Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/706

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��SAXON, Cora X,ong (Mrs. W. S. Saxon), R. R. 3,

Connersville, Ind.

Former teacher; b. Fayette Co., Ind.; dau. Hosea and Luclnda (DeMoss) Long; ed. common schools of Daviess Co., Ind., and Fayette and Danviile (Ind.) Normal Coll. ; m. Fairview, Fayette Co., Ind., Oct. 30, 18S9, W. S. Saxon; children: Ira Chase, Chester W., Doris A. Taught nine years in putilic schools of Daviess and Fayette counties, Ind., until marriage. Sun- day-school teacher 20 years; now serving six- teenth term as pres. of the Fairview Ladies' Aid, which she organized. Sec. of the Fairview Chris- tian Women's Missionary Auxiliary; sec. of the Township Free Fair Ass'n; chairman Parent- Teachers' Ass'n of Fairvierw Township. Favors woman suffrage. Several of her articles and es- says being read at teachers' and farmers insti- tutes and club conventions have been published. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church (mem. La- dies' Aid and Missionary Soc). Recreations: Automabiling, reading, lectures, concerts and socials. Fres. Glenwood Sorosis (fifth term). Library Extension Com. of Ind. Fed. of Clubs.

SATEBS, Orline Walton (Mrs. Joseph D. Say-

ers), Austin, Tex.

Born Aiberdeen, Miss.; dau. William H. and Maria (L'Acee) Walton; ed. Bastrop (Texas) Acadetny; m. Bastrop, Texas, Feb. 20, 1879, Joseph D. Sayers (Congressman 1885-89, Gov- ernor of Texas 1889-1903). Interested in religious, social and philanthropic societies. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South.. Mem. State Board of Y.W.C.A. ; chairman Travelers' Aid Com.; pres. Auxiliary Missionary Soc; m-em. Board of Humane Soc. and other philanthropic organizations. Mem. Texas Library and His- torical Commission and Texas Fine Arts Ass'n. Hon. mem. University Ladies' Club, Daughters of Confederacy.

SAYI.ES, Mary Buell, 160 Waverly PI., N.T.


Social and editorial work; b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 2, 1878; dau. John E. and Julia (Wilson) Sayles; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 1900; fellow College Set- tlement Ass'n, 1901-02; inspector, N.Y. City Tene- ment House Dep't, 1902-06; staff mem. Bureau of Municipal Research, N.Y. City, 1907-11; Russell Sage Foundation since 1911. Has contributed to ■The Outlook articles on phases of social and governmental activity, and to the Annals of the Am, Acad, of Political and Social Science arti- cles and monograph on housing conditions in Jersey City.

SAYBE, Lronise M. (Mrs. Henry NIven Sayre),

49 Fulton St., Newark, N.J.

Born Newark, N.J., Apr. 7, 1858; dau. Wendalln and Marie (Bartell) Martz; ed. Newark public schools and high school; m. Newark, Oct. 25, 1879, Henry Niven Sayre; one daughter: Ethel Martz (deceased). Pres. Board Eighth Av. Baby Shelter and Day Nursery; was vice-pres. Chil- dren's Bureau; interested in many clubs, play- grounds and humane work in all its branches. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League of N.J. Episcopalian. Pres. Humane Education Soc. Recreations: Traveling, reading, music. Treas. Ray Palmer Literary Club; mem. Contemporary (civic) Club.

8ATWABD, Mary Edith, 16 Congress St., Wor- cester, Mass.

Teacher; b. Springvale, Me., 1870; dau. James Albert and Miriam Ricker (Lord) Sayward; grad. Worcester Classical High School '90; Smith Coll., A.B. '94; Bridgewater Normal School, 1894-95; Cornell Univ., graduate student, 1895-96. Teacher of botany and physiology, Worcester English High School, since 1896. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Walking, canoeing. Mem. Worcester Woman's Club, Levana Club.

8CHAITEB, Margaret ElleD, 2033 N. Sixty- second St., Philadelphia, Pa, Bom Boalsburg, Pa., Jan. 3, 1870; 4au. Charles B. and Rachel (Sparr) Schaffer; ed. Pa. State Coll., B.S. in course of biology, 1892. Fayors woman j«iiflrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Walking.

��8CHATTNEE, Margaret Anna, Railroad Com- mission, Madison, Wis.

Writer; b. New Bloomington, Marion Co., C; dat]. Daniel and Anna (Miller) Schaffner; under- graduate work at Emporia Coll., Kan.; grad. work at Univs. of Wis. and Mich.; fellow in economics, Univ. of Wis., 1900-01; traveling fel- lowship in economics, 1901-02; Univ. of Wis., Ph.D. '02. Instructor in economics, Iowa Univ., 1502-05; editorial work for Wis. Library Com- mission and bill drafting for Wis. Legislature, 1905-08; economic expert work with Ti^is. Rail- road Commission, 1908 — . Engaged in editorial work for economic, legal and engineering periodi- cals under three masculine pen .names since 1902. Interested in church, social service movements, bureaus of Justice, legal aid societies. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wis. Woman Suffrage Asb'n. Author of monographs, bulletins, etc.; Territorial Tax Legislation in Michigan, 1902, The Labor Contract from Individual to Collective Bargaining, 1902; Railway Company Employment, 1905; Exemption of Wages, 1906; Corrupt Prac- tices at Elections, 1906; Trust Company Reserves, 1906; Initiative and Referendum, 1907; The Re- call, 1807; Municipal Home Rule Charters, 1908; Effect of Recent Boycott Decisions, 1910; Wiscon- sin Railroad Commission Digests, 1908-12. Pres- byterian. Democratic-Prohibitionist. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Political Science Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child La- bor Committee, Commission on the Church and Social Service. Recreations: Horseback riding, boating, golf.

SCHAIN, Josephine, 1780 Bryant Av., South

Minneapolis, Minn.

Lawyer; b. Brown's Valley, Minn., 1SS6; dau. J. T. and Irene (Burdick) Schain; ed. Univ. of Minn., LL.B. '07; LL.M. '08 (Pi Beta Phi). Legal aid attorney for Associated Charities for Minne- apolis; chairman of the Legislative Com. of the Minn. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. executive board of Hennepin County Juvenile Protective Ass'n; several years resident of Pillsbury Settle- ment House. Favors woman suffrage; sec. Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; on program com. State Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Laws of Minnesota Re- lating to Women and Children. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Welfare League; Am. Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Out-door sports, walking, horse-driving. Clubs: Minneapolis Wo- man's, 1915 Suffrage. Social Service.

SCHAUFFLEB, Rachel Capen, 400 Madison Av..

Lakewood, N.J.

Teacher; b. Bruenn, Austria, Mar. 9, 1876; dau. Henry Albert and Clara (Gray) Schauffler; ed. Vassar, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '97. Teacher In Lakewood, 1902-12; head of English Dep't in Lakewood School for Girls, 1911-12. Author: The Goodly Fellowship, 1912. Presbyterian. Mem. of American Historical Ass'n and Women's Uni- versity Club of N.Y. City.

SCHEEL, Sophie Ba4e (Mrs. John H. Scheel),

Rosemawr, Passaic, N.J.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, 1859; dau. Claus and Elsie (Lammert) Bade; ed. Normal Co;i., N.Y. City; N.Y. Med. Coll. and Ilosoital for Women, M.D. ; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 25. lS3i, John H. Scheel; children: Henry van Riper, John Brailly, Elsie Rebecca. Senie Christine, William Bade (dr- ceased). Has taught in N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women since 1901; now professor of Materia Medica and of hygiene and sanitation. Has been mem. local school board, Dist. 15. for 11 years in N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League. Lutheran. Democrat. Mem. Normal College Alumnas, Alum- naa of N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, Am. Institute of Homoeopathy, Women's Society for Prevention of Crime, Lutheran Education So- ciety, Graduate Club of Normal College.

SCHEFF, Mme. Fritzl (Mrs. John Fox Jr.), Big

Stone Gap, Va., or care Charles B. Dillingham,

Broadway and Forty-sixth St., N.Y. City.

Prima donna; b. Vienna, Austria, 1880: dau. Dr.

Gottfried and Anna Hortense (Scheff) Jager;

began music studies In early childhood, her

mother, Hortense Scheff, being a prima donna of

the Imperial Opera House in Vienna; sang In

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