Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/737

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��SINGLETON, Esther, Murray Hill Hotel, N.T.


Author, editor; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. Horace Leonard and Martha Colgate (Morllng) Single- ton (descendant of Colonial families of Va., Md., Mass. and R.I. ); direct descendant, 8th, of Ed- ward Ra,vvson, Sec. of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1G50-86; and 7th from Nathaniel Reynolds, cap- tain in King Philip's War, in command at Chelmsford, Feb. 25, 1676; great-granddaughter of John Singleton of Norfolk, who serveu in Morgan's famous Rifle Regiment and In Virginia line under Gen. Washington in the Revolution). Removed to N.Y. City In 1887; engaged several years in encyclopaedic work and in musical and literary criticism. Has made a special study of music, of furniture and of the manners and cus- toms of old New York, her original books being on these subjects. Mem. Royal Soc. of Arts (honorary), and Barnard Club (N.Y. City). Author: Turrets, Towers and Temples; Great Pictures; Wonders of Nature; Romantic Castles and Palaces; Famous Women; Historic Buildtngs of America; Historic Landmarks of America; Great Rivers of the World; Famous Cathedrals; Famou:i Sculpture; Modern Paintings: Wonders of the World; Paris; London; Venice; Rome; Florence; Translations of Music Dramas of Rich- ard Wagner by Lavignac; Japan; Russia; Ger- many; Switzerland; Turkey and the BaFkan States; Holland; Egypt; China; The Golden Rod Fairy Book; The Wild Flower Fairy Book; Dutcli New York; A Guide to the Opera; A Guide to the Modern Opera; How to Visit the Great Picture Galleries; Great Events of the World's History; Story of the Universe; The Furniture of Our Forefathers; French and English Furniture; Dutch and Flemish Furniture; The Story of the White House; Social New York Under the Georges; Galleries of Holland; The Art of the Netherland Galleries; A Guide to Great Cities- North-western Europe; A Guide to Great Cities- Western Europe; The Children's City.

8ENGMASTER, Elsie — see Lewars, Elsie Sing- master.

SINNOTT, Annie E. Rogers (Mrs. Joseph F. Slnnott), 1816 S. Rittenhouse Square, Phila- delphia, Pa., and "Rathalla," Rosemont, Mont- gomery Co., Pa.

Born Mt. Holly, N.J., Aug. 22, 1842; dau. Clay- ton R. and Eliza (Coffin) Rogers; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Phila- delphia, Pa., April 8, 1863, Joseph F. Slnnott; chilOren: Joseph E., Mary E., Henry G., Annie L., Clinton Rogers, James, Frederick, Clarence Coffin, Eliza Lorea. Treas. Associate Com. of Women, Pa. Museum and School of Industrial An; treas. St. Vincent's Aid Ass'n. Catholic. Mem. Am. Catholic Historical Soc, Acorn Club, Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Transatlantic Soc. of America, Merlon Cricket Club.

SINNOTT, Elizabeth, 228 N. Ninth St., Padu-

cah, Ky.

Born Paducah, Ky., July 4, 1878; dau. John and Elizabeth (Connor) Slnnott; grad. Paducah High School; Visitation Acad., Georgetown, D.C. Pres. Kalosophic Club; mem. Woman's Club, Magazine Club; chairman Finance Com. of Charity Club; has been sec, pres. and treas. Civic Department of Woman's Club; mem. Golf and Country Club. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Riding, dancing, bridge, golf. Against woman suffrage.

SIPPI, Grace Hamilton (Mrs. Charles John Sippl). 7110 Idlewild St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Reader and interpreter; b. Meadville, Pa., July 10, 1880; dau. Orrcn and Emma (Hamilton) Bajb- cock; ed. Buffalo High School, Training School of Elocution and English Literature, also studied in N.Y. and Philadelphia; m. Sept. 16, 1898, Charles John Sippi ; one daughter: Dorothy Rose. Reader, specializing in works of Shakespeare rind Maeterlinck. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Recreations: Music, literature, travel, draiiiat.lo and lecture reading. Pres. Pittsburgh Shake- speare Circle; first vice-pres. of New Era Club of Western Pa.; director Homewood Woman's Club.

��SITTIG, Isabel W. (Mrs. Frank SlttlEf), 68 Mon- tague St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., 18S3; dau. Joseph and Christina (Wallace) Wilson; ed. Bayonne, N.J., private schools; m. Bayonne, N.J., 1883, Frank Sittlg; children: Florence, b. 1885; Annie, b. 1887; Frederick, b. 1895. Founder and pres. for 22 years of the Sittlg Brooklyn Christmas Tree Soc. for destitute children of Brooklyn. Favors woman suffrage. Has contributed various articles to New York and Brooklyn newspapers. Author of the Pansy Stories and book: Good Night Stories, for children. Christian Scientist. Rec- reations: Music, drama, walking. Charter mem. Women's Press Club; pres. the Quiet Evening Club. Inventor of six patents for women's apparel.

SrviTEB, Anna Plerpont (Mrs. William Henry SIvIter), 122 Dlthridge St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Writer; b. Fairmont, Va,; only dau. Francis H. Plerpont, the Loyal War Governor of Va., and Julia (Robertson) Plerpont; ed. by tutors at home and in Washington (Pa.) Sem. ; m. Fair- mont, W. Va., 1886, William Henry Slviter; one daughter: Frances Pierpont. Author: Songs of Hope (Poems); The Sculptor and Other Poems; Nehe, A Tale of the Times of Artaxerxes; A Child's Memories of Richmond (now in prepara- tion). Editor Morning Guide, Our Children and Sunday-school literature of the Methodist Prot- estant Church, 1898. Writer for Puck, Judge, Harper's Bazar and other magazines. Conducted an English department for years In Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Presbyterian. Mem. Pitts- burgh Kindergarten Ass'n; manager Civic Chil- dren's Hospital; mem. McAll Mission; mem. Playground Ass'n, Daughters of 1812, Equal Franchise Federation, Century Club and Civic Club. Recreations: Rowing, traveling. Has written many poems for special occasions, no- tably one on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of her father, presented by W.Va. to Statuary Hall, In the Nat Capitol, which poem was read by her daughter at the request of the State's Senators and Representatives; also a poem, written by invitation of the committee in charge of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Con- ference of Governors at Altoona, Pa. (September, 1862), read at Altoona by her daughter, Septem- ber, 1912).

SKEEL, Emily E. F. (Mrs. Roswell Skeel),

Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Gordon Lester and Emily E. (Fowler) Ford; ed. Brooklyn; m. Brook- lyn, N.Y., April 21, 1891, Ro&well Skeel Jr. Favors womiin suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. City). SKIDMORE, Anna Theodora, Barrlnger High

School, Newark, N. J. ; permanent, Brookfleld

Center, Conn.

High school teacher; b. Denver, Colo., Oct. 24, 1872; dau. William Henry and Julia (Williams^ Sfeidmore; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. 1890-94; Harvard Summer School, 1903. Teacher in Northfield Sem., East Northfleld, Mass., 1894- 1908. Teacher mathematics, Barrlnger High School, Newark, N.J., since 1905. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, College Settlemfent Ass'n, Y.W.C.A. of Newark, N.J.; Ray Palmer Club of Newark, N.J. (auditor and mem. of Program Ck>m.). SKFLTON, Alice Thomofi, 38 St. Luke's Place,

Montclalr, N.J.

Teacher; b. Northampton, Mass.; dau. Otis A. and Adeline M.. (Sanford) Sklltnn; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '88; A.M. '06; grad. study In German literature, Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97; summer course at Harvard, and the universities of Jena, Gottingen and Leipzig. Teacher and principal of private schools, 1888-95; instructor in French and German, Lake Erie Coll., 1895-96; prof. Ger- man language and literature, Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, 1897-1912. Episcopalian. SKINNER, Helen Bowen (Mrs. George Cole- man Skinner), Bay City, Tex.; home, 427 First

Av., West Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Born Brodhead, Wis., Dec. 27, 1872; dau. John Calvin and Helen J. (Pruyn) Bowen; grad.

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