Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/768

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��Medicine, M.D. '01. Hospital service in Philadel- pihla Women's Home Hospital, 1901-02; N.Y. Lying-in Hospital, 1902. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homceopathy, Internat. Hahnemannian Ass'n, Mass. Homceopathic Med. Soc, Homoeopathic Med. Soc. of Western Mass., Epsilon Tau., D.A.R., Civic League, Daughters of the King. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; treas. Northampton Equal Suffrage League. STEVENS, Harriet Wadhams (Mrs. George

Thomas Stevens), 350 W. Eighty-eighth St.,

N.Y. City.

Born Wadhams Mills, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1842; dau. William L. and Emeline (Cole) Wadhams; ed. in private seminaries; m. Apr. 17, 1861, Dr. George Thomas Stevens; children: Frances Virginia (Mrs. George Trumbull Ladd), Dr. Charles Wadhams Stevens. Active in social, patriotic and church work. Congregationalist. Pres. one year, vice- pres. two years, Nat. Soc. New England Women; mem. N.Y. Genealogical and Biological Soc. Author: Wadhams Genealogy. Clubs: Sorosis, Women's Art, Barnard, Patria. STEVENS, Helen Norton (Mrs. Frank C.

Stevens), 220 Tenth Av., Seattle, Wash.

Editor; b. Burlington, la., Jan. 7, 1864; dau. •Tohn and Anna M. (Wetzler) Norton; grad. Im- maculate Conception Acad., Bwrlington, la.; m. Burlington, la., Oct. 22, 1888, Frank C. Stevens; children: Dwight Norton, Robert Wetzler, Anna Leach. Newspaper and magazine writer for 15 years; now editor Western Woman's Outlook. Mem. D.A.R. (Lady Sterling Chapter, Seattie). Pres. Woman's Home Consumers' League, 191^. Favors woman suffrage. Non-partisan, progress- ive voter. Mem. Woman's Club; pres. Seattle Woman's Club, 1910-12; treas. Seattle Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909-12 (vice-pres. 1912—).

STEVENS, Laura C. (Mrs. Hiram F. Stevens), 434 Laurel Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born Massena, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1850; dau. Joseph Emerson and Alma (Reed) Clary; ed. Massena High School, Potsdam Acad., Hunger- ford Collegiate Inst., Adams, N.Y.; m. Massena, N.Y., Jan. 26, 1876, Hiram F. Stevens. Interested in Home of the Friendless (mem. Board of Man- agers); ass't treas. Woman's Work Exchange Ass'n; mem. the New Century Club. Episco- palian. Against woman suffrage. STEVENS, Lillian M. (Mrs. M. Stevens), Port- land, Me.

Pres. Nat. W.C.T.U. ; b. Dover, Me., Mar. 1, 1844; dau. Nathaniel and Nancy Fowler (Parson) Ames; ed. Foxcroft Acad, and Westbrook (Me.) Sem., degree of M.A. conferred by Bates Coll., June, 1911; m. Portland, Me., Oct., 1865, M. Stevens; one daughter: Gertrude (now Mrs. Wil- liam Leavltt). Pres. Nat. W.C.T.U. since Oct., 1898. One of organizers of Me. W.C.T.U., of which was treas., 1874-77, and pres. since 1877; vice-pres. Nat. W.C.T.U. for four years prior to death of Miss Frances Willard, whom she suc- ceeded in the presidency. Was for several years representative of Maine in Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction; was one of the lady managers of World's CJolumbian Exposition, 1893. Favors woman suffrage. Editor-in-chief of the Union Signal, published at Evanston, 111.

STEVENS, Mary EUa Thompson (Mrs. Rollin Howard Stevens), 23 Fingree Av., Detroit, Mich.

Physician; b. Hadley, Mich., Jan. 29, 1864; dau. Andrew M. and Mary E. C. (Bentley) Thompson; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '85; M.D. '88; post-grad, laboratory work at Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., '92 (Delta Gamma); m. Lapier, Mich., Mar. 16, 1892, Dr. Rollin Howard Stevens; children: Mar- garet Bentley, Frances Eleanor. Ass't to pro- fessors of gynecology, obstetrics and paedology and of ophthalmology and otology, 1888-89, in Homceopathic Dep't of Univ. of Mich. Paedologist at Grace Hospital, Detroit, about 10 years; also lecturer to nurses on paedology. Mem. Board of Home of the Friendless, Girls' Protective League, as Priscilla Inn Co. Lecturer for Soc. for Sex Hygiene. Pres. Detroit branch College Equal Suffrage League; vice-pres. of Wayne Co. Cam- paign Organisation; mem. Board of Detroit League of Equal Suffrage Societies. Contributor to medical publications; joint editor of the Delta

��Gamma Anchora. Unitarian. Republican. Medi- cal examiner in several insurance orders; mem. Detroit branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnaj, Mich. Homceopathic Medical Soc, Mich. Woman's Press Ass'n, Twentieth Century Club of Detroit. Dele- gate to Nat. Ass'n Collegiate AlumnoD in Wash- ington, 1902; to Biennial Fed. of Women's Clubs at Boston, 1908; San Francisco, 1912; from T.C. Club (elected but could not attend in 1912) ; dels- gate to Nat. College Suffrage League at Buffalo, 1908, and Washington, 1910; fraternal delegate from Twentieth Century Club to International Council of Women, Toronto, 1909. STEVENS, Mary Greenleaf, 962 Merrimac St.,

Lowell. Mass.

Teacher; b. Lowell, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '83, A.M. '99. Teacher Lowell High School, 1884-88; Mempnis, Tenn., 1888-92; St. Paul (Minn.) High School, 1892-99; Lowell High School since 1901. STEVENS, Matilda Elizabeth (Mrs. William

Franklyn Stevens), 700 Thirteenth Av., Mun-

hall. Pa.

Born Celina, O., 1867; dau. Samuel Fletcher and Mary V. (Duncan) De Ford; grad. Ohio Wes- leyan Univ., M.L. ; m. Ottawa, O., 1893, William Franklyn Stevens; children: Carolyn D., William De Ford, James C. Identified with social service and organized charity work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R. , Daughters of 1812, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Alumnae, Ohio Soc. of Pittsburgh, Woman's Club of Homestead, Prytaneum Study Club, Congress of Clubs of Western Pa. A lineal descendant of Sarah Martha Ball, a sister to Mary Ball, the mother of George Washington. STEVENS, Mazie (Mrs. J. E. Stevens), Grand

Forks, N.Dak.

Born Chatfield, Minn. ; dau. J. E. and Caroline (Murphy) Rank; ed. Chatfield High School, Winona Normal; m. 1883, J. E. Stevens; chil- dren: Jay E. Stevens, Maude Catherine. Mem. the W.C.T.U., Health Department. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Woman's Federate Club; first vice-pres. of 1st Dis't. First person in N.Dak. to lecture in the interest of a State sanatorium for tuberculosis, and went before the Legislatvwe to ask for an appropriation for same, also for better health laws. Has traveled the State from north to south, from east to west, in the interest of this cause. STEVENS, Nina Spalding (Mrs. George W.

Stevens), Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, O.

Ass't director Toledo Museum of Art; b. Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 29, 1876; dau. Edgar Gold- smith and Leonora (Buel) Spalding; ed. St. Mar- garet's School, Buffalo; School of Applied De- sign for Women, N.Y. City; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; m. Port Huron, Mich., June 12, 1902, George W. Stevens. Lecturer on art subjects and contributor to various magazines. STEVENS, Sara Slmina, 31 Linnet St., W. Rox-

bury, Mass.

Physician; b. River Falls, Wis., Aug. 14, 1859; dau. William R. and Lamira (Wales) Stevens; ed. Windham Acad., Ohio; Oberlin, Ohio, and Tufts Medical School, Boston, M.D. '96. Began prac- tice of medicine in West Roxbury; opened at Copley Square, Boston, in 1904; served on staff of New England Hospital Dispensary; has charge of a private hospital in West Roxbury, Mass. Interested in social and religious activities of every sort. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. STEVENS, Zillah Foster (Mrs. Moses P. Stevens),

1250 Langdon St., Alton, 111.

Sup't temperance dep't, Internat. Sunday- school Ass'n; b. Peoria, 111., Jan. 16, 1861; dau. Benjamin and Christiana (Clark) Foster; ed. Peoria (111.) public schools and high school (valedictorian); further education through read- ing courses and special studies carried on alone; m. Peoria, 111., Aug. 14, 1884, Moses P. Stevens of Peoria; children: Ruth, Edgar Foster. Has for years specialized in temperance work, and particularly in methods of temperance teaching in the Sunday-schools; was sup't of temperance dep't, 111. State Sunday-school Ass'n, before tak-

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