Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/722

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��Ypsllantl, Mich., Alma (Mich.) Coll.; m. Cross- well, Mich., July 5, 1900, Francis Shannon; chil- dren: Ross Avery, b. Apr. 25, 1901; Ralph Scott, b. Jan. 17, 1907. Vice-pres. Bureau of Associated Charities. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Fourth Ward, Traverse City Equal SuSrage League. Congregationalist. Republican. Most Excellent Chief, I*ythian Sisters; mem. Woman's Club; charter mem. Union St. Mothers' Club; ex-pres. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recrea- tion: Work as artist. Holds life certificate as teacher in State of Michigan.

SHANNON, Effie (Mrs. Herbert Kelcey), care Low's Agency, 112 3 Broadway, N.Y. City. Actress; b. Cambridge, Mass.; ed. in schools of Boston, Mass., and N.Y. City; m. (1st) Apr. 10, 1S90, Henry Guy Carleton, the playwright (divorced 1893); (2d) 1909, Herbert Kelcey. First connection with stage was as a child In a crowd of supers in John McCullough's revival of Corio- lanus at Boston Theatre; first speaking part was as Little Eva in Unele Tom's Cabin at the Howard Athenaeum, Boston; later playing parts with Lawrence Barrett and in a juvenile Pina- fore company. Leaving the stage for a time, at- tended school in N.Y. City; then returned to the boards in a minor, part in The Silver King; played Rose Leyburn in Robert Elsmere at Union Square Theatre, N.Y., and afterward was with the Augustin Daly company, and later with Daniel Frohman, appearing in various ingenue roles. Played Dora in Diplomacy with Rose Coghlan, 1S93; later supported Mrs. Langtry and Olga Nethersole. Became co-star with Herbert Kelcey in The Moth and the Flame, The Walls of Jericho, The Thief, etc. SIL\NNON, Ellen Elizabeth Poppleton (Mrs.

William Cummings Shannon), Oakland Farm,

Elkhorn, Neb.

Born Omaha, Neb. ; dau. Andrew J. and Caro- line L. (Sears) Poppleton; grad. Vassar, A.B., '76; m. Omaha, Neb., May 8, 1895, Dr. William Cummings Shannon, major and surgeon U.S.A. Alumnse trustee of Vassar Coll., 1887-98. In- structor at Vassar Coll., Dep't of English, 1878- 79; mem. Associate Alumnas of Vassar, The Maria Mitchell Nantucket Ass'n, Vassar Club of Omaha; director of Omaha Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnse; director Omaha Public Library B'd, 1885-95; mem. Omaha Boc. of Fine Arts, Omaha Tuesday Musicales, Y.W.C.A.; pres. Omaha Social Settlement Ass'n, 1911—. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. Woman's Army and Navy League. SHAPLEIGH, Amelia, West Lebanon, Me.

Born Eliot, Me., Aug. 29, 1868; dau. George .4. and Abbie E. (Bartlett) Shapleigh; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '91, Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Kappa Alpha Delta). Worked in the college settlements, holding fellowship for the year 1892-93, when was active in the College Settlement in Philadelphia, and at Hull House, Chicago. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Worcester Equal Suffrage Club. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, College Set- tlements Ass'n. Recreation: Motoring. SH.A^KBER, Kate Trimble (Mrs. A. Leslie Shar-

ber), 1800 East Belmont Circle, Nashville,


Author; b. Nashville, Tenn.. Dec. 24, 1883; dau. Joseph Addison and Mary (Davis) Trimble; ed. private schools in Alabama; m. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1906, Dr. A. Leslie Sharber; one son: Leslie Trimble Sharber. Author; The A.nnals of Ann; At the Age of Eve; also short stories in leading magazines of America. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Tennessee Press and Authors' Club. SHARP. Abbie Gardner (Mrs. Cassvill Sharpl,

Arnolds Park, la.

Born Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, N.Y. ; dau. Rowland and Frances (Smith) Gardner; self- educated; m. Hampton, la., 1S57, Cassvill Sharp; childrtn: A.lbrrt L., Allen, Minnie. Vv'ent with parents to Iowa (then part of Territory of Min- nesota) in childhood, and at age of 13 was present at the masiacre by the Indians of the settlers of Spirit Lake, where her father, mother, brother and sister and two nieces were butchered before her eyes and she and three' other women were

��carried into captivity, from which she was after- ward liberated. She has embodied her experi- ences in a book: History of the Spirit Lake Massacre and Captivity of Miss Abbie Gardner. Christian Scientist. Mem. W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage.

SH^VEP, Bertha Staples Pitman (Mrs. Frank Chapman Sharp), 619 Mendota Court, Madi- son, Wis.

Born Madison, Wis., Aug. 6, 1865; dau. William Goddard and Eugenia (Bemis) Pitman; grad. Univ. of Wis., A.B. '85 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Madison, Wis., June 30, 1896, Professor Frank Chapman Sharp, of the Univ. of Wis.; children: Malcolm Pitman, Eliot Hall, Richard Lauriston. Teacher of German, Madison High S<;hool, 1885-94; professor German and Latin, Stevens Point (Wis.) Normal School, 1894-96. Mem. Ex- ecutive Com. of Madison Ass'n. Opposed to woman suffrage. Episcopal laji.

SHARP, Estelle Avery, Fremont, O.

Educator, writer; b. Fremont, Ohio, 1858; dau. Isaac and Elizabeth (Davis) Sharp (descendant of John Underbill, early governor of New Hamp- shire); ed. Fremont High School; grad. Oberlin Coll. Was high school teacher and institute instructor until 1901. Author: Foundation Stones of Character — Social Ethics (three vols, endorsed by the Congress of Mothers and the D.A.R.); Rubaiyat of John Rockefeller. Presbyterian. Socialist and Progressive in jwlitics. Mem. D.A.R. and various social, religious and philan- thropic organizations. Recreations: Traveling, walking, croquet, whist. Mem. Browning Club, Civic Club, Drama Club. SH.\RP, Grace Hastings (Mrs. Dallas Lore

Sharpi, Hlngham, Mass., R.F.D.

Born Parkertown, O. ; dau. Waitstill Green and Nancy Elizabeth (Hannum) Eiastings; ed. San- dusky (Ohio) public schools, Univ. of Mich., B.S., and Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass. ; m. Fairfield, Me., Aug. 4, 1895, Dallas Lore Sharp; children: Dallas Lore, Jr., 1901; Waitstill Hastings, 1902; Morrison, ISC^; Huntington, 1906. Teacher of zoology, Detroit (Mich.) High School, 1891-95; editorial work on Youth's Com- panion, 1902-04; literarj criticism in connection with husband's university extension work in Boston, 1910-12. Favors woman suffrage. Con- tributor to newspapers and magazines. Presby- terian. Mem. 20th Century Club of Detroit, Mich, (head dep't Science and Philosophy), 1394-95; Monday Club (Bast Weyincuth, Mass.), 1896-97; Brockton (Mass.) Woman's Club, 1897-9S; engaged for paid lectures on Parental Abdication on Women's Club programmes for season of 1912-13. Independent in politics. SHARP, Hallie Clongh (Mrs. William Graves

Sharp), Elyria, O.

Born North Amherst, O. ; dau. Henry Hale and Margaret (Barney) Clough; ed. Elyria (Ohio) High School, Elmlra (N.Y.) Woman's Coll., Cleveland Art School; m. Elyria, Feb. 20, 1895, William Graves Sharp; children: Margaret, Ma- hala, George Clough, William Graves, Effiee Graves, Baxter Clough. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Ass'n of First Congregational Church (Elyria); Woman's Nat. Democratic League (treas.); chairman of Finance Com. of Dolly Madison Breakfast, the Fortnightly (Elyria), Kosy Club, the Political Study Club; charter mem. Oberlin Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Con- gressional Club of Washington, D.C. SHARP, Katharine Lucinda, Lake Placid Club,

Essex County, X. Y.

Librarian; b. Elgin, 111., May 21. 1865; dau. John William and Phebe (Thompson) Sharp; grad. Northwestern Univ., Ph.B., Phi Beta Kappa '85, Ph.M. '89; grad. N.Y. State Library School, Albany, B.L.S., '92, M.L.S., '06; Univ. of 111., A.M. '07. Teacher, Elgin (111.) Academy, 1886-88; ass't librarian, Scoville Inst., Oak Park, 111., 1888-90; or- ganized the Adams Memorial Library, Wheaton, 111., 1891; library at.Xenia, Ohio, 1892. Took charge of the Comparative Library E.xhibit, which was a feature of the World's (Tolumbian Exposition, 1893; then was for five years director of the dep't of library science in the Armour Inst., Chicago; served 1S97-19(;7 as head librarian and director of

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