Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/777

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��Mem. Washington Heights Chapter D.A.R. (first vice-regent); director Washington Headquarters Ass'n; mem. Patriotic Women of America, Daughters of the Empire State, Flag Ass'n. Director Rubinstein Club; served as officer in EaAt Side Clinic; was active in Harlem fhi\- harmonic. New Yorkers and Kappa Kappa. STOBEK, Haria Longworth (Mrs. Bellamy

Storer), 2342 Grandin Road. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bom Cincinnati, Ohio, March 20, 1849; dau. Joseph Longworth, only son of Nicholas Long- worth, who went to Cincinnati from Newark, N.J., in 1805; educated in Cincinnati; mariled at 19 to George Ward Nichols (died 1895) ; two children: Dr. Joseph Longworth Nichols (m. 1911 Miss Mary Morgan of Baltimore), and Mar- garet Rives Nichols (m. 1895 the Marquis de Chambrun, a great-great-grandson of Lafay- ette, and a member of the Chamber of Deputies, and they have three children); m. (2d) March 20, 1896. Hon. Bellamy Storer (former Con- gressman, U.S. Minister to Belgium and Spain and Ambassador to Austria-Hungary). Founded the famous Rookwood Pottery in 1880, and has done work as a decorator in pottery and metal; received a gold medal in 1900 at the Paris Ex- position for bronze work made in Madrid. She and Mr. Storer live half the year in Cincinnati and six months each year in Europe. Catholic. Against woman suffrage. Recreation: Work in hammered copper. STORKE, Helen Landon, 1040 Franklin Av.,

Cleveland, Ohio.

Author, teacher; b. Throop, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '68; elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher Auburn, N.Y., 1869-71; Cleveland (Ohio) High School, 1871-74; Wellesley Coll., 1875-76: Olivet Coll., 1877; Whitewater (Wis.) Normal School, 1877-80; Cleveland High School since 1880. Joint author (with Mr. J. B. Smiley): Beginners' Latin Book. STORKE, Sophia Dickerman, 1040 Franklin St.,

Cleveland. Ohio.

Born Throop, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Auburn, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '70, A.M. '95; elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Formerly engaged as teacher at Auburn. N.Y., and Cleveland, Ohio.

STORM, Katherine L., 1541 Diamond St., Phila- delphia, Pa,

Physician, mventor; b. Columbia Co., N.Y. ; dau. Peter H. and Ruth (Philip) Storm; ed. public schools; Hamilton Female Sem.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '93. Taught public school 15 years; later engaged in practice of medicine in Philadelphia; inventor of Storm Binder and Abdominal Supporter. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

STORY, Daisy Allen (Mrs. William Cumming Story), 36 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. James Hart and Frances Lupton (Porter) Allen; ed. at home; m. William Cumming Story; children: Allen Lawrence, Har- old Van Vredenburgh, Sterling Porter. President General of National Society D.A.R. ; pres. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; former first vice- pres. of N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; ex- State regent of N.Y. D.A.R,; ex-regent Manhat- tan Chapter D.A.R.; pres. Betterment League; mem. Colonial Dames of State of N.Y., Empire State Soc., Municipal Art Soc., Washington Headquarters' Ass'n. Protestant Episcopal.

STOVE, Serine Eisteinsen (Mrs. David Stove),

Northwood, la.

Teacher; b. Roland, la., Jan. 31, 1879; dau. Rev. 1. 'and Marie (Skaar) Eisteinsen; ed. high school, also musical education; m. Northfleld, Minn., June 24, 1907, Rev. David Stove; one daughter: Marie. Had charge of vocal dep't at Lutheran College, 1902-03; of St. Olaf College, Northfleld, .Minn., 1904-07. Interested In church work, choir and young people's work. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran.

STOVER, Georgia HnUe Mcl.eod (Mrs. M. L.

Stover), 1813 Princess St., Wilmington, N.C.

Born Newbern, N.C; dau. I. H. and Maria Louise (Borden) McLeod; ed. Tileston Normal, Wilmington, N.C; Norfolk (Va.) Coll.; State Normal. Greensboro. N.C: m. Wilmington. N.C,

��June 6, 1894, M. L. Stover; one daughter: Mary Louise Stover. Teacher before marriage. Me»m. North Carolina Sorosis; chairman of education N.C. Fed. of Women's (jluhs; district sec. Wom- an's Home Mission Soc. of Southern Methodist Church; one of five superintendents of the Asso- ciated Charities, Wilmington, N.C. Favors qualified suffrage. Mem. of Com. on Legal Status of Woman, N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs, United Daughters of Confederacy.

STOVER, Lora Agan (Mrs. Peter L. Stover),

Valley Falls, N.Y.

Bom Cambridge, N.Y., Apr. 25, 1881; dau. Charles and Margaret J. (Butterfield) Agan; grad. Cambridge High School, '99; m. Valley Falls, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1903, Peter L. Stovtr; chil- dren: Charles Agan, Blanche Margaret. Sec. Rensselaer Co. Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Valley Falls Political Equality Club. Mem. of School Board; mem. W.C.T.U. Methodist; mem. Ladies' Aid Soc. of M.E. Church, Woman's Home Mis- sionary Soc. Mem. State, county and local suf- frage clubs; Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. First woman in Valley Falls to serve on the School Board; active in helping the State Tuberculosis Dep't of the Federation. 8TOWE, .^nnle Bigelow, Caryville, Mass.

Piano teacher and organist; b. Caryville, Mass., July 18, 1879; dau. Elijah B. and Josephine M. (Fairbanks) Stowe; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1902. Organist since 1902 in Milford and Hope- dale, Mass. ; piano teacher for same time. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. STOWEI.L, Lonise Reed (Mrs. Charles Henry

Stowell), 99 Fairmount St., Lowell, Mass.

Bom Michigan; dau. Rev. Seth Reed (D.D.) and Harriet Newall (Russell) Reed; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '76; A.M. '77; m. July 10, 1878, Charles Henry Stowell, M.D. Taught micro- scopical botany, Univ. of Mich., 1877-89. First woman appointed on School Board for the District of Colambia (appointed by President Cleveland), also on the Board for the Girls' Reform School for District of Columbia. Mem. of Molly Varum Chapter D.A.R. Author of microscopical struc- ture of wheat, microscopical diagnosis; editor of The Microscope; has contributed over 100 scien- tific papers to leading magazines and periodicals. Methodist (father a Methodist minister and for 68 years mem. Detroit Conference, Mich.). STOWELL, Mary A., The Ilkley, 8 Cumberland

St., Boston, Mass.

Pianist and teacher; b. Peoria, 111.; dau. Allen Goff and Caroline (Scott) Stowell; studied four years in Berlin with XaTer Scharwenka and Eugen d'Albert (piano), and August Haupt (theory and composition), later did special work with Arthur Nikisch, Harold Bauer and Th. Leschetizky. Played with orchestra in Berlin and Boston, private studio in Boston, beside this was for seven years leading teacher of piano in Wellesley (3oll. and is now head of the piano dep't in Dana Hall, Wellesley. Congregationalist. Mem. Bostoner Deutsche Ge8e41schaft, Music Teachers' Nat. Ass'n. Recreations: Traveling, tramping.

STRACHAN, Grace Chariotte, 1115 Ocean Av.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

District superintendent at schools, N.Y. City; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Thomas Francis and Maria (Byrne) Strachan; ed. parochial school and State Normal School, Buffalo; extension courses at N.Y. universities. Most interested in establishing classes for crippled, deaf, blind and anaemic children. Most prominent as leader of fight for equal pay for equal work by the Inter- borough Ass'n of Women Teachers, which has had upward of 14,000 members on its roll; fight waged in Albany and N.Y. six years; finally won by approval of the Legislature's act by Mayor Gaynor and Gov. Dix. Officer Ladies' Aid Ass'n, St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn; of Mozart Soc, N.Y. ; of Woman Suffrage Party, of Civic Fed- eration and numerous other social, religious and philanthropic associations. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of King's County Political Equality Ass'n. Author: Equal Pay for Equal Wort; Nature Study. Roman Catholic. Recrea- tions: Music, theater.

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