Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/897

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��WTNNE, Madeline Yale, Deerfleld, Mass.

Author and worker In metals; b. Newport, N.Y. ; dau. Linus Yale Jr., Inventor of the Yale lock, and Katherlne (Brooks) Yale; student In art of Boston Art Museum and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; married; children: Philip H., b. Jan. 17, 1868; Sydney Y., b. Sept. 6, 1870. Interested in arts and crafts and industries; has given much time to the development of metal work and the use of precious and seml-preciou'S stones in Jewelry and articles of ornamentation: first woman worker in metals; gave lectures and demonstrations to interest women In this work. Has contributed to Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Monthly, The Outlook, Handicraft, Home Beau- tiful, and various periodicals. Author: The Little Room. Clubs: Fortnightly, Little Room (Chi- cago), Copley Soc (Boston), Lyceum Club (Lon- don). Pres. of Deerfleld Industries. WTNNE, Margaret Welch (Mrs. "W. B. Wynne),

Wills Point, Tex.

Born Marshall, Tex., Mar. 20, 1862; dau. J. A. and Nancy (Judson) Henderson; ed. high school; m. Marshall, Tex., 1878, W. B. Wynne; children: Wynona, Robert, Angus Gilchrist, Buck, Mar- garet, T. L., Nancy, Ada, Gordon. Mem. Meth- odist Church. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Legal Status of Woman in Texas, 1909. Mem. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. W.C.T.U. ; former dist. pres.; State sup't of Juvenile Courts for W.C.T.U. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Mem. Wednesday Book Club, Wills Point, Texas; sup't of Juvenile Courts for Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909.

��TAGEB, Emma 8. (Mrs. William V. Yager),

Calmar, Iowa.

Born Boscobel, Wis., Aug. 31, 1860; dau. Joseph T. and Mary A. (Desmond) Shiplej ; ed. Decorah High School; m. May 1, 1884, William V. Yager; children: Beatrice Mary, b. Apr. 18, 1890; James Vincent, b. Oct. 14, 1899. Promoted the Boy Scout movement in city. Favors woman suilrage. Congregationalist. Church steward. Mem. W.C.T.U., Ladies Aid Soc. (pres., sec. and treas. at different times) ; founder Cemetery Ass'n; district treas. Woman's Home Missionary Soo., eight years; treas. Children's Home Find- ing Soc. Recreation: Traveling. Mem. Calmar Literary Soc., CJalmar Study Club (has been pres., sec, treas. and chairman Program Com.). YAIE, May Emery (Mrs. Washington Yale),

2120 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born East Boston, Mass., July 17, 1876; dau. George Newell and Phebe Wllman (Ilogers) Emery; grad. Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass. (mem. LaseJlia Club, local); m. Waltham, Mass., Oct. 25, 1899, Washington Yale. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Drummond Hall Social Settlement; mem. Ply- mouth Congregational Church and on various committees in conneotion with same. Fourth vioe-pres.-gen. of Daughters of the Revolution (former regent of Betsy Ross Chapter) ; mem. Minn. Fed. of Women's Clubs (on Civics Com.); mem. Monday Club of Minneapolis. YANDELL, Enid, 119 E. Nineteenth St., N.Y.

City. (Sammer, Edgartown, Martha's Vine- yard, Mass.)

Sculptor; b. Louisville, Ky., Oct., 1870; dau. Dr. Lunsford Pitts and Louise (Elllston) Yandell; grad. Hampton Coll., Louisville, Ky., MA.; Cincinnati (O.) Art School; pupil of Martlny, Macmonnies and Rodin, Paris. Executed Chan- cellor Garland Memorial, Vandcrbilt Univ., Nash- ville, Tenn.; Mayor Lewis Memorial, New Haven; Carrie Brown Memorial Fountain, Provi- dence, R.I.; Daniel Boone Monument, Cherokee Park, Louisville, Ky. ; Scudder Memorial, Farm- Ington, Conn.; Emma Willard Memorial, Albany, N.Y.; Hunt Memorial, Hartford, Conn. Sculptor of "Athena," Tenn. Centennial; Woman's Build- ing, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; Thomas Monu- ment, Nashville, Tenn.; Hogan Memorial Foun- tain, Louisville, Ky. ; made and designed foun- tains for Mr. Goodrich, Mr. John H. Hammond, Mr. William A. Read, Mr. J. R. Steers, Mr. Cam-

��man, Mr. Pomroy; sundials for Mrs. 0. H. Harrl- man, Mrs. C. C. Goodrich. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. (Edgartown, Mass.), Nat. Sculpture Soc. Municipal Art Soc, Am. Historic and Scenic Preservation Soc, Nat. Arts and Crafts (N.Y. City). Recreations: Out-door sports. Clubs: Nat. Arts, Pen and Brush, Women's Cosmopolitan (N.Y. City). Received Designers' medal. World's Fair, Chicago; silver medal, Tennessee Centen- nial Exposition; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposi- tion; hon. mention, Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo. Was decorated Offlcier d'Acadfemie by the French Government, 1907. YANTIS, Effle Earll (Mrs. Arnold Stevens Yan-

tis), 8 Tuxlll Square, Auburn, N.Y.

Artist; b. Skaneateles, N.Y., June 28, 1868; dau. John Murray and Julia Sophia (Brown) Earll; ed. Skaneateles Acad., Clinton Liberal Inst., Fort Plain, N.Y.; Cornell Univ.; m. (1st) Clifton Springs, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1892, Mark Vernon Slingerland (deceased); one daughter: Kathryn Lillis Slingerland, b. June 2, 1895 (2d) Ithaca, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1912, Rev. Arnold Stephens Yantis. In 1904 began to paint lantern slides for nature study and agricultural dep'ts of colleges, also illustrating in water colors. Now has a large business supplying universities and schools with hand-colored lantern slides. Mem. several social and philanthropic clubs. Woman's Alliance, Woman's Educational and Industrial Union of Auburn, N.Y., Ithaca Woman's Club, Child Study, Campus Club of Cornell Univ. (Ithaca. N.Y.), Cornell Woman's Club. Universaiist. Favors woman suffrage.

YAPLE, Mary H. (Mrs. George L. Yaple), Men- don, Mich.

Born July, 1851; dau. A. and Alvira (Mason) Hanklnson; ed. Rockford (111.) Sem.; North- western Univ., Evanston, 111., M.S. '71; m. Rock- ford, 111., Jan. 1, 1873, George L. Yaple; chil- dren: Edward, Fred. Carl, Marie, Harry George, Alice. Mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, King's Daughters, Y.W.C.A., Order Eastern Star. White Shrine of Jerusalem, two years su- preme high priestess. Favors woman suffrage; chairman of speakers for St. Joseph County. Mloh. Methodist. Democrat (Progressive). Mem. Women's Clu-b of Mendon, Mich., St. Joseph Co. (Mich.) Fed. of Women's Clubs. YABDLEY. Margaret Tufts Swan (Mrs. Charles B. Yardley), 332 William St.. East Orange, N.J. Born Albany, N.Y. ; dau. Samuel and Lucretla (Staniels) Swan; ed. by governesses and boarding schools of Miss Schenkberg in N.Y. City and Miss Gary in Philadelphia; m. N.Y. City, Charlea B. Yardley; children: Farnham, Margaret Y. Chlttick, Sam S., Charles B. Jr. Compiled a two- volume book for Columbian Exposition on Wo- men Writers of New Jersey. Episcopalian. Mam. Church Guild, George Jr. Republic of N.J., Orange Orphan Home, Sorosis, N.Y. City, and Woman's Club of Orange. Was first pres. of the N.J. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; State regent D.A.R. of N.J.

YABNALL, Julia C. (Mrs. Edwin A. Yamall), 237 Kenyon Av.. Swarthmore, Pa. Lecturer, editor; b. Auburndale, Mass.; dau Charles H. and Mary A. H. (Nichols) Cole; ed. Newton High School, Mass. ; Boston Univ. A B '87 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Philadelphia, Oct. 9 1895, Edwin A. Yarnall; children: Russell Atlee' b. Oct. 5, 1S97; Kenneth Cole, b. Oct. 2, 1899- ^ Waldo Ward, b. Oct. 22, 1902. Head of hisfory dep't, Newton High School, 1890-94; specialwork under Mass. State Board of Education, 1S92-94. Pres. Philadelphia branch Collegiate Alumnce. 1896-99; sec. and vice-pres. Swarthmore Home and School Ass'n. 1906-11; chairman Mothers' Section, Swarthmore Woman's Club, 1910-13- vice-pres. Pa. Congress of Mothers, 1911-13. Lec- turer on various subjects, especially Home Eco- nomics and Child Welfare. Interested in all philanthropic work. Pres. Philadelphia Alumnae Alpha Phi. Favors Tvoman suffrage. Has done some newspaper and magazine work. Editor of local weekly publication. The Swarthmore News Swarthmore, Pa., since 1911. Presbyterian. Mem. Ladies' Aid of Swarthmore Preabyterian Church, Swarthmore Fourth Ass'n (for safe and sana Fourth). Swarthmore Woman's Club.

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