Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/828

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��that time interested in religious and social phil- anthropies. Was a mem. Nat. Board of the Y.W.C.A., now vice-chairman of West Central Territorial Com. of Y.W.C.A. Has been for 17 seasons pres; of the Chautauqua Woman's Club, Chautauqua, N.Y. Methodist. Recreations: Health exercise. Mem. Denver Fortnightly Club, also P. E.G. Sisterhood. VINTON, Ellen Amelia, 2508 Cllffbourne PI.,

Washington, D.C.

Teacher; b. Southbridge, Mass., 1857; dau. Francis M. and S. (Lucretia) Vinton; grad. Wel- lesley Coll., B.S. '84, M.A, '97. Taught 12 years; was instructor in English literature at Norfolk Coll. for Young Ladies, 1891-95. Interested in church work, missions of all kinds and settlement work; actively interested in industrial work among colored people in Washington and In civic questions. Was one of founders of the Housekeepers' Alliance of Washington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Has written book re- views for Modern Culture and other magazines, and edited a school volume of LoTvell's poems. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnffi, Housekeepers' Alliance, missionary societies, etc., College Woman's Club, Monday Evening Club. VEVTON, Maria 'ftlitcheU, 15 Halstead Place,

East Orange, N.J. (summer, Brightwaters,


Physician; b. Boston, 1S62; dau. Frederic and Mary (Curry) Vinton; ed. Smith 0)11., A.B., A.M. '82; Cornell Univ., post-grad., 1883. Interne of Post Graduate Hospital, N.Y. City, 1886-87; dispensary physician Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, Manhattan Eye and Ear In- firmary; med. inspector N.Y. City Health Dep't, 13 years. Chairman for N.J. of Public Health Education Com. On editorial staff of Medical Record for many years. Medical exaitiiner L.C.B.A., Soc. Vincent de Paul, Tribune Fresh Air Fund. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Es- sex Co. Suffrage Soc. Contributor to Medical Record, International Clinics, Woman's Medical Journal, Babyhood (a series). "Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Am. Medical Ass'n, State Medical Soc. of N.J., Acad, of Medicine, N.Y. ; Essex Co. Medical Soc, Smith College Alumna. Mem. Woman's Club of Orange. VIRGIL, Antha Minerva (Mrs. Almon Kincaid

Virgil), 42 W. 76th St., N.Y. City.

Director of piano school; b. Elmira, N.Y. ; dau. Uric and Minerva Ruth (Cole) Patchen; grad. from the Burlington (Iowa) High School; m. Bur- lington, Iowa, 1878, Almon Kincaid Virgil. Es- tablished in 1891 the Virgil Piano School in N.Y. City (of which she is still the director), in which she introduced the Metronome for all technical practice; patentee and manufacturer of the Tekniklavier; originator of the use of practice instruments by piano students in the United States. Patentee of several instruments used in connection with piano practice. Contributor to the leading musical publications. Author of nu- merous instruction books for the piano, notably The Virgil Method of Piano Instruction; Practi- cal Exercises in Harmony Playing; Four Books of Melodious Studies and Short Pieces; Irregular Arpeggios; and other publications. VISANSKA, Sarah Bentsehner (Mrs. Julius M.

Visanska), Charleston, S.C.

Born July 16, 1870, Charleston, S.C; dau. David and Hannah (Jacob) Bentsehner; ed. Charleston (S.C.) Female Sem., class of '89 (Latin saluta- torian, first honor); m. Charleston, S.C, Mar. 12, 1895, Julius M. Visanska. iVIem. Kelly Kin- dergarten Ass'n (past pres.), S.C. Kindergarten Ass'n, Civic Club (was pres. six years); mem. Council of Jewish Women; mem. Charleston Soc. Arts and Crafts, Carolina Art Ass'n and various benevolent societies. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of various articles which have appeared in club organs and local press, mainly devoted to civic questions and literary criticism. Israelite. Recreations: Travel, mo- toring, music, drama. Mem. City Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, Charleston, S.C. (pres. 1908-11); pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910-12; now chairman dep't of civics. Believes in restricted suffrage for both sexes.

��VIVIAN, Boxana Hayward, Wellesley College,

Wellesley, Mass.

Associate professor mathematics of Wellesley Coll.; b. Hyde Park, Mass., Dec. 9, 1871; dau Robert Hayward and Roxana (Nott) Vivian; ed Hyde Park High School, Wellesley Coll., A.B •94; alumn* fellow Univ. of Pa., 1898-1901, Ph.D. Univ. of Pa., '01 (mathematics and astronomy) Teacher Stoughton (Mass.) High School, 1894-95 Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mass., 1895-98; in- structor in mathematics, Wellesley Coll., 1901 associate prof, mathematics, Wellesley Coll., since 1908. Acting pres. Am. College for Girls at Constantinople, 1907-09; prof, mathematics in same, 1906-07. Interested in philanthropic ef- forts in this country and abroad, in particular the American College for Girls at Constantinople, and education for women and girls in Near East; lecturer on life in Constantinople and Turkish problems. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Mathematical Soc, College Club. Protestant B>piscopal.

VOLDENG, Sadie Kosemond (Mrs. M. Nelson

Voldeng), Cherokee, la.

Born Taylorville, 111., Sept. 30, 1874; dau. Capt. W. E. and Caroline (Bumgardner) Rosemond; ed. Independence (la.) High School; Berlin, Ger- many, and Paris, France; m. Independence, la., Sept. 19, 1895, M. Nelson Voldeng, M.D. (sup't of the State Hospital), Cherokee, la.; children: Weir Nelson, b. Jan. 2, 1900; Karl Edward, b. Dec. 19, 1904. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities; auditor of Iowa Baby Health Contest Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; ex.-sec. Woman Suffrage League, Cherokee, la. Presbyterian. Recreations: Tennis, horseback riding. Mem. Woman's Club of Cherokee.

VOLK, Harriet E. Town (Mrs. John H. Volk), 2228 N. Seventy-first Court (Mont Clare), Chicago, 111.

Born Elgin, 111.; dau. Morris Clinton and Maria (Selkregg) Town; ed. Ingham Univ., La Roy, N.Y.; m. Elgin, 111., Jan. 7, 1874, John H. Volk; children: Edith, Paul, Herbert Plenry, Robert, Carl Brewster. Club and church woman. Former pres. of five Chicago clubs; State Com., seven years. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League. Con- tributor to magazines. Writer of poems and travelogues. Congregationalist. Recreation: Traveling. Pres. Klio Ass'n ; mem. Chicago Woman's Club and Mont Clare Musical and Literary (all in Chicago).

VOLKMANN, Louise C. A. (Mrs. Max C. A.

Volkmann), Beacon St., Newport, R.I., care

L. Leuka (city business, 256 Broadway, N.Y.

City, care of Herman Roth").

Real estate; b. Kiel, Germany, Dec. 15, 1845; dau. Johan G. C and Maria D. M. (Toll) Cars- tensen; ed. private school and sexn. at Kiel and Rendsburg; grad. of Conservatory of Music, Kiel, Germany (honorable mention) ; m. in Germany, 1864, Carl A. Marckenthuen, first oflBcer in En- glish merchant marine (died 1871); m. (2d) 1874, Rev. Amandus C. T. S. Volquarts (died 1SS2); m. (3d) N.Y. City, 1888, Max C A. Volkmann, landscape gardener; children: Martha Volquarts Leuka, William H. Volquarts, Frida Volquarts Louis, Ernest H. Volkmann (all married). Mis- sioner of prison; mem. East Side Clinic, Ladies' Auxiliary of Ben Davis Hospital; interested In the labor movement. Pres. Independent Woman Suffrage League, N.Y. City. Came to America 1872; kept private school; taught music until 1889; founder of the first vegetarian restaurant on West Twenty-third St., 1895; organizer for Nat. Provident Union. In real estate bnsinesa since 1900. Evangelical Lutheran. Democrat. Mom. Order of Eastern Star; chairman of trus- tees the N.Y. Peace Soc, the Sunshine Soc, No. 1. Recreations: Art work in embroidery and tapestry, reading, driving, dancing, music. Mem. Rainy Day Club, Political Study Club, Woman's Democratic Club, Patriotic Women of America, City Fed. of Women's Clubs, State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, Equal Suffrage League. Was Sister of Charity in the Franco-Prussian War at the barracks at Altoona.

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