Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/895

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��©f Colonial Governors In the State of California, and organizer of the United Daughters of the Confederacy on the Pacific Coast. Charter mem. Century Club of California. Episcopalian. Democrat.

WRIGHT, Louisa V. (Mrs. J. W. Wright), Camas, Clarke Co., Wash.

Physician; b. Fern Prairie, Wash., Oct 30, 1862; dau. Lewis and Elizabeth A. (Coffey) Van Vleet; ed. Portland (Ore.) High School, '79, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '85; m. (1st) 1888, W. C. Spicer; (2d) 1902, J. W. Wright; children: Cecil Spicer, C. Lewis Spicer, Eidlth Spicer and six step-chil- dren. Mem. of County, State and Am. Med. Ass'na. Mem. of School Board 12 years (chair- man four years, clerk two years). Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Has been a Re- becca, a Woman of Woodcraft, a Pxjyal Neigh- bor, Yeoman and an Artisan. Recreations: Reading, driving.

WRIGHT, Louise Sopble WljfaU (Mrs. D. Giraud Wright). 809 Park Av , Baltlroore (winter), and "Driftwood," Parole P.O^ Md. (summer).

Bore Providence, R.I., Dec. S, 184C; dau. Louis Trfizevant and Charlotte M. (Cross) Wigfall, both natives of South CaroUr4a; father was U.S. Sena- tor from Texas before the Civil War; Confeder- ate States Senator for four ye&ra; brig. -gen, C.S.A., and first commander of the famous Tei.a.% Brigade and signer of Gocfederatc Constitution, ed. Miss Brooks' School, Washington, D.C., and Miss Pegram's School, Richmond, Va. ; m. Nov. 8, 1871, Judge D. Giraud Wright, of Baltimore; one son: William Henry DeCourcy. Author: A Southern Girl In '61. Mem. Maryland Soc. Col- onial Dames of America; honorary pres. (after 12 years service, resigning because of 111 heaJth) of Maryland dlviaion United Daughters of the Confederacy. Episcopalian. Against ■woman suffrage.

WRIGHT, Margaret Harden (Mrs. James Hay- den Wright), 371 Harvard St., Cambridge. Mass.

Etcher, designer; b. Newton, Mass., 18()9; dau. Henry C. and Anna W. (Wilson) Hardon; ed. Newton public schools; Wellesley Coll., S.B. (mem. Shakespeare Soc); Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology; studios of Merson and Cavaille-Coll. at Paris; m. April 24, 1901, James Hayden Wright; one son: James Hardon Wright, b. July 10, 1907. Exhibited Salon (Paris) in 1899. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Society of Boston, Cercolo Italiano, Salon Francais de Boston, Chicago Society of Etchers, College Club of Boston, Wellesley Club of Boston.

WRIGHT, Marie Robinson (Mrs. Hlnton P.

Wright), ChlBlehurst Circuit Road, New Ro-

chelle, N.Y.

Historical writer; b. Newnan, Ga., May A, 1867; dau. Hon. John E. and Sarah (Ramey) Robinson (father was one of the large slave owners of the South); ed. by private tutors and governesses; m. Newnan, Ga., Mar. 31, 1883, Hlnton P. Wright; one daughter; ZaJda Dent. Has made a study of Latin-America and considered an au- thority on that subject. Has. traveled many thousands of miles on mule-'back in Peru and Bolivia, beginning work in Brazil and visiting each Republic of South and Central America; speaks seven languages. Interested to help women who want to work and especially Inter- ested in project of a sanatorium for boys. Au- thor: Picturesque Mexico; The N€»w Brazil; The Old and New Peru; Bolivia; The Republic of Chill; Mexico of a Hundred Years; Tupl Legends. Catholic. Recreation: Riding horseback. Mem. NaL Geog. Soc, Geog. Soc. of Brazil, Geog. Soc of Mexico, Geog. Soc. of Bolivia, Geog. Soc. of Lima, Peru.

WRIGHT, Mary Conrtney Clark (Mrs. Charles W. Wright), 38 Heddln Terrace, Newark, N.J. Born Holly Springs, Miss., December, 1867; dau. William and Mary (Barton) Clark; ed. Holly Springs, Miss.; Franklin Coll., A.M. (sec- ond honor); m. Cisco, Tex., 1886, Charles D. Wright; children: Courtney, William, Elizabeth Lenore. Private Instructor in Inst, of Music. Interested in church work; has been choir mother

��of vested choir of boys In Jersey City, N.J.; worked in Sunday-school, missions and on ques- tions of child labor and juvenile reformation. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confed- eracy. Episcopalian. WRIGHT, Mary Eliza (Mrs. Henry M. Wright),

R.F.D. No. 2, Amboy, 111.

Born Bradford Township, 111., May 21, 1854; dau. Edwin Wright and Lora Jane (Adams) Pomeroy; ed. district school; Lee Center Acad.; Rockford Female Sem., '75; m. Aug. 4, 1879, Henry M. Wright; children: Lora J. (deceased). Lilies M., Sarah E. Taught school from gradua- tion until marriage. Mem. Missionary Soc, La- dies' Aid and Sunday-school. Recreations: Writ- ing, walking, sewing, mending, riding. Congre- gationalist. Against woman suffrage. WRIGHT, Rev. Mary Page, Oakdale. la.

Missionary, minister; b. West Jersey, 111.; dau. Rev. Samuel G. and Minerva (Hart) Wright; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. '71. Elected county sup't of schools, Coffey Co., Kansas, 1874; taught In Illinois, Kansas and Iowa public schools and in Rockford Coll. Ordained mis- sionary to Turkey In 1881 and served eight years under the Am. Board; field sec. for the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior, 10 years; speaker at World's Congress of Representative Women at Chicago, 1893; served under the Ar- menian and Indian Relief Ass'n in Asiatic Tur- key, 1903-06; ordained Congregational minister, 1910. WRIGHT, Mary Tappan (Mrs. John Henry

Wright), S2 Hawthorne St., Cambrldgf!, Mass.

Born Steubenville, O., Dec. }4, 1351; dau. Ell Todd and Lydia L. (MacDoTveil; Tappan; m. John Henry Wright, prof, of Greek In Harvard Coll. (died Nov. 25, 1908); children: Elizabeth Tappan, b. Feb. 15, 1880 (died Apr. 4, 1891); Aus- tin Tappan, b. Aug. 20, 1883; John Kirtland, b. Nov. 30, 1891. Author: A Truce and Other Stories; The Test; Aliens; The Tower; The Char- loters. Also numerous short stories. Including: Dead Letters (Independent); Vox (Harper's Maga- zine); A Day Together, Asphodel, Sacred Concert, etc. (Scribner's). WRIGHT, Sara Rowell (Mrs. Gordon H.

Wright), Restholme, London, Ont.

Born London, Ont., Oct 4, 1884; dau- Jotieph E. and Nancy (Green) Rowell; ed. London, &nt.; m. London, 1884, Gordon H. Wright; children: Edward, Douglas, Newton, John. National pres. of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union; pres. of the Woman's Missionary Soc. of bh«  Methodist Church (the London Conferenc* branch). Has written a series of leaflets on the evils of cigarette using, as well as other subjects relative to the work ol the W.C.T.U.; for several years was editor-in-chief of Canadian White Ribbon Tidings. Mem. the Woman's Canadian Club. Methodist Pavbrs woman suffrage; vlce- pres. of the London Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Wl'LFT, Emma Louise Schwelckert (Mrs.

Charles T. Wulff), 395 Terrace Av., Clifton,

Cincinnati, O.

Teacher; b. Cincinnati, April 23, 1856; dau. Christian Frledrich and Katherine (Fischle) Schwelckert: ed. Woodward High School, Cin- cinnati; Normal Coll.; Univ. of Cincinnati; m. May 12, 1882, Charles T. Wulff; children: Karl A., b. 1888; Gretchen, b. 1890; Doris, b. 1898. Founder of Norwood Federation of Women's Clubs and served term as its president. Active in educational Interests and original lit- erary work in the Woman's Press Club of Cin- cinnati. Favors woman suffrage. Chairman of German Com. for Suffrage in Cincinnati, O.. during the campaign of the summer of 1912. Historian of the Harriet Taylor Upton Study Club for 1912-13. Author of essays, poems, trans- lations. Unitarian; mem. Unitarian Alliance. Wl'RTS, Elizabeth Wister (Mrs. Charles Stewart

Wurts>, 926 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Duncannon, Pa.; dau. John and Sarab Tyler (Boas) Wlster; ed. Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia; m. Belfleld, Gerraantown, Phila- delphia, Oct. 20, 1892, Charles Stewart WurU; children: Mary Stuart, Charles Stewart, Johi Wlster, Elizabeth Fisher. EolscoDalian.

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