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is said and done, what is its value? There is the influence of it on himself or herself. There is the influence on the beholder. Be it mechanical invention, a Tribune Tower or a painting great with spirit like the Sistine Madonna its influence is long—centuries long.

"What is man that thou art mindful of him?" asked the Psalmist, and he continues, "Thou hast made him but little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor." Made in the likeness of the Creator, all mankind are His children, and He has given His offspring such a body as pleased Him.

We marvel at the fleeting glory of the sunset; at the beauty and texture of flower creations; at the color and brilliance of gems exhumed from the clay or rocks where they have been hidden for aeons; at the canyons and waterfalls undiscovered in remote corners of the earth through untold milleniums, the while from their height and volume has roared the tremendous diapason of God's symphony of Nature.

"He hath made all things beautiful in His time."

Nothing so exalts the soul of a young mother, as she looks upon her own child for the first time, as the desire to mould that little life toward splendid manhood or womanhood. If she carries her best efforts, prayers, and example continuously, a better world will reward the mothers of the world. The fulfilling of prophecy, the fulfilling of God's plan for the uplift of humanity, and the coming of the spirit kingdom on this earth—for which Christ taught us to pray—all, all depends upon You, God's helpers as the Mothers of men.