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the face remarkable for strength and refinement of features suffused with the spirit of kindness and good will. Apparently he had just come from the next room, between the portieres of deep, wine-colored plush. The accidental note in the color scheme was the touch of rich blue in the necktie as in the eyes. It was a masterly piece of work, and the painter's name was Marie Gelon Cameron.

Mrs. Cameron has done some fine heads, interesting studies and still life. She was born in Paris, France, and studied with Jean Paul Laurens Cabanel, and Benjamin Constant. "Mending the Net," exhibited at St. Louis in 1904, is interesting. "Hallow'een" shows a charming young woman, a pan of delicious apples held in both hands. "Juliette" is an original ideal. The latter is owned by the Lake View Woman's Club. The "Portrait of American Diplomat," Mr. Gustavus Howard, received many pribzes at the Paris Salon and the Chicago Art Institute.

Many of the women we have considered have had fathers with more or less art instinct, the daughters having first encouragement from them. There have been very few exceptions that prove of interest.

The Middle West and South have an artist whom Oklahomans are delighted to honor. Nan Sheets was the fortunate girl whose mother was a cultured artist, giving her daughter first lessons in drawing and painting. After graduation from High School the practical mother suggested another course, and the daughter became a pharmacist. It proved a course with a practical meaning to an artist, for painting accessories are now far from the pigments used three and four hundred years ago, the pure colors of which still hold.

Mrs. Sheets is a hard worker, with a home to keep and studio calls and painting to monopolize her time. But she is the high light in the art world of Oklahoma, and is wholly unselfish.

She was born in Albany, Illinois. Her art studies have been with John F. Carlson, N. A.; Everett L. Warner, A. N. A.; Robert Reid, N. A.; Berger Sandzen, Hugh H. Breckenridge, N. A.; Nelle Knopf and Kathryn Cherry. Mrs. Sheets is an active exhibiting member of the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; The North Shore Art Association, Gloucester, Massachusetts; Southern States Art League, and the Association of Oklahoma Artists. A canvas was invited for the "Casa Alta" at Altman's of New York City the past winter; another to be exhibited at the Art Industry Exposition in Cleveland, Ohio. Nan Sheets received a special Sandzen Land-