Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/698

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��KTA^f, Marah Ellis, Fayette Springs, Pa.

Author; b. Butler Co., Pa,, Feb. 27, 1860; d^u. Patrick Graham and Sidney (Mechling) Martin; ed. public schools; m. 1SS3, S. R. Ryan. Was on the stage for five years, retired in 1890; before marriage wrote under the nom de plume of "Ellis Martin"; since then under her own name. Au- thor: In Love's Domain, 1SS9; Told in the Hills, 1891; Pagan of the AUeghanies, 1891; Squaw Eloise, 1892; A Flower of France, 1S94; Com- rades, 1896; The Bond- Woman, 1899; That Girl Montana, 1901; Mv Quaker Maid, 1906; For the Soul of Rafael, 1906; Indian Love Letters, 1907; has dramatized: Told in the Hills, The Bond- Woman, and Galeed, a story included in Love's Domain.

BYBER, Jeannette Ford (Mrs. C. C. Ryder), Revillagigedo 80, Altos, Havana, Cuba. Humanitarian; b. Wisconsin, June 11, 1866; dau. Hiram and Amanda (Maxon) Ford; ed. public schools of Iowa, Michigan and California; m. Oakland, Cal., Mar. 25, 1S91, Dr. C. C. Ryder. Since going in 1899 to Cuba, where her husband established in medical practice, she has been con- stantly active in humanitarian work. Founded and is pres. of the Bando de Piedad de la Isla de Cuba (Band of Mercy of the Island of Cuba), for the protection of children, helpless adults and animals, and has built it up until it is one of the most effective humane societies in exist- ence. It maintains a refuge for abandoned animals in the City of Havana, a free clinic and dispensary for poor children, and a well- organized system for humane and protective work. She has done most effective service in the suppression of bull-fights and other cruel customs formerly prevalent in Cuba; has found little sympathy with humane work among the Cubans and has had to work against great ob- stacles and opposition. Waged a strong fight against cruelty to children in the Reform School, and in many ways and places finds a large field for humane work in Cuba. -Quaker. Mem. Child Labor Fed. (since 1906), Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle (since 1898); W.C.T.U., and Woman's Club of Havana. Mem. of Governing Boards of the Children's Welfare Ass'n of Cuba and the Mothers' Congress of Cuba. Favors woman suffrage.

RYERSOX, Caroline Hutchinson (Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson), 4S51 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111.

Born Gloversville, N.Y., June 19, 1859; dau. Charles and Emily (Smith) Hutchinson; ed. Chi- cago schools and William Bryan's Sem., Batavia, N.Y. ; m. Chicago, Oct. 26, 1881, Martin A. Ryer- son. Pres. Antiquarian Soc. of the Art Institute; director Three Arts Club; mem. Athletic Wom- an's Club. Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage.

RYKERT, Annie M., Post-Graduate Hospital, 303

E. Twentieth St., N.Y. City.

Hospital sup't; b. St. Catherine's, Ontario, Can- ada; dau. Hon. John Charles Rykert, K.C., and his wife (nee Hawley); ed. privately at home and at Miss Dupont's, Toronto; grad. N.Y. Hospital School for Xursc-s, 1898. Ass't sup't nurses, N'.Y. Post-Graduate Hospital, 1898-1900; sup't nurses, 1900-07; since June, 1907, sup't Post-Graduate Hospital, N.Y. City. Episcopalian.

RYE^iVNl), Cally, S21 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va.

Writer; b. Richmond, Va.: dau. Josiah and Caroline (Thomas) Ryland; ed. by governesses and in private schools. Officer Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals; mem. of boards of instruction of Visiting Nurses Ass'n, Pine Camp Tuberculosis Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: The Taming of Betty; Daphne and Her Lad (D. H. Lagen); Aunt Jemimy's Maxims; The Way Out (with D. H. Lagen). Democrat, but not a voter. Mem. Country Club. RYTTENBERG, Isabelle Levy (Mrs. Marcus

George Ryttenberg), 6 3 East Seventy-eighth

St., N.Y. City.

Born Vera Cruz, Mexico, Dec. 12, 1849; dau. Jonas Philip and Frances (Mitchell) Levy; ed. by governess at home; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 15,

��1879, Marcus George Ryttenberg; one son: Clark- son Potter. Interested in patriotic and philan- thropic work. Mem. D.A.R. (historian N.Y. City Chapter), National Civic Federation.

��S.4ALFIELD, Adah Louise Sutton (Mrs. Arthur

James Saalfield), 24 North Prospect St., Akron,


Author; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1865; dau. George D. and Amanda Elizabeth (Adams) Sutton: grad. from N.Y. City Normal Coll.; m. Aug. 1, 1885, James Saalfield. Author (under maiden and pen- name "Adali Louise Sutton"): Mr. Bunny, His Book, 1902; Seeds of April's Sowing, 1902; Sweeter Still Than This (poems), 1905; Baby Dear (com- pilation), 1907; Teddv Bears, 1907; Topsy and Tootsy, 1907; A Little Maid in Toyland, 1908; Mushroom Fairies, 1910; More Flower Babies, 1911. SABIN, Ellen Clara, Milwaukee-Downer College,

Milwaukee, Wis.

College president; b. Sun Prairie, Wis., Nov. 29, 1S50; dau. Samuel Henry and Adelia M. (Bor- dine) Sabin; student at Univ. of Vv'is., 1S65-6S; received honorary degree of A M. '95, and hon- orary degree of Litt. D. ; traveled In Europe, 1SS5-86. Principal of public school in Madison, Wis., 1869-73; teacher and principal public school, 1873-85, and sup't citv schools, Portland, Ore., 1887-90; pres. Downer Coll., Fox Lake, Wis., 1898-1900; pres. Milwaukee-Do'wncr Coll. since 1901. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Wis. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman com. of education, 1902). SABIN, Florence Bena, Johns Hopkins Medical

School, Baltimore, Md.

Physician, anatomist; b. Central City, Colo., Nov. 9, 1871; dau. George Kimball and Rena (Miner) Sabin; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '93; Johns Hopkins L'niv., M.D. 1900; fellow of Baltimore Ass'n for Advancement of Univ. Education for Women at Johns Hopkins, 1901-02. Teacher Denver, Colo., 1893-95; ass't in zoology. Smith Coll., 1895-96; interne Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1900-01; ass't instructor and associate in anatomy, 1902-05, associate prof, anatomy, Johns Hopkins UnivT, since 1905. Contributor to anatomical journals; author of An Atlas of the Medulla and Mid-Brain; mem. Editorial B'd of the Anatomical Record. Vice-pres. Ass'n of Ave.. Anatomists; mem. College Club of Baltimore. SABiy, Georgia Minerva Judd (Mrs. George F.

Sabin), Oshkosh. Wis.

Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. George Baldwin and Mary (Gaskill) Judd; grad. Roc'iiford Coll., 1869; m. Marine Mills, Minn., Dec. 25, 1S72, George F. Sabin; children: John Judd, Frederick Hosmer. Active in both religious and social life of her city. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage League in Oshkosh. Episcopalian. Mem. Ivanhoe Chapter, Order of Eastern Star (St. Paul, Minn.), D.A.R. Recreations: Motor boating, golf, music. Mem. 20th Century Club. SABINE, Jane Downes Kelly (Mrs. Wallace

Clement Sabine), 34S Marlboro St., Boston,


Physician and surgeon; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '88; Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D. '94; student Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. School, 1894-95; m. Boston, Mass., Aug. 22, 1900, Wallace Clement Sabine, A.M. (prof, phy- sics. Harvard Univ.); one daughter; Janet, b. Oct. 23, 1903. Engaged in teaching 1889-90. Practising medicine in Boston since 1895. S.4CHSSE. Dorothea Kotzschmar (Mrs. Arthur

H. W. Sachsse), 370 W. USth St., N.Y. City.

Grad. Smith Coll., '99: student of German his- tory and literature, Univ. of Berlin, summers of 1900, 1902, 1904: graduate student, Columbia Univ., 1907-09, M.A. '09; m. Sept. 2, 1906. Arthur Wilhclm Heinrich Sachsse. Teacher of German. Portland (Me.) High School, 1901-06; N.Y. Normal Coll. High School, 1907-09, and head of German dop't since 1909.

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