Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/863

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��WHITE, Jessie Carter (Mrs. Alden Perley

White), 3 Federal Court, Salem, Mass.

Born Springfield, Mass, May 31, 1865; dan. Ho- ratio N. and Eliza A. (Grlswold) Carter; ed. Springfield High School; Smith Coll., B.A. (Alpha Soc); m. Springfield, Mass., 1896, Alden Perley White; children: Carter, Barbara, Nancy Perley, Emily Alden. Mem. Salem Musical Club, Salem Settlement Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Salem Woman's Club, Salem Musical Club. WHITE, Laura Rogers, Manchester, Ky., and

Louisville, Ky.

Teacher; b. Manchester, Ky., Dec. 11, 1852; dau. Daugherty and Sarah (Watts) White; ed. Univ. of Mich., 1871-1874, B.S. (made especially brilliant record there in mathematics); studied architec- ture at Mass. Inst, of Technology one year; at I'Ecole Special d'Architecture, Paris, France, almost one year. Has designed several houses and a small church; has taught in Sunday-school and frequently had charge of the Christmas lit- erary entertamments. Has written articles for newspapers and an article on True Bl-metalism, which was published by the Sound Currency Magazine, N.Y. City; has ready for publication an article on Magnetic Declination. Director Humingtou branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alum- nae. Was first chairman Civic Dep't of the Wom- an's Club, Ashland; mem. of the Out-door Art League of Louisville. Recreations: Daily culture of flowers, yearly attending the annual meeting of Nat. Suffrage Ass'n, or the Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, or a Peace Meeting. Favors woman suffrage (advocates it principally by subscription to The Woman's Journal, sent to those she wishes to convert, and by distribution of litera- ture) ; has been chairman of the Peace and Arbi- tration Com. of the Ky. Equal Rights Ass'n for several years; former pres. Ashland Equal Rights Ass'n. Life mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n since 1902. WHITE, Louise Lyman Peck (Mrs. Albert

C. White), Palenville, N.Y.

Born Providence, R.I., Fefe. 26. 1881; dau. Walter A. and Louise Lyman (Aborn) Peck; ed. Lincoln School, Providence; Miss Baldwin's School of Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. ; m. Jan. 24, 1906, Dr. Albert C. White; children: Carolyn Lyman (deceased), Jean, Adri- enne. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Irrepressibles Soc, Providence. Recrea- tions: Travel, sports. Mem. Boston Bryn Mawr Club, Bryn Mawr Alumnse Ass'n. WHITE, Lucy Elizabeth, 26 Villa Dupont, 48

Rue Pergoldse, Paris.

School principal; b. N.Y. City, Sept. 26, 1871; dau. John Henry and Lucy Elizabeth (Barrett) White; ed. Jamestown City High School, Wel- ley). Taught in private schools in Denver and N.Y. City, until the fall of 1900, when went to Paris and established the Villa Dupont School for Girls, the first school in Europe organized according to Am. school policy, yet offering for- eign advantages. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. D.A.R. (charter mem. and first sec. of Fort Dearborn Chapter). Recreations: Travel, camping, horseback riding In mountains. Mem. Lyceum, Paris. WHITE, Mabel Reynolds (Mrs. Eliot White),

Mahwah, N.J.

Born Worcester, Mass., June 28, 1872; dau. Jesse and Frances P. (Melcher) Moore; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94 (Phi Kappa Psl); m. Worcester, April 6, 1904, Rev. Eliot AVhite; children: Maurice Brewster, b. June 16, 1905; Shirley Prence, b. Apr. 28, 1908. Has conducted Bible classes for women and taken part In the work of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church, serving one year as sec. of the Junior Auxiliary to the Board of Missions in the Diocese of Western Mass.; has given lec- tures on Socialism. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Socialist Party. WHITE, Mabel Townley, 208 Comstock Av.,

Syracuse, N.Y.

Born Syracuse, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '76. Engaged as teacher, 1S79-81, and as charity worker, 1879-1900, in Syracuse. Treasurer Syra- cuse Shelter for Unprotected Girls, 1906-10. Mem. of various philanthropic societies in Syracuse.

��WHITE, Martha Evelyn Davis (Mrs. True Worthy White), 122 Appleton St., Arlington Heights, Mass.

Writer, lecturer; b. Hopkinton, N.Y., Mar. 13, 1863; dau. Phllo A. and Anna S. (Lobdell) Davis; ed. in public schools and by private tutors and Potsdam (N.Y.) Normal School; m. Fort Jackson, N.Y., Aug. 24, 1889, True Worthy White, of Methuen, Mass. Pres. Woman's Hospjital Art Ass'n; head of Dep't of Literature and Library Extension, Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: The Work of Women's Clubs; The Care of the Woman's Club; New England in Contemporary Verse; The New England Heroine In Contemporary Fiction; The Education of Jane; Toward the Kitchen; The Five-Cent Fare. Lecturer on literary and sociological topics before women's clubs; writer of essays and contribu- tions in the Atlantic Monthly and other leading publications. Uiitarian. Mem. Arlington Wom- an's Club, New EJngland Woman's Club, Bos- ton Women's City Club.

WHITE, Martha Root, 18 W. Sixty-ninth St.,

N.Y.. City.

Teacher; b. N.Y. City; ed. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03 (holder of the first Bryn Mawr Matriculation Scholarship for New York, New Jersey and Dela- ware, 1899-1900). Teacher of mathematics. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City, 1904-05; teacher of mathematics In Miss LeBaron Drumm's School N.Y. City, 1907-08, and in the Gordon-Winston School, N.Y. City, since 1909.

WHITE, Mary Houghton (Mrs. Charles David White), 2812 Adams Mill Road, Washing- ton, D.C.

Born Worcester, Mass., Nov. 13, 1856; dau. Josiah Perry and Frances (Waite) Houghton; ed. Worcester High and Normal schools; one year at Cornell Univ.; m. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 2, 1888 Charles David White. Interested in work of Southern mountaineers through the Southern Industrial Educational Ass'n, of which is a trus- tee and rec. sec. Unitarian. Mem. Fine Arts Soc. of Washington, D.C, Pre Re Nata, College Women's Club, Twentieth Century Club, Wash- ington Soc. New England Women.

WTEIITE, Rassle Hosklns (Mrs. Alexander B.

White), Paris, Tenn.

President general United Daughters of the Confederacy; b. Lexington, Miss.; dau. Capt. E. Hosklns of the 38th Infantry Reg't, Mississippi Volunteers, C.S.A., and Lou (Pinkston) Hoskins; m. Alexander B. White, a banker of Paris Tenn • one daughter: Mildred. Has graduated twice with the degree of A.B. Has done literary work for newspapers and periodicals, principally on Southern and Confederate history. Speaker par- liamentarian and presiding officer. Pres.' and organizer of the Fortnightly Club, Pioneer Club of Paris, Woman's Club, Paris; sec. Sans SoucI Club (Paris), D.A.R. of Mississippi. Active since 1901, United Daughters of the Confederacy. Pres Fifth Tennessee Reg. Chapter, Paris, 1902-04- 2d vlce-pres. Tennessee Division, 1903-05; pres. Ten- nessee Division, 1905-07; mem. Com. on By-laws for San Francisco Convention, 1905; chairman Shiloh Monument Com., 1906; director general Shiloh Monument Com. since 1908; chairman com. on recommendations of president general, Atlanta Convention; acting chairman com. on revision of constitution and by-laws, Atlanta Convention, 1908; chairman finance com., Houston Convention, 1909; elected pres. general at TTTch- mond Convention, 1911, term expiring Nov., 1913.

WHITE, Rhoda M., Stevens Hall, State College

of Washington, I'uUman. Wash.

Dean of women and prof, of sociology. State Coll. of Wash.; b. Richmond, Va. ; dau. William Walter and Carrie (Holmes) White; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.A. '06, fellow in sociology, 19'\S-f9 (mem. Red Domino— dramatic). Dean of women M'd- dlebury Coll., Vt., 1909-11; ass't prof, of so.iolocv Middicbury Coll., Vt., 1909-11. Went abroad^in 1906, studying industrial and social conditions, especially in the British Isles, also public recrea- tion, social use of public property; In 1912 called first conference of Deans of Women of Pacific Northwest at Spokane; In 1913 first conference

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