Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/713

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��SCOTT, Margaret T., 102 Bloor St., E. Toronto,


School principal; b. Dundas, Ont. ; dau. James and Margaret (McEwan) Scott; ed. In Dundas and Toronto. Ont. Was teacher in Otta-wa Ladies' College, later principal of Provincial Model School, Toronto; principal of Presbyterian Ladies' Coll., Toronto; founded in 1903, Branltsome Hall, a residential and day school for girls, Toronto, of which has since been a principal.

SCOTT, Margraretta Morris (Mrs. Samuel Bryan Scott), 124 Highland Av., Chestnut Hill, Pa. Research student of economics and history of religion; b. Philadelphia Pa., July 17, 1S78; dau. Charles EHlls and Ella G. (B«nson) Morris; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1900; i^ecialized la phil- osophy and eoonomlca; grad. student in eco- nomics, 1901-05; m. June 12, 1907, Samuel Bryan Scott; children: Eleanor, b. 1908; Sylvia, b. 1910. Special IntereetB are the Btudy of primitive re- ligions and economic conditions, especially in Borneo, and assistance of her husband in politi- cal reform work. Author: EJconomic Study of Religion; Harvest Gods of Land Dyaks of Bor- neo; Race and Custom in the Malay Archipelago; Influence of War and Agriculture upon Religion; Harvest Festivals of the Land Dyaks (Journal of Am. Oriental Soc); Magic and Morals (Journal of Religious Psychology). Mem. American Oriental Soc, Contemporary Club. Manager of Philadelphia Woman's League for Good Govern- ment, Monday Music Club, Philadelphia After- noon Music Club, Sedgely Club, Philadelphia College Club. Recreations: Music, swimming, canoeing. I*resbytertan.

SCOTT, Mary, 509 S. West St., Galesburg, 111.

Registrar and ass't treasurer, Knox Coll.; b. Vermont, 111., Sept. 7, 1860; dau. Lemuel L. and Ann Mary (Welch) Scott; ed. Knox College, A.B. '81; deputy county clerk, Knox Co., 111., 1885-90; ass't treas., Knox Coll. since 1890; registrar Knox Coll. since 1906; sec. treas. Nat. Ass'n of Collegi- ate Registrars, 1912-14. Mem. Galesburg Hospital B'd, Galesburg Woman's Club, Hawthorne Club. Congregationalist Favors woman suffrage. SCOTT, Mary Aagnista, Smith College, North- ampton, Mass.

Professor of English; b. Dayton, O. ; dau. Abra- ham MacLean and Julia Anne (Boyer) Scott; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B., A.M.; mem. Newnham Col- lege, Univ. of Cambridge, England (Moral Sciences Tripos); student in Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins Univ. ; first woman fellow of Yale Univ., 1892-94, Ph.D. Yale Univ., '94. Prof, of the English language and literature in Smith Coll. Author: Hugh Scott, an Immigrant of 1670, and His Descendants (with John Scott), 1895; Eliza- bethan Translations from the Italian, 1895-99; The Book of the Courtyer: A Possible Source of Benedick and Beatrice, 1901; Bacon's Essays, with Introduction, Notes and Index, 1908; The Italian Novella, 1911. Editor: Operative Gyne- cology (by Dr. Howard A. Kelly), 1898; Walter Reed and Yellow Fever (by Dr. Howard A. Kelly), 1906. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Mod- ern Language Ass'n of America, Dante Soc. (Cambridge, Mass.), Hawick Archaeological Soc. (Hawick, Scotland). Clubs: Woman's University (New York), College (Boston). Favors woman suffrage.

SCOTT, Mary Kennard (Mrs. George Cranch Scott), Framlngham, Mass. Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Charles Warren and Charlotte Amy (White) Kennard; grad. Smith Coll., A.B.; m. Framlngham, Mass., June 1, 1905, George Crandh Scott; children: Mary Adams Scott, George Cranch Scott Jr.

SCOTT, Mary McKay, Aberdeen Chambers, 291

Sparks St., Ottawa, Can.

Bom Ottawa, Can., Aug. 17, 1851; dau. Alex- ander and Alison (McKay) Scott; ed. Ottawa Private School, Bute House, Montreal. Sunday- school teacher for 30 years. Dominion sup't, vice-pres. and ex-pres. of Y.W.C.A. Editor of Woman's Journal for nine years.

SCOTT, Mary Stuart, 1211 Locust St., Dubuque, Iowa. Bom Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1870; dau. Jona-

��than Pardee and Alice (DeWolt) Scott; ed. public schools of Dubuque, Mary A. Barnham School of Northampton, Smith College, '94, B.S. (Phi Kappa Psi). Favors woman suffrage.

SCOTT, Miriam Finn (Mrs. Leroy Scott), 84 Grove St., N.Y. City; Summer, Carltas Island, Stamford, Conn. Author, lecturer, educator; b. Vllna, Russia,

1881; dau. Moses and Gitel (Selechnlck) Finn; ed.

in Russia; Teachers' Coll., N.Y. City; grad.

Normal Coll., N.Y. City, A.B. ; m. N.Y. City,

1904, Leroy Scott; one daughter: Helen, b. 1908. Director of Playground of Educational Alliance, N.Y. ; In charge of children's work at University Settlement; director of women's work at Speyer School of Teachers Coll., N.Y. City; lecturer for N.Y. Board of Education, 19U-12-13. Inter- ested In socialism. Mem. Students' Aid Com. of Manhattan Trade School for Girls. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of stories and arti- cles to Everybody's, Metropolitan, Delineator, Woman's Home Companion, The Outlook, and other magazines; contributions deal chiefly with educational, economic and sociological matters. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Women's Trade Union League, Writers' Club. Recreation: Swimming.

SCOTT, Nancy Elnora, Wilson College, Cham-

bersburg. Pa.

College professor; b. Fort Wayne. Allen Co., Ind., Mar. 24, 1879; dau. Arza Worth and Laura A. (Sabln) Scott; ed. Fort Wayne High School; Indiana Univ., A.B. '02, A.M. '07; Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '09. Principal Rudislll School, Fort Wayne, 1899-1900; departmental English, Indianapolis, 1902; teacher history and English, high school. Fort Wayne, 1903-06; ass't in history, Indiana Univ., 1906-07; prof, history and economics, Wil- son Coll., Chambersburg, Pa,, since 1909. Worker In church and civic clubs. Author: The Limits of Toleration Within the Church of England from 1632 to 1642; Historical Method in the Seventeenth Century. Mem. Audubon Soc. Phi Beta Kappa (Gamma of Indiana Chapter), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Historical Ass'n, Historical Ass'n of the Middle States and Maryland, Am. Geo- graphical Soc.

SCOTT, Ruth Spencer (Mrs. George Christian

Scott), Rye, N.Y.

Born St. Louis. Mo., July 8, 1879; dau. Corwln H. and Mary E. (Harlow) Spencer; ed. Mary institute, St. Louis; Miss Chamberlayne's School for Girls, Boston, Mass.; m. St. Louis, Oct. 25,

1905, George Christian Scott; children: Corwin Spencer, George Christian, David Harlow. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

SCOVIIXE, Helen M. (Mrs. Squire Chase Sco-

viUe), 2042 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.

Owner and principal of the Scoville School; b. Suisun, Cal. ; dau. M. C. and Helen M. (Hoge) Gardner; grad. Mills Sem. (now college), Cal., '76; m. Carson City, Nev., 1878, Squire Chase Scoville (died 1883); children: Amy Ghase, Helen Chase Scoville Talbot. After death of husband studied in N.Y. City and Boston, taking deep interest in pedagogy, and for several months studied kin- dergartening under Mr. and Mme. Kraus-Boelt6, 1884; ass't principal California Coll., Vacaville, 1885; teacher of history and economics. Mills Coll., 1887-1893; since then in N.Y. City; principal and owner of her own school on Fifth Av. Interested In all social and philanthropic organizations. Author: Life Pattern Studies; Interpretation of Wagner's Ring Cycle. Mem. Acad, of Political Science, N.Y. Philharmonic Soc, Nat. Civic Federation, Y.W.C.A. Recreation: Horseback riding. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

SCOVBLLE, Susie Ray Greene (Mrs. Augustus Ervlng Scoville), S2 Upham St., Melrose, Mass. Born Moosup Valley, R.I. ; dau. Ray J. and Sarah J. (Andrews) Greene; one of the first Wel- lesley students, entered as preparatory student the year the college oi>ened; grad. Welleeley Coll., B.A. '83; m. Westerly, R.I., Sept. 6, 1888, Rev. Augustus Ervlng Scoville. Teacher of mathematics and science in Callanan Coll., Dea Moines, Iowa, 1884-87, and In Englewood (N.J.) Inst., 1887-88. Interested In church work. Ba^

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