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it extends through life. Once a mother, always a mother. There is no divorcing, no stepping down and out; only the graduation from earth to the spiritual plane.

The benefit is mutual; the love and uplift reciprocal. If every young woman could realize her privilege and responsibility in being a woman, a wife and mother, and shape her life, its pleasures, duties, and daily influence for the truest, sweetest, and strongest principles and precepts she knows—there would be such a turning and overturning of human life and affairs that the Lord's Prayer would be answered in two generations.

Woman is coming to her own as fast as she is qualified to fill her sphere. But let her not forget that the most important, vital qualifications are those of heart and mind. Live the Golden Rule and the Kingdom will come. Be true and you will be lovely, and beloved. Be helpful, and you will find true happiness here and hereafter.