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Italian garden of the space at the rear of her studio as environment for some of her work. A relief in marble of "The Blind Soldier" was particularly significant embowered amid evergreens.

The Titanic memorial, given by the women of America to be erected in Washington, D. C., is the work of Mrs. Whitney. The position of the half-draped man with outstretched arms is that of a man in the water about to take another stroke, which he does not take, and the arms are upborne by the water. Here again is the pathos of a tragedy.

One of Mrs. Whitney's latest achievements is most striking in its symbolism. It is a tall marble shaft surmounted by a huge spread eagle upon whose back an American soldier in a floating attitude is holding a long sword, point downward. The eagle has just alighted from the west; the soldier comes with drawn sword to assist in bringing peace. In commemoration of the landing of American troops, this remarkable memorial stands aloft on the rock-bound coast at Saint Nazaire, France.

In the beautiful courtyard of the Pan-American Building at Washington, D. C., is a work by Mrs. Whitney in absolute harmony with the name and purpose of the structure—an Aztec Fountain. Primitive in design, simple in treatment, it might impress one as a relic of the past.

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney did not take up sculpture till after the birth of her daughter, and began her art study at the New York Students' League, later with Daniel C. French and James Earl Fraser. In Paris she came under the influence of Auguste Rodin, who offered her the use of his studio and suggestions. The influence of his technique is apparent in some degree in her work, in the broad suggestiveness of treatment. The fountain of "Eldorado" is Mrs. Whitney's work.

Edith Woodman Burroughs has been very successful with portrait busts, one in particular, a strong forceful likeness of John Bigelow, the author and diplomat. This, if no others were seen, is characteristic of her method of representing personality. Mrs. Burroughs has done other big work, big from the standpoint of her outlook on life and its effects on her sitter, and unconsciously on herself, which gives her the introspection and freedom of expression in her work.

Bancroft was gifted with prophetic vision when he realized that "Westward the star of Empire takes its way," a star that has guided thousands toward the sunset land, that has proved to be the sunrise land to them.

Iowa is one of the great granary states of the country, but intellectuality