Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/695

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��ward C. Rumpler; one daughter: Mary Louise, b. Sept. 25, 1895. Interested in extension dep't of T.W.C.A. and missionary work of Christian Church. Has done some writing for church pub- lications. Mem. Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: Mondav, Inter Nos (twice pres.). Late Book, Woman's Dep't Club (all Indian- apolis). Favor;? woman suffrage; has done some work for the Woman's Franchise League of In- diana during Straw E.a'Jot campaign. BCNDELL, Annio Stevens (Mrs. Warren S. Rundell), Houdan Hill. Flint. Mich. Physician; b. Farmington, Me.; dau. Edwin N. and Margaret (Stewart; Stevens; ed. Farming- ton, Me.; Boston. Uasc; Univ. of Mich., M.D. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 12, 1S98, Warren S. Rundell. Woman physician at State School for Deaf. Mem. Y.W.C.A. ; lecturer on social purity. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., County and State Med. See. Recreations: Home- keeping, gardening, reading. Clubs: Shake- spearian, Once-a-Montn Scientific. RrNBLET, Mabel Tower (Mrs. Charles Tread- well Rundlet), Larchmont, N.Y. Born Albany, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1877; dau. Frank- lin D. and Catherine Becker (Blessing) Tower; grad. Vv'eilesley, B.A. 'E9; m. Albany, fl.Y., Oct. 29, 1902, Charles Treadwell Rundlet; one daugh- ter: Catharine Rundlet, b. July 30, 1S07. Fres- bytprian.

RUNKLE, Bertha (see Bash, Bertha Runkle). BUJsKXE, Lucia Isabella (Mrs. Cornelius A. Runkle), Tannersville, N.Y. Writer; b. Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 29, 1844; ed. in schools of Fall River and Worcester, N.Y. ; m. 1869, Cornelius A. Runkle; one daughter: Mrs. Bertha (Runkle) Bash, well-known novelist ("Bertha Runkle"). Engaged in journalism for several years as editorial writer for the N.Y. Tribune. Contributor to the leading magazines and collaborated with Charles Dudley Warner in editing The World's Best Literature. KUNYON, Laura Louisa, Warrensburg, Mo.

Teacher; b. Springfield, 111., 1862; dau. John and Harriet (Chace) Calvin; ed. public schools of N.J.; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B., A.M. Man- aging editor of Elementary School Record, Dewey School, Univ. of Chicago; director of Model Vacational School, summers, Chautauqua, N'.Y.; associate prof, of history. State Normal, Warrensburg, Mo. Favors woman suffrage; or- ganizer of club at Warrensburg; cor. sec. and chairman of Sixth Congressional Dist. of Mo.^ speaker before legislative com. on suffrage amendment, Jefferson City, Feb. 6, 1913. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R., Associate Collegiate Alumnae. Rec- reation: Music.

ni'SH, Olive, 1305 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del.

Artist; b. Fairmont, Ind.; dau. Nixon and Louisa (Winslow) Rush; ed. in Friends Acad.; Art Studccto' League of N.Y., with Howard Pyle, Wilmington, Del., and with M. Richard Miller, Paris Illustrated for principal magazines as Scribner's, Collier's, Woman's Home Companion aud Ladies' Home Journal, cover designs. Painted altar piece for St. Andrew's Church in Wilmington, Del.; painted portrait group of chil- dren. Greatly Interested In art In America in an unprofessional way and considers the art so- cieties scattered through the country. In the smaller cities, a greater factor for good than is generally recognized. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Has exhibited in Carnegie, Internat. Exhibit in Pittsburgh, Nat. Acad, and N.Y. Water Color Club, Am. Water Color Soc, Pa. Acad., etc. Mem. N.Y. Water Color Club, Plastic Club (Phil- adelphia), Woman's Art Club (N.Y. City). BUSH, Rachel Lionne Adsit (Mrs. Charles Everett Rush), 72S N. Twenty-third St., St. Joseph, Mo.

Born Charlton, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1885; dau. Rev. Sptncer M. and Stella (Reed) \dsit; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '0'5; N.Y. State Library School. B.L.S. '08; m. Albany, N.Y., 1910, Charles E. Rusb; one daughter: Alison Adsit. Chief of Information Dep't, Public Library of Dist of Columbia, Washington, D.C., 1908-10. Has publi.shod va-

��rious articlf-s on library science. Presbyterian. Mem. Mo. Ass'n of Charities and Correction, Ass'n of Coll. Alumni, Mo. State Fed. of Women, Am. Library Aas'n, Runcle Club. Pres. St. Joseph Fed. of V/omen. 1911-12. BCSHMORE, Jane P., 150 N. Fifteenth St.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

General secretary- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends; b. Cooksburch, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1864; dau. John Underbill and Sarah P. (Drake) Rush- more; ed. Swarthmore Coll., class of '83 (left be- fore graduation). Gen. sec. Starr Centre Ass'n, Philadelphia, Pa. (salaried ofiBce). Principal Mar- ten Acad., Kennet Square, Pa.; gen. sec. Religious Education for Hickslte Friends (volunteer posi- tion). Mem. Friends Gen. Conference; mem. Com. on Philanthropic Work, Philadelphia Y' early Meet- ing of Friends, working for peace, temperance, purity and prison reform. Favors woman suf- frage. Regular contributor to Friends Intelligen- cer. Recreation: Nature study, especially study of birds in the field, RUSLANDEB. Phoebe Jane (Mrs. Moses Rus-

lander), 635 Woodward Av., W. Park, Mc-

Born in Poland, Mar. 19, 1868; dau. S. Leo and Sarah (Rauch) Katz; ed. Titusville (Pa.) High School; m. Titusville, Pa., July 9, 1878, Moses Ruslander; children: S. Leo, Fred E. Teacher Titusville (Pa.) High School before marriage. Director Associated Charities; first vice-pres. Pa. Ass'n for Blind; first vice-pres. Council of Jewish Women; director Pittsburgh Workshop for the Blind; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; was founder and first executive chairman of Pa. Ass'n for Blind and of the Pittsburgh Workshop for the Blind. Favors woman suffrage; director General Fed. Fund; director Juvenile Court Aid Ass'n; director Associated Charities. RUSLING, Emily Wood (Mrs. James F. Rus- ling), 226 E. State St., Trenton, N.J. Born Wilkesbarre, Pa.; dau. Isaac and Emily H. (Wells) Wood; ed. Wilkes-Barre and in Hart- ford, Conn., at the Curtis School; m. Trenton, N.J., June 30, 1870, Gen. James F. Rusling, LL.D., lawyer, brig.-gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; children: James Wood Rusling, Emily Rusling Bates. Vice-pres. Woman's Aid of Mercer Hos- pital since its organization; vice-pres. of Needle- work Guild, Trenton Branch; also interested in church societies. Methodist. Mem. New Jersey Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America and its treas. for three years; mem. D.A.R. , charter mem. Paulus Hook Chapter of Jersey Ciiy (for- mer vice-regent); now mem. Broad Seal Chapter of Trenton, N.J. Mem. Contemporary Club (one of its early presidents).

RUSSEL, Florence Kimball (Mrs. Edgar Rus- sel). The Highlands, Washington, D.C. Born Fort Riley, Kan., 1S73; dau. Gen. Amos Samuel and Harriet (Crary) Kimball; ed. Liv- ingston Park Sem., Rochester, N.Y. ; Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Graham School, N.Y. ; m. Chi- cago, April 18, 1S93, Edgar Russel, now major Signal Corps, tf.S.A. Author: A Woman's Jour- ney Through the Philippines; Born to the Blue; In West Point Gray; From Chevrons to Shoul- der-Straps; contributor of articles, stories and verse to Everybody's Magazine, Harper's Bazar, N.Y. Sun, Life, Puck, and other periodicals. RUSSELL, Ada Dwyer (Mrs. Harold RusseM\ 166 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. Actress; b. Salt Lake City; dau. James and Sara Anne (Hammar) Dwyer; ed. Deseret Univ., Salt Lake City; private school, Boston, and Bos- ton School of Oratory: m. Brooklyn. N.Y., Feb. 26, 1893, Harold Russell; one daughter, Lorna Russell. Has created nearly every part she has played. First N.Y. debut In One Error, play by E. E. Kidder; then Roxy in Pudden' Head Wil- son; Malka in Children of the Ghetto. Played with Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Bellew, Mr. Gillette and Mr. Collier in London and toured in Australia, New Zealand, in Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch. Played in Mrs. Leadbeitcr in Merely Mary Ann, London and America; Lize Heath in Salomy Jane; Bet In Dawn of a To-morrow; recent engagement Frisco Kate, In the Deep Purple. Mem. 12th Night Club. Against Wo- man Suffrage.

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