-93; Coates Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., 1893-96; Stanley Hall, Minneapolis, 1896-98; Grinnell (Iowa) Acad, 1898- 99; principal of Graham Hall, Minneapolis, 1900-12. Author of the class play of Smith, '86, "Composita," and a sonnet in "Representa- tive Sonnets of America." Congregationallst; active In Sunday-school. Independent in poli- tics. Mem. W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage; was mem. Political Equality League, Minne- apolis. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, College Woman's Club of Minneapolis.

RUDDELL, Clementine Tnclier (Mrs. Almus G. Ruddell), 1909 N. New Jersey St., Indian- apolis, Ind.

Born Newark. N.J., Oct. 28, 1875; dau. Warren and Clementine (Parmalee) Tucker; ed. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. and Barnard Coll. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Newark, N.J., April 12, 1899, Almus G. Ruddell; children: James Henry, War- ren Tucker. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Mem. Indianapolis Woman's Club. RUDDY, Ella Giles (Mrs. George Drake Ruddy), 241 N. Western Av., Los Angeles, Cal. Writer; b. near Madison, Wis.; dau. H. H. and Rebecca (Watson) Giles; ed. Stoughton (Wis.) High School and Univ. of Wis.; m. Los Angeles, 1896, George Drake Ruddy. Father was pres. Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction; herself delegate to such conferences, appointed by the governors In Wis.; as Ella A. Giles: read papers before Prison Congress and the Illinois Social Science Ass'n. Founder of philanthropic clubs in Los Angeles. Favors woman suffrage; was first pres. of Los Angeles Political Equality League; also president of Los Angeles Equal Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Southern Cal. Woman's Press Club. Author: Bachelor Ben; Out from the Shadows; Maiden Rachel; Flowers of the Spirit; Club Etiquette; also stories for Harper's Bazar, literary sketches for Chicago Times (on staff three years). The Century, N.Y. EJvening Post, etc. Editor of Mother of Clubs. Unitarian; later Christian Scientist. Recreation: Music. Mem. Friday Morning Club, the Ebell Club (Los Angeles), Cal. Badger Club, Los Angeles Wom- an's City Club, Severance Club, Woman's Press Club.

RUDOLPH, Pauline Dohn (Mrs. Franklin Rudolph), Wlnnetka, III.

Artist; b. Chicago, III.; ed. in Chicago schools; art studies in Chicago, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and In Paris ateliers; m. 1901, Franklin Rudolph. Received the Charles A. Yerkes prize and Otto Young prize of the Chi- cago Soc. of Artists. Has exhibited paintings at the World's Columbian Exposition; also in N.Y. City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Paris. Mem. Chicago Soc. of Artists, Art Ass'n of Chicago, Soc. of Western Artists. Mem. Palette Club (Chicago).

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